March 8, 2023
Traitor Republicans Exposed: Look To Who Is Complaining The Loudest About J6 Secret Footage To Know Which 'Republicans In Name Only' Need To Be Booted
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
I cannot begin to count the amount of times I have seen conservatives claim "the two parties are the same," in reference to Democrats and Republicans, and in all fairness those people are both right and wrong.
They are right that there are a significant amount of "Republicans In Name Only" (RINOs) that will side with democrats on some critical topics, with just one example being illegal immigration, (remember Bush and McCain!), so they are party of the "uniparty."
The uniparty should not be confused with bipartisanship, as the latter views working together as a means to an end, while the uniparty sees different political parties working together as the end in-and-of itself.
Where they are wrong is Republicans are against killing unborn babies, where Democrats fight for the "right" to kill the unborn. Republican are against illegal immigration, Democrats encourage it. Republicans want small government, Democrats support big government.
The fundamental differences go on and on and on. Whiles RINOs eventually expose themselves as members of the uniparty, by then they have usually been able to do a fair amount of damage beforehand, then it takes time until their next reelection before the bums can be booted out, or forced retire and declare they would not be running for reelection.
Examples: Liz Cheney,Jaime Herrera Beutler, Peter Meijer, Tom Rice,Adam Kinzinger, John Katko, Fred Upton, Anthony Gonzalez.
So while after the 2022 midterms there are less RINOs, there are still way too many within the Republican party which need to be booted out in subsequent elections.
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While it took voting to impeach President Trump for many of those RINOs to be ostracized and forced to resign or lose their seats in the 2022 midterms, thanks to the release of over 40,000 hours of January 6, 2021 video footage to Tucker Carlson and the complete media, Democrat and RINO freakout over the hidden footage finally seeing the light of day, we can now separate much of the wheat from the chaff.
All one has to do is look for reports on which so-called "Republicans" are coming out against transparency, against the release of all the footage, especially the footage the J6 committee, Democrats and the media wanted hidden from the American public.
Some have described the footage Carlson is showing Americans for the first time as "dismantling" the J6 preferred narrative that has been reported non-stop to date.
Readers will have a chance to decide for themselves as Tucker's Monday night blockbuster report showing said footage, will be embedded at the bottom of this article.
First off, Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnel, to which most on both sides of the aisle has known is a RINO, has come out against transparency and the release of the J6 secret footage that has been hidden from the American public for more than two years.
The man has been around forever, figuratively speaking, and has been a member of the uniparty for longer than I can remember, yet he still keeps getting reelected.
His complaints about the release of the J6 secret footage should be used in conservative campaigns against him when he comes up for reelection again, but at 81 years old, it is a hit or miss whether he will run again, or if he will even live to serve his full term.
Elon Musk gave the best response to McConnel, saying "I Keep Forgetting Which Party He Belongs To"
Others that should be removed or forced to retire the next time they are up for reelection are:
Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) called Carlsons presentation of Jan. 6 as mostly peaceful chaos both bull---- and inexcusable.
Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) summarized Carlsons version as some rowdy peaceful protest of Boy Scouts and said to put what happened in the same category as permitted peaceful protest is just a lie.
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said he was concerned about the House Jan. 6 committees work, but added, Im not interested in whitewashing Jan. 6.
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) called it dangerous and disgusting and compared it to Alex Joness portrayal of the Sandy Hook massacre.
Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) said, I thought it was an insurrection at that time. I still think it was an insurrection today.
Senate Republicans No. 2 John Thune (S.D.) said, I think it was an attack on the Capitol. There were a lot of people in the Capitol at the time that were scared for their lives.
Source - Wapo
The main complaint from the RINOs in congress seems to be that Tucker Carlson is "cherry-picking" the footage to portray a different narrative than the J6 committee did, which is highly ironic considering the footage Carlson is releasing now was hidden by the J6 committee who 'cherry-picked" only the worse of the footage, while possibly adding their own sound effects.
Via Hot Air:
But when you see what Carlsons team has put together over the past two weeks of combing through thousands of hours of video, you will be struck by how different the reality was inside the building that day compared to the J6 committees deceptively edited primetime dramas, produced by a former ABC News president for maximum emotional impact.
For instance, Carlsons team says the J6 committee added audio to silent CCTV footage, inserting screams and other crowd mayhem sounds, to make it seem more ominous. The bookmarks on the video trove show the J6 committee had access to the same footage yet chose to show America only what suited its divisive narrative.
Theres no sugarcoating what happened that day: J6 was shocking and violent in parts. It remains a stain on the nation, but it was not an insurrection or a terrorist attack.
Related:The Curious Story of QAnon Shaman: Fox Footage Raises New Questions Over the Chansley Case
As more footage is released by Tucker Carlson, along with the interviews he has been conducting related to J6, there will no doubt be more RINOs aka uniparty members that will expose themselves by complaining about the footage being released.
The fact these people are throwing more of a hissy fit over Carlson releasing footage which directly contradicts the "official narrative" than they did the cherry-picking from the J6 sham committee, tells us clearly they are not true conservatives nor members of congress looking out for the best interest of those that elected them.
Just as the people of Wyoming booted out Liz Cheney, by more than 30%, these "uniparty" Republicans must also be challenged and tossed out on their butts in their next election.
A quick note about Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy: I have always thought of him as a RINO, but after the brutal Speaker of the House battle, the fact that he had to make concessions to the more conservative representatives, one important one being they can use a "motion to vacate chair" to remove him if starts leaning left or breaks his promises, means he will likely stay on the right side of the line while Speaker... or be removed.
The release of the secret footage the J6 committee hid from the country is perhaps the best chance to identify the "uniparty" members and RINOs in the Republican party and prepare to campaign to have them removed in their next election.
The Republican party as a whole will never have the backbone to fight against socialist democrats that make up their party today unless we dump the RINOs and uniparty members.
The videos below are the March 6, and March 7 episodes of the Tucker Carlson show that have the liberal media, democrats, and RINOs so freaked out.
Related:Carlson on Democrat, Media Reaction to January 6 Videos: Its Not Outrage Its Fear, Its Panic
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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