January 18, 2025
Inauguration Day Dangers Come From A Variety Of 'Spiraling' Liberals As Intel And Law Enforcement Agencies Warn Some May See It As 'Their Last Opportunity To Influence The Election Results Through Violence'
By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline
Quite a bit is happening with just two days left until Donald Trump is inaugurated. From planned protests by the usual groups determined to protest his win over Kamala Harris in November 2024, to massive security measures being taken, with reports that helicopters are flying through the skies of DC searching for nuclear irregularities, and finally the recent news that due to expected frigid weather the inauguration will be held inside the Capitol Rotunda on Monday.
As an aside, I would like to point out the irony of Trump being inaugurated in one of the areas "breached" during the January 6, 2021 protests. I put "breached" in quotation marks because most late released coverage showed people were actually guided in and allowed to enter.
Some took to social media with memes about the move inside, with one of the best being the following image:
That got a chuckle out of me.
The irony doesn't end there, as liberal websites like The Daily Beast, are snarkily headlining with things like "Snowflake Trump: Its Too Cold for Me to Be Sworn In Outside."
Yet as conservative social media users were quick to point out, had Trump left the inauguration outside, it would risk the health and possibly the lives of supporters to be outside in the expected dangerously frigid weather, and then media, liberals, and Democrat politicians would have had a field day about "uncaring" Trump forcing his supporters to suffer the dangerously frigid weather.
The irony there, is calling Trump a snowflake when publications like Time Magazine, actually wasted print on a piece originally titled "11 Ways to Avoid Spiraling on Inauguration Day."
That titled received so much mockery that they changed the headline to "11 Things to Do on Inauguration Day That Are Great for Your Mental Health."
Spiraling was actually a more accurate headline because that is what liberals do when things don't go their way, they whine, bitterly complain and then continue to let their Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) "spiral" out of control for the four years he will be President again.
We asked experts to share their favorite science-backed suggestions for how to spend Inauguration Day if you happen to be dreading it.
They seriously dedicated time, wasted the so-called "experts" time, just to comfort a bunch of people who cannot handle their preferred candidate lost by a landslide of electoral votes. I was truly surprised not to see those "experts" suggest coloring books and crayons.
I have to wonder if they will also repeat their "screaming helplessly at the sky," on the one year anniversary of his win like they did during his first term a year after he beat Hillary Clinton.
I have racked my brain, searched using multiple search engines and simply cannot find events like "scream helplessly at the sky," for conservatives when we lose elections.
Moving along.....
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While it is easy to make fun of some of the antics of the left in their preparations to avoid having to witness Trump be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States of America, there are also some truly unhinged liberals out there. There have already been assassination attempts on Trump's life by those incited by the constant barrage of "Trump is Hitler," rhetoric on the part of the media and Democrats (yes, they are the same thing), that it would be remiss to ignore the very real dangers to Trump for the next four years.
Then we have the very real possibility of countries hostile to America, using inauguration day when all eyes are on DC, to attack, via cyber attacks, terrorist attacks, hacking, all destructive. While DC will be locked down, with drones for security, barricades, streets closed and fencing, the rest of the nation will be vulnerable.
By the numbers: There are 250,000 ticketed guests, and thousands more are expected on the National Mall on Jan. 20, U.S. Capitol Police chief Thomas Manger said at a press conference Monday.
There will be over 25,000 law enforcement and military personnel including 4,000 officers coming in from other cities and 7,800 National Guard members.
30 miles of anti-scale fencing will be installed, the most ever for an inauguration.
Drones will assist in surveillance.
Politico claims to have seenthreat assessments from "a group of intelligence and law enforcement agencies..
Potential perpetrators, particularly those with election related grievances, may see the president-elects swearing-in as their last opportunity to influence the election results through violence, a group of intelligence and law enforcement agencies wrote in a threat assessment, which hasnt been made public, and was reviewed by POLITICO
More from Politico:
The threat assessment, compiled by the FBI, Secret Service, Capitol Police, the Washington D.C. government and the Supreme Courts police department, laid out a host of nightmare scenarios and the types of people who could make them reality. Foreign terrorists, domestic extremists and lone wolves could initiate bomb hoaxes, swatting calls, drone flights or vehicle-ramming attacks, they say.
Then theres Iran. The Islamic Republic has long sought to kill Trump or his national security advisers as revenge for the killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, which Trump ordered during his first term. The threat assessment said that 700,000 users on the social media app Telegram threatened to assassinate Trump the day after Election Day, in response to a video posted by a media entity aligned with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
MAGA gatherings could be targets by deranged leftists, as we saw during Trump's first term, but large group events across the nation on inauguration day, could also be targeted.
The safest place to watch the inauguration, pre-inauguration rally and parade, is at home on your television.
Be safe everyone.
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