March 13, 2023
A Tsunami Of Chaos And Death Arrives As Engineered, World-Wide Culling Operation via Genetically Engineered Virus And Injection Masquerade As A 'Safe And Effective Vaccine' Leading To Depopulation
- Dr. Daniel Nagase, Uracil, and Poly-a Tails, a Deep Dive into Damaged Human Genomes
By Kathleen Gotto for All News Pipeline
In a March 9, 2023 ANP article, Stefan Stanford provided a startling and very distressing picture gleaned from Doctors Paul Alexander (Covid-19 Consultant Researcher) and William Makis (Canadian Oncologist) on the health and deaths of untold numbers of people, especially involving what is termed turbo cancers. More and more similar stories seem to be cropping up all over. It is beyond the pale for normal people to adequately comprehend the depth of evil behind the Covid-19 engineered virus and the bioweapon shot that genetically changed the human genome. Fear, aggressively hyped by all levels of government and even private businesses, was the delivery system for both the virus and the shot.
Another Canadian medical doctor, Daniel Nagase has also been investigating the Covid-19 issue, but at the cellular level, and his results are both phenomenal and frightening. He is another unsung hero of the medical stripe and has paid a very high price for actually trying to save the lives of patients. Rather than be controlled by Canadas shameful Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, he resigned his medical license and has endured ad hominem attacks on both his character and treatment methods.
Those brave few who are speaking Covid-19 truth are willing to pay the price. That is not a light action to take after all the debt and hard work to get through medical school and training. A positive fallout from the C19 mess, however, is that the level of depravity, corruption, and greed that has taken root in what was once an honored and respected profession is now on display for the whole world to see.
Canadas RCPS deserves a front row seat in the Covid-19 Hall of Shame. Never heard of that? Oh, it is coming because what has been hidden in darkness will be brought to light. Goes hand in hand with reaping and sowing. The criminals hiding behind their stone walls of phony credibility will be exposed sooner or later. And like rats scurrying when the light turns on, just wait and watch the chaos that will be set loose when TRUTH finally breaks out wave after wave over the whole world. This is starting to happen in ripples now, but a tsunami is coming.
Dr. Nagases research in cellular biology is deep stuff, but it is where all the action is, so bear with me as I try to do Dr. Nagases incredible work and analysis justice. He goes to great lengths in explaining why the mRNA sequences in the Pfizer and Moderna injectibles can cause problems with the human gene Line-1.
Before diving into the study, here is a note for clarity: the study mentioned by Dr. Nagase has at least two authors, Liguo Zhang and Rudolf Jaenisch, who performed the study using donated nucleocapsid RNA instead of using Pfizer or Moderna injectibles. Now, why would they do that? Why wouldnt they use the Pfizer and Moderna substances that were injected into millions of people for their transfection experiment? Dr. Nagase provides an interesting hypothesis to that question, as will be seen. At any rate, here are excerpts from his substack:
Genetic Engineering with Dr. Nagase
Pfizer, Moderna and Line-1
Daniel Nagase MD
Feb 19
Here we will look at how the mRNA sequences for pfizer and modernas COVID'-19 injection can cause problems with the human gene Line-1.
Primer on Line-1 Current till 2022
First lets look at the code of Line-1:
Line-1 Accession: L19088.1
(Sequence taken from the national library of medicine - where you can find multiple versions and fragments of LINE-1. I picked the longest version, as thats least likely to have missing parts that were cropped during isolation of the gene.
Id paste the whole thing but the part were interested is at the end.
6001 accctaaaac ttagagtata ataaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa
So whats so particular about the end of Line-1?
We have 37 a s in a row. Why is that important? Because the moderna and pfizer mRNA injections for COVID have something very similar.
So back to the Human Gene Line-1, it makes up 17-20% of the Human Genome. (emphasis added)
Now if we look at Modernas sequence here:
Moderna Covid-19 mRNA (Elasomeran)
- It ends with:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaucuag
- 100 a s followed by ucuag.
And then Pfizers mRNA for COVID-19:
Pfizer Sequence - BNT-162B2
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagcauaugacuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- 70 a s preceeded by gcauaugac. (u in the moderna and pfizer isnt true uracil - a nucleotide component that makes up RNA. It is methyl pseudo uracil, an artificial modified version made to prevent cells from destroying the spike protein mRNA.)
Whats the problem?
Well if either the pfizer or moderna versions of the spike protein mRNA are reverse transcribed, then that long chain of a s will turn into a long chain of t s that would base pair (attach) to any gene with a long tail of a s like Line-1.
AND theres many copies of Line-1 throughout the human genome.
So 17-20% of the human genome could be targeted because pfizer and moderna put a long tail of a s on the ends of their mRNA? (emphasis added)
Thats exactly what I was thinking
So why didnt you tell us 5 days ago? (Time is Nucleotide!)
Well, I wasnt quite sure. I had my suspicions, but no scientific article that could quite make those suspicions suspiciously suspect. Thats when the study found by one of my readers in Dr. Sayed Haiders substack baked the cake.
Line-1 and Poly-a
Now thanks to this fresh study by Rudolf Jaenisch and Liguo Zhang, I had evidence the proteins made by the Line-1 gene had an affinity for Poly-a that is the long chains of a s, coincidentally also found in Modernas and Pfizers COVID mRNA injections. These Poly-as are also in the Line-1 gene itself. When a Line-1 mRNA with a long Poly-a is in the cytoplasm (outside the nucleus) the L1ORF2p proteins made by Line-1 preferentially bind to the poly-A stretch at the end of the LINE1 mRNA, AND CARRY IT INTO THE NUCLEUS!
