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April 11, 2024

Attacks Against Our Food Supply Will Not Stop Until We Are All Eating Bugs AKA Insect Protein, Or The Majority Of The Population Is Dead, Both Scenarios Are Most Likely

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

Whelp, here we go again. Inflation has risen four months in a row, with March's year-over-year numbers coming in at 3.5%, and while the media is all gung ho to point out that the number is nowhere near the peak of June 2022 (9.1%), they are far less transparent about the totality of inflation since January 20, 2021, when the Biden regime's policies began.

Americans are paying an average of 20% more for almost everythingsold in America, minus food and energy, since Biden started occupying the White House.

The numbers for food on the other hand are higher than overall inflation from 2021 to present day, even with food coming in lower in March 2024 than the overall inflation. While that sounds like good news, a deep dive into

In March 2024, food rose year-over-year 2.2%, still above the t6arget goal of 2% inflation and that is 2.2% above the the previous years averages. In other words it still rose, just less than the month or year before.

With that said, a look at specific foods, such as beef and eggs, we see some red warnings flags.

Click image to enlarge

Juices and drinks have risen by 27.5% since March 2023. The claim is that production costs rose, therefore so did juices and drinks.

Best bet at this point since actual fruit prices haven't risen as much as the frozen/non carbonated, is to simply buy fresh fruit and juice them yourself. Tastes better than way anyway.

Qcen Juicer Machine, 500W Centrifugal Juicer Extractor with Wide Mouth 3 Feed Chute for Fruit Vegetable, Easy to Clean, Stainless Steel

Masticating Juicer Machines, 4.1-inch(104mm) Powerful Slow Cold Press Juicer with Large Feed Chute, Electric Masticating Juicers for Vegetables and Fruits, Easy to Clean with Brush

The next on the list from the chart above is beef roasts, which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that has seen the news about cattle shortages, and the more recent reports about dairy cattle being infected with bird flu.

The media claims it is because the bird flu has mutated, but some believe that mutation was done in a lab, deliberately. After all, there has been a WEF, Democrat and media campaign to stop Americans from eating beef due to their climate change hysteria, so the timing is suspect to say the least.

As a side note, since we have all seen the push for people to use "insect protein" rather than meat, it is noteworthy thatMinnesota Senate Democrats rejected an amendment that would have required foods containing insects to be labeled.

This means while beef roasts are up 11.2% year over year, all beef products are on the rise, and will continue to see price spikes for the foreseeable future.

Nutristore Freeze Dried Beef Dices | Pre-Cooked Meat for Backpacking, Camping, Meal Prep | Long Term Survival Emergency Food Supply | 25 Year Shelf Life

Freeze Dried Ground Beef by Nutristore | 80 Large Servings | Pack of 4 | Premium Quality | USDA Inspected

FOREVER FOODS Uncooked Freeze-Dried Sirloin Steaks | 5-Count | Family Pack

FOREVER FOODS Uncooked Freeze-Dried Beef Stew Cubes | Family Pack

FOREVER FOODS Uncooked Freeze-Dried Beef Patties | 6-Count

Baby food and formula prices are still on the rise coming in at 9.9% since March 2023. Again, mashing freshly made foods for babies, is far cheaper than buying the jars of baby food. Also, using the powdered formula is cheaper than buying the pre-mixed.

Hot dogs rose 6.2% and lettuce and tomatoes both rose more than average inflation, coming in at 5.8% and 4.5% higher than last year, respectively.

Kraft Frozen Oscar Mayer Beef Frank - Hot Dog, 10 Pound

Both lettuce and tomatoes can be grown easily, indoor our outside, so preppers are far better prepared to handle those price increases, because they don't need store bought vegetables.

Hot dogs rose 6.2%, so stock up on them because there is a high likelihood that pork products will be on the rise in the coming months, along with chicken and beef.

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Also, lower down on theCNBC piece that provided the chart above, we see eggs, as predicted, rose more than overall inflation, coming in at 4.6% higher than March of last year. Milk and chicken are also expected to see prices rise.

Nutristore Freeze Dried Chicken | 80 Large Servings | Premium Quality | USDA Inspected

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Grilled Chicken | Premium Quality Pre-Cooked Chicken Breast | Survival Emergency Food Supply

FOREVER FOODS Uncooked Freeze-Dried Chicken Tenderloins | -26 Pieces

Eggylicious Whole Egg Powder, Dried Natural Protein Powder, Made from Fresh Eggs, White & Yolk mixed, Pasteurized, Non-GMO, No Additives

Eggylicious Egg Scramble Mix Made w/ Hormones Free Whole Eggs/Protein Packed Easy & Delicious Breakfast

Hoosier Hill Farm Whole Milk Powder, 2LB

Gas prices are on the rise again and the Biden regime won't be able to artificially manipulate prices using theStrategic Petroleum Reserve this time because they never refilled what they took out last time and we are still at the lowest levels in decades.

With that out of the way, Dr. Robert Malone, over on his Substack page, informs us that due to an EPA rule, not reported on at length by any MSM outlets, many smaller meat producers are going to be forced to shut down.

European farmers protest


That category bullet point comes directly from Malone's piece, which is titled "EPA Threatens Locally Produced Beef. The sub-header states "Mission Creep: Proposed EPA Rule Shuts Down Small Meat Producers."

On January 23, 2024, under Biden Administration guidance, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)proposed a new rule that will bring 3,879 meat and poultry products (MPP) processing facilities under their jurisdiction. This was swiftly followed by an abbreviated comment period which closed on March 25, 2024, and then immediate implementation of the rule change. All justified by wastewater levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus coming from animal meat processing, mirroring the WEF agenda to minimize Nitrogen runoff from European farms which has sparked the widespread farmer protests throughout the European Union.

Readers can give Malone a clickto read the entire piece, but the key reason this will force small meat producers to shut down, is due to the cost. Malone writes "Its been reported that the initial cost toinstall a water filtration systembringing them into compliance be $300,000-400,000 with a minimum of $100,000 annual maintenance. This would force many small meat processing facilities to shutter their doors."

Make no mistake, this is a direct attack on small farmers, despite seeing the chaos that has ensued after attacks on farmers in other countries.

Will American farmers fight back as those elsewhere? That remains to be seen, but since the rule was proposed in January, and we haven't see any massive pushback, it isn't looking good.

BOTTOM LINE.........

While not everyone has the room to raise chickens for their own eggs and meat, other than farmers practically no one has the space to raise cattle, so options are limited for those feeling the pain of inflationary costs of meat.

One can order full cow, butchers and freeze it, but the quality deteriorates the longer it is froze. Same thing for a side of beef, which is half a cow. Freeze drying it does help with quality, because once rehydrated, it keeps flavor, but the cost of large freeze dryers can be significant.

Dehydrators are far less expensive but the meat will not last as long. Hence our linking to freeze dried meats over at Amazon.

If you are going to utilize any of those two methods, do not forget your Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers.

The attacks against our food supply are not going to end until everyone is eating insect protein, or more than half of the population is dead. If you do not grow your own food, start. If you are not stocked up on freeze dried meats, you should do so before the costs of those start reflecting even more of the food inflation we are seeing now for specific foods.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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