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October 2, 2024

The U.S. Congress Is Full Of Deep State Sludge Or Venal Creatures Who Will Gladly Drink The Sludge For The Right Price While Two Morons Currently Hold The Highest Offices In America

By J.B. Shurk -All News Pipeline

If youre old enough to vote in the United States, then youre old enough to remember a time when Americans of all political stripes liked Donald Trump.A public figure for most of his adult life, a businessman with a taste for luxury, and a showman who embodied the American dream, Trump appeared in television shows and movies because people enjoyed seeing him.For decades, he was an American icon with universal name recognition, a global brand, and even a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Then he moved into the political arena, and everything changed.Actors, musicians, and politicians who had once jumped at the chance to be photographed with him pretended they had never met.Writers and entertainers who had always praised him for his generosity began calling him filthy names.Television networks that had made boatloads of money from his goodwill with the public started slandering him as a wannabe dictator, a Nazi, and a threat to democracy.

What happened?Donald Trump dared to challenge the political status quo.By publicly questioning the economic and foreign policy decisions of the Establishment Class in Washington, D.C., he became an existential threat to a system that has long worked against the interests of the American people.As David Plouffe, one of Barack Obamas closest advisers,inveighedbefore the 2016 presidential election: It is not enough to beat Trump.He must be destroyed thoroughly.His kind must not be allowed to rise again.Plouffe had harsher words for the guy with a wholesome cameo inHome Alone 2than he ever had for the leaders of China, Hamas, or Iran.

Why is this one Americans voice so threatening to the old guard?Its simple: President Trump is (1) a political outsider who (2) rejects the supremacy of the administrative state and (3) prioritizes Americans over foreign nationals.

It might seem strange to call Donald Trump an outsider.Hes a billionaire.Hes famous.Hes served as president of the United States.But for all his success, wealth, and celebrity, he is not a member of the ruling political class.If that were not obvious when the Intelligence Community conspired with Hillary Clintons campaign to frame him as a Russian spy, it should have become glaringly so over the last eight years as the FBI, DOJ, and Democrat prosecutors have dragged him through an endless spectacle of malicious investigations and corruptly predicated criminal trials.Trump lived a long life without any criminal record.Because he beat the Clinton, Obama, and Establishment Republican political machines, unethical prosecutors want him behind bars until he dies.

Americans can be forgiven for navely believing that any child can grow up to be president or at least enjoy aMr. Smith Goes to Washingtonmoment in the halls of the nations capitol.We have been told from an early age that Americas system of government isof, by, and for the people.We are ostensibly a constitutional republic that protects individual rights, free speech, and representative democracy.Everyone is supposed to have a voice and an opportunity to influence the way our government runs.

The reality is much less inspiring.An unelected and unconstitutional administrative state does most of the actual governing.Corporate lobbyists and other special interests write the legislative bills that eventually become law.Agencies issue rules and regulations with far-reaching consequences yet few checks and balances.Most members of Congress do not grasp the significance of their votes or understand how American tax dollars are really spent.The permanent bureaucracy is so large that even veteran lawmakers would struggle to draw an organizational chart that accurately reflects the various committees and sub-groups of the Department of Transportation let alone something as complex and saturated with black budget appropriations as the Department of Defense.

The American people could never hope to control a Leviathan with so many tentacles, and such an autonomous, unruly beast would never deign to consult the public before it acts.There can be noMr. Smithbecause there is norepresentative democracy.The federal government works for itself, enriches itself, and empowers itself.To the vast administrative state,the peopleare a nuisance to be deceived, mocked, and ignored.The Washington Posts self-flattering slogan, Democracy Dies in Darkness, is a cruel taunt reminding Americans that D.C. has been dark for more than one hundred years.

One of the chief ways that the U.S. government clings to the darkness is by controlling who is allowed inside its ranks. Big Government socialists are good for regulatory expansion.War hawks are handy for feeding the Pentagon and sustaining the military machine.Empire-builders keep the State Department and Intelligence Community busy with world conquest.Marxists are useful becausegovernment is their god, and its always helpful to have people worshiping a thing that wishes to act with impunity.Whats not helpful is an independently wealthy and independently minded businessman with his own ideas for how the U.S. government can best assist the American people.

Contrary to its advertising jingles, the federal governmentdoes not work for Americans.If it did, it would protect Americans from the650,000 migrant criminals(including roughly 15,000 murderers and 20,000 rapists) who have been shuffled through our open borders and resettled throughout the United States.But multinational corporations, hostile foreign governments, human-traffickers, and drug-smuggling cartels pay top dollar (through campaign contributions, mail-in ballots, kickbacks, and other fringe benefits) to keep Americas borders open.Its anongoing criminal conspiracythat should land large numbers of the federal bureaucracy in prison. Instead, politicians and human-smugglers posing as human aid workers give each other humanitarian awards while facilitating rape, overdose deaths, murder, and endless suffering.Then they turn around and call Donald Trump a racist bigot who deserves life in prison.It takes a certain degree of willful blindness and abject stupidity to find nothing sinister in this ongoing tragedy.

Unfortunately for us, the American government prides itself on hiring stupid people.Anyone who listens to Joe Biden or Kamala Harris knows instantly that two morons currently hold the highest offices in the land.This reality is so obvious that it should embarrass anyone who self-identifies as part of the intelligentsia.Instead, academics, journalists, and other thinking professionals almost universally support the imbeciles putatively in charge at the White House.The reason is simple: when mediocre minds occupy the Oval Office, the unelected and unaccountable administrative state operates without anyone getting in its way.

Sadly, a tour of Congress proves thatstupidis winning.Most of our representatives are either empty vessels who can be filled full of Deep State sludge or venal creatures who will gladly drink the sludge for the right price.Thats why so many of them continue to ignore the mountains of evidence that Joe Biden spent the last half-century selling his office to the highest foreign bidders.Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle either are guilty of engaging in similar corruption or have brains running on such low wattage that John Fetterman and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seem like savants.Being dumb or crooked is a selling point in Washington.Those possessing both attributes, such as Joe and Kamala, rise to the top.

Meanwhile, President Trump recentlytold Michigan autoworkersthat he wants to reclaim Americas manufacturing power while preventing illegal immigrants from taking Americans jobs.I want German car companies to be American car companies, Trump argued.I want Asian electronics companies to become Michigan electronics companies. ... I want every manufacturer that has left us to be filled with regret.

The administrative state is a criminal enterprise that harms Americans and enriches itself.President Trump wants to imprison the criminals and enrich Americans.Thats why the Establishment hates Trump and wants him destroyed.

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