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November 2, 2023

US Marine Corps Cancels Their November 16th, 248th Annual Central Command Ball, Another Sign Of WW3 Being Fought All Out In The Coming Days, Bringing Martial Law To US Soil

- 'There is something terribly wrong with this country'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

For those who aren't aware, Thursday, November 16th of 2023, was supposed to be a HUGE night for the United States Marines. The night of the US Marine Corp's Central Command's 248th annual ball, a big night for them of heavy drinking, dancing and 'gay pride,' as this thread over at Inside Paper on twitter points out,the U.S. Marine Corps Central Command's 248th Ball is cancelled due to "unforeseen operational commitments and the nature of our current mission."

Happening during the exact same time that this thread by Military Arms on twitter had pointed out "If the Marines cancel their ball, that means war is on the horizon. The Marines wouldn't cancel their favorite drinking event of the year unless they had something more pressing, like a war to conduct," all of that mess is also happening at the very same time period as the website just put out this alarming story titled "The Army Suddenly, and Chaotically, Told Hundreds of Soldiers They Have to Be Recruiters Immediately,"a story showing us exactly the direction we're now being herded.

With that story reporting "Without warning, hundreds of noncommissioned officers were ordered via email to report to the recruiting school at Fort Knox, Kentucky, in less than a week, with hundreds more set to start at the school in December -- a sudden unexpected move by the Army as the service scrambles to boost its recruiting force by 800 by the end of the year," that story reports that while the US Army has roughly 10,000 recruiters currently, "that force has been bleeding troops over the past year."

And while their story didn't point out exactly WHY the US Army, along with the other US military outfits, have been 'bleeding troops,' as Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann warn in the must-watch 1st video at the bottom of this story, there is something now TERRIBLY WRONG with our country, a country where the 'government' only cares about its' increasing power and control, while caring not at all about its' citizenry, at least not the citizens who've lived here for their entire lives and support that increasingly tyrannical govt with their taxes.

And with that 'government,' run by joe biden and the increasingly insane left, giving more of its assistance and attention to illegal immigrants, who should NEVER be here in the first place, than to the American people, with reports that biden's illegal border crossings have already skyrocketed to over 10 million and many more now on the way, as we'd warned on October 31st on ANP, the absolutely bizarre website called ',' a United States government SOURCED website, has long forecast America would be a 3rd world nation by the year 2025, and that the US and Israel would be the 'big losers' of World War 3.

So with all of these very recent stories showing the US military now getting ready to make some huge moves in the days and weeks ahead, and the website also putting out this story back in July of 2023 titled "We Need a Limited Military Draft" being another sign of where we're headed if the war-mongering neocons, leftists and globalists get their way, who's really ready for a worst case scenario of World War 3 being fought upon US soil, bringing with it martial law, to America?

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As this new story over at The Post Millennial titled "BREAKING: Marine Corps Central Command cancels 248th ball due to 'unforeseen operational commitments'" alarmingly points out about their decision to cancel their 'ball,' "Please know that this decision was not made lightly..."

And happening at the exact same time period as joe biden claiming 'war powers,' with biden recently sending war powers notification to Congress as reported in this Washington Times story, how long will it be until we're witnessing full-scale acts of war carried out upon US soil, and against the American people, due to biden's actions overseas in far away nations? The fact that all of this is happening at the very same time speaks volumes. From this Post Millennial story before we continue.:

The Marine Corps Central Command's 248th Ball, which was set to take place on November 16, has reportedly been canceled due to "unforeseen operational commitments."

"Regretfully and with a strong sense of duty, I write to inform you of a decision that I had to make regarding the Marine Corps 248th Ball, scheduled for 16 November 2023," the letter from Marine Corps Commander Major General Chris McPhillips states.

"Due to unforeseen operational commitments and the nature of our current mission, it is with great regret that we must cancel this years event."

"While we must forgo this opportunity this year, it is a reminder of the sacrifices we make in service to our country. Please know that this decision was not made lightly, and the chief consideration was the need to uphold the highest standards of readiness and the completion of our operational responsibilities."

Marine Corps Forces Central Command is a "service component for US Central Command," and is responsible for "all Marine Corps forces in the CENTCOM area of responsibility."

CENTCOM lists its priorities as three "lines of effort:" Deter Iran, Counter Violent Extremist Organizations, and Compete Strategically, as well as three "functional priorities:" Regional Constructs and Integrated Air and Missile/Counter Unmanned Aerial systems."

CENTCOM covers the Middle East, including countries like Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Israel, and up to Kazakhstan.

Yet none of us should be at all surprised at that madness that's unfolding now on joe biden and the democrats watch. As Paul Joseph Watson had perfectly pointed out in this recent story titled "The First Casualty Of War Is Truth," we're now at a point when and where all sides in this rapidly spreading conflict are weaponizing propaganda to entrench the narrative that they have the moral high ground, that at a time when history shows in most wars, NEITHER SIDE has that 'moral high ground'.

And as we'd pointed out just days ago on ANP, just think about World War 3 being fought with US soldiers proud to be 'drag queens,' while today's 'younger generations' say they'll never go away to fight joe biden's wars. No wonder the US military services are having such a difficult time getting REAL MEN to sign up to fight in their wars. We've clearly been set up for annihilation and destruction.

So with the 'fog of war' already growing increasingly dense in the past month+ as we're being pushed as a nation and the world towards widespread death, destruction and total obliteration, as Allan J. Feifer had reported in this November 1st story over at The American Thinker titled "When History Is Rewritten, Look Out," events worldwide can be tied to just a few central players trying to orchestrate the end of Western civilization.

