August 17, 2023
This Is What Happens When US Govt Terrorists Use Top Secret Weaponry To Wage War Upon The American People - Brutally Murdering Innocent Children Helps Them Achieve 'Depopulation'
- Lahaina, Maui Being Set Up To Be '15-Minute Vacation City' For Global Elite
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Back on January 9th of 2020, the National Defense University Press published this story titled "Directed Energy Weapons Are Real . . . And Disruptive," a story within which they immediately referenced the 1951 science fiction film, The Day the Earth Stood Still,a film in which powerful ray guns are shown vaporizing rifles and even tanks.
Also referencing within their story the Star Wars movies, in which a wide variety of directed energy weapons are depicted, from handheld light sabers to massive, spaceship-mounted laser cannons,their story then answers a series of questions for those who still think that 'directed energy weapons, aka DEW's,' are some kind of 'Hollywood fantasy' or a'crazy conspiracy theory,' questions such as:
What exactly is a directed energy weapon?
Are these weapons still science fiction, lab experiments, or are they real?
How can they be used and how disruptive can they be?
What are the challenges and next steps?
Then confirming for us within that story that 'directed energy weapons' are indeed quite real and that they can be incredibly 'disruptive,' the Office of Naval Research reports of these weapons.:
Directed energy weapons (DEWs) are defined as electromagnetic systems capable of converting chemical or electrical energy to radiated energy and focusing it on a target, resulting in physical damage that degrades, neutralizes, defeats, or destroys an adversarial capability. Navy DEWs include systems that use High Energy Lasers (HEL) that emit photons, and High Power Microwaves (HPM) that release radiofrequency waves. The U.S. Navy uses DEWs for power projection and integrated defense missions. The ability to focus the radiated energy reliably and repeatedly at range, with precision and controllable effects, while producing measured physical damage and/or mission defeat, is the measure of DEW system effectiveness.
HPM weapons create beams of electromagnetic energy over a broad spectrum of radio and microwave frequencies in both narrow-band (bandwidth ~< 1%) and wide-band (bandwidth >> 1%) with the intent of coupling/interacting with electronics within targeted systems either by causing damage or temporary disruption from which the system cannot self-recover in time to accomplish its mission.
Directed energy HPM provides the U.S. Navy many benefits including speed of light attack, deep magazines and modest electrical power from the host platform. Additional benefits include broad beams for wide area coverage with comparatively simple targeting, and the ability to be used in congested (urban) environments where kinetic weapons may have constricted use.
And with a google search for 'directed energy weapons' just this morning bringing up 4 very interesting results that I didn't expect to see, take note that the globalists are again telling us what they're thinking by these 4 stories that they linked to right there on the first page of the google results.
From BBC News: "Hawaii wildfires: 'Directed energy weapon' and other false claims go viral"
A 'Fact Check' story from USA Today: "Maui Fires Not Caused By Light Beam In Image - Fact Check"
From Newsweek: "Hawaii Wildfires Spark Conspiracy Theory About 'Directed Energy Weapons'"
And from Snopes: "No, This Video Doesn't Show a 'Directed Energy Weapon' Attack on Maui"
So why are the globalists suddenly paying so much attention to the 'Maui was hit by directed energy weapons' theory if all it was is a 'crazy conspiracy theory?' Much more on that below.
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With that previously referenced story from the Office of Naval Research telling us exactly why DEW's are such a perfect and deadly weapon for the globalists to carry out warfare, with them able to carry out 'untraceable' attacks at 'the speed of light,' and attacks able to be carried out 'over wide areas,' as Dane Wigington explains to us in the must-watch 1st video at the bottom of this story, the technology the US military and globalists now have to carry out untraceable genocide is absolutely devastating.
Bluntly warning us that 'HAARP' is an 'ionosphere heater' that can wreak havoc upon the ground, able to beam 3.5 million watts of power into an electrically charged ionosphere, creating massive amounts of heating within the atmosphere, as Dane warns us, that can quite literally fry crops and trees on the ground.
And while many will still claim that 'HAARP' is some kind of 'crazy conspiracy theory,' we have absolute proof in this Physics Today story titled "HAARP, the most powerful ionosphere heater on Earth" as well as this story titled "Atmospheric physics: Heating up the heavens" just how REAL this 'weapon of mass destruction' is, yet the batsh*t crazy globalists keep blaming 'climate change' upon people eating red meat or driving gas-powered cars or using gas-powered stoves.
As Susan Duclos proved on August 15th in this ANP story titled "The Climate Change Con Has Literally Terrorized An Entire Generation Into Thinking The World Is Burning - The Only 'Man-Made' Climate Change Is From Geoengineering And Weather Warfare," while joe biden and the left keep crying on about 'climate change' and 'global boiling' being responsible for the fires on Maui, THEY THEMSELVES are the people responsible for any 'man-made climate change' upon our planet with their 'weather modification programs' that have been going on now for over 100 years.
And as Mike Adams recently pointed out in this entryas also heard in the 3rd video at the bottom of this story, there is an incredible amount of still mounting evidence suggesting that these 'fires' upon Maui were another globalist attack upon the human race, and one to accomplish a very real objective in their eyes, getting incredibly valuable property away from Native Hawaiians who wouldn't sell it to 'the state' and those who have long been pushing to grab it up to build their 15-minute cities. First, from Mike Adams with much more on the totally bizarre coincidences in the final section of this story below.
