November 20, 2023
Evidence 'Transhumanists,' Who Claimed 'Humans Are Hackable' & 'No Longer Have Free Will,' Are Causing Bizarre Deaths, Rage, Crime And Widely Spreading Insanity via Injected Nanotechnology
- Voice To Skull Technologies Help To Usher In Tyranny
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
When taking a look out at the world today and witnessing the near-total breakdown of society, including people suffering bizarre, sudden deaths, captured on camera, often accompanied by the 'victim' looking out at their surroundings and seemingly 'seeing' things that are not there; massive crime sprees spreading from the East Coast to the West; and widely spreading 'insanity' among the population, it's necessary to take a look back a few years to help us understand what's now unfolding.
Back in October of 2018, The Atlantic published this story titled "Why Technology Favors Tyranny," a story written by Yuval Noah Harari, a story that should have been a warning to all of us way back then having been written by a 'transhumanist' with direct ties to George Soros, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) and a man who not too long ago said: "Free will, thats over," as well as uttering "We have too many humans who need to be 'kept docile with drugs and video games.'"
Telling us the globalists plans for humanity way ahead of time by claiming'human beings are hackable animals,'as well as sharing with us that the global elite "want to re-engineer the future of life itself" by engineering "a new regime of surveillance, under the skin, to collect biometric data," you can hear Harari telling us all of that and much more in the 1st video at the bottom of this story.
Giving us all an alarming look at the future of humanity from a man who has high standing in the WEF and a warning that, since it came out prior to COVID, gives us a strong indication of what he meant by "surveillance under the skin,"in this new story over at The Expose we're warned that mRNA technology is the gateway into using nanotechnology in human beings in nefarious waysand nanotechnology particularly causes damage to the neurological system and, hence, to the brain, mind, and spirit.
With Harari also claiming "In the past, many tyrants and governments wanted to hack millions of people, but nobody understood biology well enough," also claiming back then "and nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it," Harari concluded that segment of his presentation with "But soon, at least some corporations and governments WILL BE able to systematically hack all the people."
And while some might say 'that's impossible,' please take a listen to Harari in that 1st video at the bottom of this story, as well as listening to an amazing presentation in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story about transhumanism, and where the globalists are herding us, to get a better idea about what we're now up against as even CNN, of all outlets, reported back in 2019 that Harari claimed 'human beings are now hackable animals'. Think of the implications of THAT when looking at the world today!
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So before we continue, let's take a look back at this 2022 story from American Faith about this mess.
Globalist elites want to re-engineer the future of life itself, propose a new regime of surveillance that is under the skin to collect biometric data.
Klause Schwab, head of the Great Reset-advancing World Economic Forum (WEF), says that his organization is attempting to fundamentally change human beings.
Schwab says his industrial revolution will not change what you are doing. It changes you.
Its you who are changed. And of course, this has a big impact on your identity, he emphasized in a video making rounds on social media.
Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, an official WEF contributor, details what Mr. Schwab means, saying, its you who are changed, explaining that in the past, many tyrants and governments wanted to [hack millions of people], but nobody understood biology well enough, Harari says at the start of the video.
And nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it. But soon, at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people, he goes on to say, adding, We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls. We are now hackable animals.
But Dr. Harari says this merger of human life with technology will not benefit the average man or woman so that he or she may improve his or her own future, but that a handful of elites will not only build digital dictatorships for themselves but gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.
If elites are successful in re-engineering humanity, it will have to be decided whether the data of our DNA, brain, body, and life belong[s] to me, or to some corporation, or to the government, or, perhaps, to the human collective.
Harari says that cloud technology, such as IBM or Microsofts platform, will be one of the driving forces of this evolution.
Describing what would be the globalists dream come true, think about this. If the globalists, or some government or some corporation, are able to HACK into human beings and 're-engineer' humanity, with Harari even claiming 'the data of our DNA, brain, body and life' may belong to 'some corporation' or 'some tyrannical government,' wouldn't it then make it possible for these same knuckleheads to be able to 'program' people to go out and commit heinous crimes, or go insane, or even kill them?
As we see and hear in the final video at the bottom of this story, quite some time ago Elon Musk had warned that one of the dangers of A.I. was that it seemed to have an 'intense anger,'so is THAT what we're witnessing right now all across the country with people who've been unknowingly injected with nanotechnologies being 'programmed' to be impatient, violent or prone to rage? We're certainly not attempting to take away the blame from the 'individuals' who are going out and committing crimes or acting nuts but would you put it past these globalists, who've claimed they'd soon be able to 'hack people,' TO 'hack people' by 'programming' them towards insanity or criminality?

As this August of 2022 story over at Istoria Ministries reports, the World Economic Forum definitely DOES NOT have the best interests of the United States, or humanity, in mind as they continually push their sinister agendas. Warning"the United States is facing a clear and present danger from the WEF and it has to do with the faith of the global elites in themselves," we're warned that according to these globalists, people such as Barak Obama, Joe Biden, the Clintons, Bill Gates, and other global business, political, and cultural leaders, Noah Yuval Harari is the most influential man in the world.
Reporting that every year, Harari speaks at the World Economic Forum and global leaders fawn over him, we're told his book, Home Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, has nearly 17,000 reviews on Amazon and in it, Harari claims "for centuries, mankind has prayed to God during times of famine, plagues, and war. But now, mankind needs no god. Man is God. We (mankind) have the power to rid the world of famine, plagues, and war.
Claiming that 'modern elites' have thus established themselves as gods over the world,we'd love to ask why these 'global elites' haven't then rid the planet of famine, pandemics and wars as they claim they can do, and are instead pushing even more of them upon an unwelcoming planet? Proving once again that the hearts of the 'global elite' are evil, check out this new thread over at GLP when thinking about all of the madness we're witnessing in the world today.
Something is making everyone impatient, violent and prone to rage.
I believe there is something that TPTB are doing to the civilian population in Western nations to mentally disturb everyone.
People are angry, impatient, short-tempered, frustrated and irritable.
More so, over the past few years than usual, Id say since 2020, the social well has been poisoned and it is very much intentional. Its like MKULTRA but on a national/international level.
So my question is; how are they doing it? Is it TV, Internet? More specifically the news? Tik-Toc/YouTube shorts, etc.? Chemtrail contents? Something in the water? All the above?
Expect it to get worse. Thoughts welcome.
So what if the 'how are they doing it' question can be answered by'via the nanotechnogy injections' which joe biden and his merry band of criminals forced everybody to get, so that they could 'hack humanity' and 'take away our free will,'just as Harari had stated would be our future. Would you put it past them doing such a thing? We know that we wouldn't put it past them, especially with the globalists talking head Harari claiming it would soon be possible for governments or corporations to do such a thing. As always, this topic is totally open for discussion in the comment section below. We'd love to read what you are thinking.
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