With the Deagel Report for nearly 10 years forecasting 'Western Civilization' to be all but 'eliminated' by the year 2025, our economy turned into a 3rd world nation while our population is devastated, numerous 'forecasts' showing over 70% of the US population 'wiped out,' as Brandon Smith had warned in this October 27th of 2023 story over at AltMarket.US, beware full-scale martial law in America coming along with World War 3 upon US soil. An extended excerpt from that story before our conclusion.:

When it comes to Israel and the implications of war the concern is once again rooted in cultural erasure. To be fair, its not a paranoid delusion. Western culture is in fact being systematically dismantled and mass immigration is a part of that agenda. Its also true that Islamic ideology is completely incompatible with western beliefs including the concept of individualism. Muslim systems are authoritarian in nature, that is what Sharia Law is.

So, when conservatives see the potential for the fall of Israel they associate this with the fall of the west, and they will seek to stop it if they can. Beyond Israel is the concern that an invasion of Muslim extremists is already well underway in the US with open border policies becoming the norm under Joe Biden. And here is where the trap is set

Martial law in the US would only ever work if a majority of conservatives support it. This is a fact. Without our backing martial law will fail, just as the covid mandates failed. Keep in mind, Biden and his globalist friends have used every possible tactic to make martial law an inevitability. Economic instability and stagflation have created a spike in violent crime and looting. Mass illegal migration is dragging down state welfare systems and is creating a trend of cultural dilution. Open borders have allowed any number of possible foreign hostiles into the US.

In the midst of war the government desire to control information and public discourse will be at its apex. However, as we have seen during covid and the Ukraine war, they have not proven effective at accomplishing this. As long as the internet is in place it does not matter what kind of algorithms Big Tech applies to stifle the truth, the truth still finds a way. This means that the establishment will have to pursue extreme measures that could only be achieved within a martial law environment. I see this situation going one of two ways if the current geopolitical trend continues

Option A: A multi-front war breaks out in the Middle East including nations like Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Yemen. Israel faces serious failure. The US is dragged into the war, or, Israel uses its nuclear arsenal to destroy the resources (including populations) of enemy nations, leading to the possible involvement of China and Russia, and thus, the US is still dragged in.

Riots and terror attacks become a regular occurrence in the US, not just initiated by Muslim extremist infiltrators but also leftists who have attached themselves to the cause.

A draft is initiated which conservatives support in the hopes that it will help dissolve the riots. The draft will sink millions of weak, soft zennials (including women) into a bloody quagmire that they have no capacity to adapt to. Draft protests and riots become the norm, pushing conservatives to support even stricter enforcement.

Finally, martial law is announced, but the soldiers used on American soil to protect us from riots and terrorists will be primarily foreign nationals Illegal migrants given an easy shot at citizenry if they join the military and put the boot down on dissenters, which they will gladly do because they have no cultural attachment to America or Americans. At this stage the constitution will essentially die.

Option B: The war expands and Israel faces imminent destruction. Biden commits US naval forces to the fight along with ground troops, primarily Special Forces. He then calls for full deployment of US ground forces to the region, but in this scenario the majority of conservatives do not support the action, just as they did not support deployment to Ukraine.

Biden tries to implement a draft in order to force the momentum. Conservatives refuse to comply or allow their children to be sent to die in a foreign conflict. On this one issue, conservatives and leftists actually agree, even if it is for completely different reasons. The country is then hit with an endless series of terror attacks, each one presented as a reason why the public must back the war. Each attack is cheered by the leftist activists as an act of decolonization.

Conservatives see this ploy for what it is and still refuse to support the war, taking an America First position. Why fight overseas when its America thats under duress?

Biden still attempts martial law. He offers automatic citizenship to illegal immigrants if they serve in the military and uses some of these troops as an occupation presence at home. Leftists dont want to fight in the Middle East, but they do like to see migrants given easy citizenship and power. They defend the measure They figure if the migrants fill the ranks of the military maybe they wont be drafted.

Conservatives rebel, America enters either balkanization or civil war, or both. Patriots are accused of helping the enemies of the United States and are also labeled terrorists. From this point on, anything could happen.

I believe the Israeli trigger may be bigger than covid in terms of the potential global disaster and global tyranny that could unfold. If it continues to escalate and turns into a multi-regional conflict the chances of the fight coming back to America are high. Not just in terms of terrorism, but also in terms of civil unrest and war on our doorstep. If we support the war, martial law is a certainty. If we dont support the war, martial law will be attempted but at least there are scenarios where it could fail.

I would argue that the only thing that will save America at this stage is the growth of the America First movement. When we talk about America First, this includes not just American security but also American freedoms. There is NO REASON why we cant have both. If conservatives (and independents) get lured into WWIII, it will be the end.

So with the United States military giving us a seemingly endless number of signs that this already 'hot war' will soon be getting much, much hotter, including the US Marines cancelling their 'ball;' the US Army, suddenly and without warning, appointing a number of new 'employees' as 'recruiters;'all of the 'services' bleeding new recruits; joe biden sending Congress new 'war powers acts;' while we move towards 2025 and our own government turns strongly against the American people in every way, shape and form as it seeks to consolidate its own powers, we again stress Americans be prepared for absolutely anything and everything in the days, weeks and months ahead as the world slips into warmongering madness that, should it turn nuclear, immediately changes everything for everybody.

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