Evidence keeps mounting that the #Lahaina fires were DELIBERATELY shaped:
1) The (hurricane) warning sirens did not sound. Were they turned off on purpose?
2) The local fire department was ordered OFF the fire, claiming it was "contained"
3) The fire was still burning, though, with 70 mph winds known to be approaching
4) Emergency responder resources were WITHHELD from Lahaina as the fires raged
5) Local schools were cancelled to make sure children were at home, without their (working) parents
6) As a result, HUNDREDS of children were burned alive like a mass child sacrifice ritual
7) There is a massive COVER-UP right now about how many children were burned alive
This has all the hallmarks of an engineered act of #terrorism waged against the people of Hawaii...
America is under constant attack by the terrorist regime in power, run by criminals and satanists.
And as we can see in the image above, there were all kinds of crazy things that recently happened during the Maui fires, what many would call 'unusual coincidences' but as we've learned over many years of reporting on 'false flag terrorism' and the globalists agenda, whenever there are SO MANY different 'coincidences' surrounding particular events, it's likely they are no 'coincidences' at all but part of 'the plan'.
In the final video at the bottom of this story our videographer goes over all of the 'strange things that just don't add up' surrounding the fires on Maui, things such as the 'top cop' on Maui being one John Pelletier, who also just happened to be the 'incident commander' on the Las Vegas strip during the 2017 shooting there. Just a 'bizarre coincidence' or 'part of the plan'?
And what about all of the 'luxury mansions' on Maui that were 'miraculously' missed by the fires, just very strange coincidences or somehow, another part of the devilish plan? As both Becker News and Zero Hedge just reported in new stories, the governor of the state of Hawaii has already revealed plans to 'acquire' the land that was scorched in these blazes, as if they already have plans in place for it.
With this Zero Hedge story (originally written by Michael Snyder over at The Most Important News) reporting that Native Hawaiian property owners in Lahaina, Maui, have long been being pressured to sell their properties but that many of them had refused, who'd put it past the globalist government from carrying out barbaric acts of terrorism upon them to force them to sell, as long as those acts of terrorism were unable to be traced back to them? More "15-Minute Cities," anyone? From that Zero Hedge story.:
The Hawaiian governor Josh Green revealed plans for the state to potentially purchase properties in the seaside town of Lahaina, which was devastated by the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history.
Im already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost, Green commented amid the ruins.
There it is.
Apparently Green has his own plans for these properties.
Both the 2nd and 3rd videos at the bottom of this story take a deeper dive into all of the bizarre coincidences that happened during these devastating fires as well as why so many people now believe that HAARP and/or 'directed energy weapons' were used in these latest globalist attacks upon humanity.
And for anyone who still thinks that 'government' would never use devastating, top secret weapons upon a people, or even upon entire towns or cities, if it helps them to achieve their political goals has never heard of 'Operation Northwoods.' The following excerpt comes fromthis previously referenced 'National Defense University Press' storywhich also shows just how much money the American taxpayer is paying to fund these DEW's and how much more research is needed to fully understand how their usage will impact the weather.
One of the greatest attributes of directed energy weapons is that they operate at the speed of light. So, for a hypersonic weapon that is travelling at 25 times the speed of sound, a high- energy laser can engage it at roughly 35,000 times its speed. This makes targeting and tracking easier as well. Space-based high energy lasers could be brought to bear especially in the boost/ascent phase of boost glide hypersonic missiles where a high-energy laser could destroy the vehicle early in its trajectory. At the speeds that these hypersonic missiles fly, they have vulnerabilities which could be exploited by directed energy weapons. Therefore, HELs and HPMs could also play a role in the midcourse/terminal phase of both types of hypersonic missile flight.
Directed energy weapons are no longer just science fiction. They are real and are maturing rapidly. In the next several years, the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force all plan to develop and field these weapons at an increasing pace. They will be deployed on land vehicles, aircraft, helicopters, and ships.
Even the most conservative market projections for directed energy weapons indicate nearly $30 billion being spent by the United States during the next ten years.
The Office of the Secretary of Defense should fund a program to focus broadly on improving understanding of microwave and laser weapon lethality. While a tremendous amount of work has been done, DOD should also conduct further research to enhance understanding of laser and high-power microwave lethality and reliability across an increasing range of weather and atmospheric conditions. This research should also focus on minimizing any collateral damage.
'Collateral damage' such as all of the lives that were lost in Maui, including far too many young and innocent children? As we've seen over and over and over again the past several years with the rollout of the 'kill shot,' the US govt could care less how many innocent people they kill and in fact, for them, the more, the merrier as it helps them 'depopulate' the planet.
So with so many signs that the Maui 'wildfires' were indeed some kind of 'globalist attack' upon Maui, and one sure sign being just how quickly the globalist media jumped all over this 'theory' of directed energy weapons being used in that 'attack' in an attempt to 'discredit' that 'theory,' let's watch what happens from here on out on Maui to get a better look at the big picture. If suddenly, all of these burnt out properties are purchased by the state and a 15-minute 'vacation spot city' is built for the global elite in that area, we'll have damning proof this was all well planned out, the latest globalist attack upon humanity. Too bad that by that point in time, there'll be nothing that even well-armed American citizens can do about the carnage.
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