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Why is that bad?
Because what happens if L1ORF2p proteins that bind to the Poly-a stick to the long stretch of a 's in the Pfizer and Moderna Spike Protein mRNA?
They came to the conclusion that transfection didnt cause viral genes to get integrated into a cells DNA whereas an infection with SARS-CoV-2 did?
Are they trying to say the virus changes the DNA more than a transfection vaccine using mRNA?
But the Poly-a tail they used in their transfection experiment was 25% SHORTER than the Poly-a tail in the SARS-CoV-2 virus experiment!
Whats even worse is that the transfection Poly-a tail is 32% shorter than Line-1s natural Poly-a tail, and 75% shorter than the Pfizer Spike Protein Poly-a tail.
What is wrong with them?
Arent they comparing Apples to Bicycles?...
We found the Discrepancy, Now the Analysis!
Discrepancy Analysis (Heuristics)
The clue. The very suspicious clue is the name of one of the studys authors, Rudolf Jaenisch.
I dont know the guy. Ive never met him. Im thinking hes a great guy who knows a thing or two about cell biology.
So why the suspicion?
Do I think a serious cell biologist like him is afraid of spike proteins?
Not really. I think Rudolf Jaenisch might be afraid of a different kind of spike. The kind of lead spike thats attached to a brass casing with flammable powder.
Dr. Nagase ends this intriguing saga on the Pfizer and Moderna injectibles and the human genome with this postscript:
Post Script:
If it indeed was the case that Spike protein mRNA was deliberately gene edited into people, theoretically it would be possible to do the reverse. That is gene edit it out of people. The question then would be what do we gene edit it out with?
My first idea was use Line-1 itself to Edit Out spike protein genes. But Line-1 itself isnt 100% benign, as it has been thought to have a role sometimes in cancers. However, an extra copy of natural Line-1 might be better than an unnatural copy of "spike protein.
Post Post Script: You can hear Dr. Malone in the back ground at 1:23 trying to talk over Dr. Weismann because hes getting into Uncomfortable territory. (fyi, Dr. Weismann is way smarter than me.)
Dr. Weismann vs Dr. Malone at 1:23
The L1ORF2p protein mentioned by Dr. Nagase from the Jaenisch and Zhang study is capable of causing genomic instability, hence the concern about the Poly-a tail stretch at the end of Line-1 mRNA being carried inside a cells nucleus. The study appears to have been done with a gun held to their heads because why else would presumably qualified scientists compare apples to bicycles (according to Nagase), to assert the Covid virus changed the DNA more than the shot?
Another question that comes to my mind is that if our DNA Line-1 comprises 17-20% of the human genome and Pfizer and Moderna put the artificial version of uracil in their long tail of Poly-as which go to about a fifth of our genome, where all does it end up? There apparently is no way of knowing exactly how the injected have been, or will be, affected by the perpetual spike protein because how can it be tracked in the body? Perhaps the only way to know is by the effects of disease presented in people who have been jabbed, and work backwards from there.
This is really getting into the weeds, but it sure looks like the Poly-a tail analysis provided by Dr. Nagase on the Pfizer and Moderna injectibles is a smoking gun. What is very intriguing is the ucuag in the Moderna sequence and the gcauaugac in the Pfizer sequence, because Dr. Nagase points out that the u in both sequences isnt true uracil - a nucleotide component that makes up RNA. It is methyl pseudo uracil, an artificial modified version made to prevent cells from destroying the spike protein mRNA.)
So, apparently it had been decided well in advance of the vaccine rollouts that the spike protein had to be impervious to destruction by normal cell clean-up activity. Hence, no spike protein mRNA shutoff switch was included in the Pfizer and Moderna shots.
Why wasnt a shutoff safety switch of some kind inserted into the Pfizer and Moderna sequences? Maybe someday we will get a full accounting. But what explanation or conclusion can be drawn from the fact that massive numbers of Covid-19 deaths and injuries laid out so many people subsequent to getting the jab? My money is on an engineered, world-wide culling operation by means of a genetically engineered virus and genetically engineered injection masquerading as a safe and effective vaccine leading to depopulation, the religion of the criminally insane, deranged Luciferian globalists.
As ghastly as the C19 operation was, and continues to be, we cant just lay aside logical deduction and critical analysis because the whole scenario seems so incredibly diabolical and unreal. The same could have been said of Hitler and his ovens, only the C19 mass culling of humanity is much broader and indiscriminate in scope. How was OWS not a military operation, a declaration of war, against all of humanity?
We dont know, and may never know, the true extent of all the damage done to people who thought they were just getting another vaccine. Why arent family members insisting on autopsies for their healthy loved ones who ended up dead sometime after injection? Can the spike protein be deleted from the body?
From Dr. Nagases postscript on his discussion, it seems that if an attempt is made to edit out the Poly-a tail sequence that was edited in, it could have a bad result because Line-1 could at times be associated with cancers.
So for now, it looks like the best hope for those who got their DNA edited by the Covid-19 injectibles may have to put their expectations on hold for a reversal of their damaged DNA and put their hope in the God who created our genome.
The world awaits those scientists (smarter and braver than the evil and cowardly Dr. Mengeles behind the mRNA technology) to crack the code and give mankind hope for a cure. From my lips to Gods ear!
----Kathleen Gotto
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