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February 24, 2024
U.S. Ministry Of Truth Exists, Began Under Obama In 2016 Targeting Independent Media Under The Guise Of Countering Foreign And Non-State aka Independent Media, 'Propaganda'
In 2016, while publicly claiming there was no chance for Donald Trump to beat Hillary Clinton in the race to become president, the Obama regime was taking a number of steps behind the scenes to either prevent Trump from winning, or to undermine his presidency should he prevail and win the election against Clinton.
Many of those actions have already been exposed in the years since Obama left the White House, such as the unprecedented surveillance of Trump and his associates, Trump tower, and his campaign members.
While we also knew that it was the Hillary Clinton campaign that paid for the infamous "Steele Dossier" to accuse Trump of colluding with Russia, it was recently confirmed that the CIA under Obama targeted 26 associates of Trump, "to the USs intelligence-sharing partners in the so-called Five Eyes agencies the intelligence-gathering organizations in the US, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand," as per NYP.
Despite all of Obama, the FBI & CIA's antics, Donald Trump was elected, beating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, in large part because Independent Media collectively, meaning hundreds of websites, reported news about Clinton, her email scandals, her publicly passing out at a 9/11 memorial and a whole slew of topics the liberal mainstream media tried to bury, but were forced to report, even trying to spin the news favorably for Clinton, which failed spectacularly.
We have previously reported on a federally funded company named NewsGuard, which targets independent media websites that report on issues that counter the official narrative, and targets them with claims of "disinformation," to blacklist them for advertising. In other words, they tell advertising services that websites like ANP, is pushing disinformation, so they will not allow their advertising on the website.
It took a while to finally get somebody to admit to the reason we were only getting advertisers that pay the lowest amounts, but admit it they did.
Now we have another name to add to the list, an agency started in 2016 under Obama, that supposedly was created to counter "propaganda" by foreign and "non-state" actors.
(ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)
It is not named the Ministry of Truth, it is namedGlobal Engagement Center.
Via Wiki:The Global Engagement Center (GEC) is an agency within the Bureau of Global Public Affairs at the United States Department of State. Established in 2016, its mission is to lead U.S. government efforts to "recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or influencing the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its allies, and partner nations" around the world.
The GEC website describes it's mission in the following manner:
Mission: To direct, lead, synchronize, integrate, and coordinate U.S. Federal Government efforts to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or influencing the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its allies, and partner nations.
That alone brings up a couple of questions, the first being, who determines what is and what is not propaganda? If another country makes a claim, true or not, but the GEC on behalf of the powers-that-be doesn't want to admit it, or wants Americans to disregard it, is it really propaganda?
Also, the use of the term "non-state."
According to Cambridge Dictionary, non-state is defined as "something that does not belong to or is not controlled by a government." Legally they can, and are, targeting Independent Media as non-state actors.
Do Independent Media websites fall under the non-state category? Apparently so.
Via Washington Examiner in a piece discussing how Republican lawmakers are accusing the State Department of threatening to obstruct their investigation into censorship of companies in the United States. The State department is telling theHouse Small Business Committee that information requested would only be allowed to be viewed in camera, meaning Committee members would not be allowed to obtain the documents, but would only be allowed to see them.
Not only is this an impermissible standard, but it improperly hinders congressional oversight, House Small Business Committee Chairman Roger Williams (R-TX) and Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) wrote in a letter Friday to GEC special envoy James Rubin and Naz Durakoglu, assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs. The letter once more asked the GEC to turn over lists of subcontractors and grant recipients, among other records, plus an internal document titled 2023.02.14 GEC-GDI-BLACKLIST.docx and for a briefing.
The heightened tension between U.S. officials and congressional investigators comes asthe state of Texas and two conservative media outlets, the Daily Wire and the Federalist, press ahead in a lawsuit against the GECfor allegedly funding an unconstitutional censorship scheme. The lawsuit names top officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and centers on the GECs prior awarding of federal funds to the Global Disinformation Index and NewsGuard, a company purporting to track misinformation online. Both GDI and NewsGuard were mentioned in the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, which included a provision aiming to ban the Pentagon from awarding them cash.
Kudos to the State of Texas, Daily Wire and the Federalist, because without them, many in America would not have known about the GEC, formally known as the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC).
The CSCC, established in 2011, was tosupport "agencies in Government-wide public communications activities targeted against violent extremism and terrorist organizations," but Obama changed it to target foreign and non-state "propaganda."
This is extremely ironic as it was Obama that repealed ananti-propaganda law that prevented the government from spreading government created news, also known as propaganda, to Americans.
A law went into effect this month that ends the ban on U.S. government-made propaganda from being broadcast to Americans. In a remarkably creative spin, the supporters of this law say that allowing Americans to see American propaganda is actually a victory for transparency.
Think about that. Obama green-lighted U.S. government created propaganda to be spread to Americans. If Independent Media counters that "official" propaganda, the changed agency GEC, along with federally funded NewsGuard, blacklists any website that calls out the government created propaganda.
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