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May 16, 2024
More Proof Comes In The Undeniable Links Between 'Chronic Lyme Disease' And 'Long COVID' That A Barbaric 'Depopulation Agenda' Exists And That Western Civilization Is The Target
According to this new story over at Natural News titled "ULTIMATE BIOWEAPON: Despite all the DISTRACTIONS, the pandemic was always about getting as many humans vaccinated as possible," the COVID 'pandemic' end game was always about getting as many human beings to inject their 'depopulation bioweapons' as possible,forget about the torture of lockdowns, the brain-suffocating masks, and the society-crippling social distancing mandates,although all of those were a great 'preparation' for the full-scale 'medical martial law' they'll be rolling out at some point in the future.
Warning us within their story that most Americans unknowingly agreed to the most dangerous medical experiment in the history of Western Medicine byinjecting the mRNA-bioweapon that was disguised as 'a vaccine,'as their story warned, the long term plan was to infect the entire human body with toxic spike prions that bind together using nanotechnology, clog the vascular system, pollute the cleansing organs, strain the heart, freak out the immune system, disrupt the central nervous system, and destroy any fetus,and a countless number of Americans quickly lined up for that 'free medical care.'
And with it totally proven now that 'Operation Warp Speed' was a US military operation, with even the US Department of Defense admitting to that on their website, meant to be 'carried out at Warp Speed' as the name of the 'Operation' suggests, to 'inject' as many Americans as possible and as quickly as they possibly could, as the previously mentioned Natural News story alarmingly warned, "today's war gas chambers are bioweapons disguised as vaccines," and most of America simply 'rushed in,' without even knowing what they were getting into.
And with that 'Operation' leading to an exploding number of cancers of all varieties, heart attacks and immune system's going haywire, with the 'spike proteins' tricking our bodies into malfunctioning and attacking itself, the US military has a very long history of creating and then unleashing bioweapons upon an unknowing American public, quite literally attacking those who pay their salaries when they were supposed to be going to war with the enemies of the American people, all in the name of 'depopulation,' wiping as many of us out as they possibly can for our 'globalist overlords' who still have a very long way to go if they're to get America's population down to less than 100 million people by 2025 as projected for years and years by the Deagel Report.
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With Deagel also forecasting a massive reduction in population numbers for almost all of Western Civilization as seen in the map above, showing nearly all of Europe was to experience a massive decline in their population numbers, as well as Australia and New Zealand, take note that most of the rest of the world wasn't 'forecast' go go through the same kind of 'culling' as America, Canada and Europe were, as if they knew ahead of time exactly 'who' their enemies were and who they were going to 'kill off'. Why, must I ask, were they forecasting massive depopulation for Western Civilization? And why has the US military geared so many of their 'biological warfare programs' to target Americans and people living in Western Civilization?
And as this story over at the Dr. Rath Health Foundation from all the way back in 2018 reported,there is also a 'hidden history' between 'Lyme Disease' and the US military, with proven links to their 'Biological Warfare Research' programs going back many years now.
Warning within that story that lyme disease is one of the most under-diagnosed illnesses in the world,with a countless number of doctors not even believing it exists, and that it's all in the sufferers minds, I bring up lyme disease now because of the many links being found now between lyme disease and what's been called'long COVID'.
As the Massachusetts Institute of Technology reported in this story titled "Tackling long-haul diseases,"long-haul covid and chronic Lyme disease are surprisingly similar. Warning us within that story that millions of Americans have been suffering from Lyme disease without any treatment, with many of those people suffering for years and years and most anti-biotics completely ineffective, take note that many of those who suffer from Chronic Lyme, just as many of those who suffer from 'Long COVID,' are simply called 'crazy' by the medical community (and those who still listen to them,) claiming that their symptoms are 'all in their heads'. From that MIT story.:
Even after timely antibiotic treatment, roughly 10% of all Lyme patients go on to develop chronic symptoms that can include crushing pain, debilitating fatigue, and cognitive changes that make basic tasks a struggle.
Perhaps even more alarming than the disease has been the medical communitys response to it. I realized that theres this public health debacle around Lyme, and its, for lack of a better word, obscene, Tal says. Chronic Lyme patients skew female, and for decades, clinicians have dismissed their symptoms as signs of mental illness.The medical establishment has done nothing but call them crazy, Tal says, instead of admitting that they just dont understand whats going on.
Today, there is no objective way to diagnose chronic Lyme, and no medically accepted therapy. For some patients, lengthy treatments with high doses of antibiotics can ease symptoms, but these come with their own serious risks. (They can, for example, damage the microbiome, leading to significant negative effects on health.) And because the antibiotic used currently only prevents bacteria from replicating, Tal notes, its up to the immune system to actually kill off the invaders. If immune cells cant tell friend from foe, the utility of antibiotics may be limited.
And as Natural News had reported in this recent story discussing the MIT story just referenced, with both 'chronic lyme disease' as well as 'long COVID' being not only denied by the mainstream medical establishment but also clear evidence that they are tied to the US military's biological weapons programs, and both illnesses having no clear 'cure,' the end results of both chronic lyme and 'long COVID' is a seemingly never-ending illness with no established cure, directly caused by the US military, deep state, and our globalist overlords who want us all dead.
So with alarming evidence showing the COVID vaccines are directly tied to 'long COVID,' as well as the undeniable links between the COVID vaxxes and what are being called 'turbo cancers' as detailed by Dr. William Makis MD on his substack blog, as we're warned in the 1st video below, there is undeniable proof that the COVID vaxxes have the highest kill rate in medical history, a fact that is totally being ignored by the mainstream media.
In the 2nd video below, we hear a lengthy discussion about the links now being found between 'Long COVID' and chronic lyme disease with a panel of experts taking a dive deep into the nuances of long COVID and long Lyme disease, drawing upon clinical experience in the US and Ireland.
And while I may not agree with everything that these doctors discuss, it's good to see that at least these things are being discussed when for many years, the mainstream media believed everything surround chronic lyme disease was all in the sufferers heads.
In the 3rd video below we hear more about how these COVID jabs were undeniably a US military operation to get as many Americans and people all across the planet jabbed in 'warp speed' while in the 4th and final video below, we hear more about how 'turbo cancers' have been exploding since the rollout of the jabs, a perfect reason why, as pointed out in this story over at Natural News,"It is high time that an army of people from all over the world arrest and deal with all those involved in bioweapons production,"
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