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February 10, 2023

With 1960's Counterculture Becoming The Leaders Of Today's 'Woke' Generations, They're Ramping Up The Left's 'War Upon Peace,' Causing Massive Death And Destruction Worldwide

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

Just over 50 years ago we ended our war well, actually the war mongers of our nations war in Viet Nam with the Peace with Honor speech of Richard M. Nixon. January 23, 1973 was the date, and five months before the fiftieth anniversary of that withdrawal, on August 31st 2022 in his attempt to beat the 9-11 day of infamy anniversary Joey Biden abruptly and disastrously pulled us out of Afghanistan like a love sick jackrabbit jumping out of the hasenpfeffer stew pot. Although the final exit in Viet Nam was not very pretty, the complete and total fiasco of Bidens attempt to show us that he is cooler than Trump by beating the deadline Trump set is of such an abysmal nature that the honor of getting out of that war is totally marred by the gross incompetence born in that pullout. There was no honor, no grace, no laudable actions as in Nixons withdrawal or even Obamas wretched abortion of a withdrawal from Iraq eleven years earlier. Nixon was even the leading edge of that peace Trump wanted to make with China, and not the sellout of Treason as the Bidens, Kerrys, Clintons, Bushs and the like have done. From overwhelmingly winning World War Two to a stalemate in Korea to the embarrassing failures in Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan among others had tarnished whatever respect we as a warring nation earned that we are now considered a failure by the world at large as being unable to keep any peace anywhere. Actually worse than that, as the world at large now understands that it is the United States that is the worlds largest terrorist nation and the cause of such massive deaths and destruction around the globe that we are now despised above any other nation when we used to be the most respected. Never has the United States undergone such an embarrassing moment of disgrace than what little Joey Dementia did to us then. Except, perhaps, what he is doing to us now.

We have already covered the links with the JFK, Ron Reagan and DJT assassinations or attempted assassinations, but there is another peace seeking president we need to cover as well. The last two columns covered that and how prophecy figures into it so now we will look at another aspect that may not seem obvious to the casual observer. We can begin this discussion with the fact that the CIA/Pentagon/CFR and friends so hated the fact that Nixon successfully ended the war that they and the slimy Lyndon Johnson put us into for the sake of making money on the deaths of so many fine young men, that they did their best to punish him and prevent any further moves toward the peace that this world craves and God demands. Richard Nixon was revered as a peacemaker the same as John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. But it was the obviously fake Watergate setup that did him in just as the obviously fake Russia-Russia-Russia fiasco the idiot left tried so hard to put on Trump. It is in the setup to that where I wish to go next.

The common denominator in all of these destructions of a President is one federal agency in particular; the CIA. Originally the intelligence arm of the Pentagon working as the Office of Strategic Services, better known as the OSS, was forged in the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor to concentrate the intel gathering of the various military branches into one cohesive agency. The concentration of that kind of power has overgrown its original structure so badly that it is now the worlds worst, or they would say, most effective intel and operations facility. Not content with just gathering intel but actually making war by themselves, overthrowing foreign nations and inserting puppet rulers, and far more; I believe another look into one aspect of their many varied programs is in order to show how badly they want and love war. Lets take another peak into the operations of MK-Ultra and some of its lesser known aspects.

One fact is indisputable; the controlled opposition always tells enough of the truth to satisfy the undiscerning; those that just listen to or read the Main Stream propaganda outlets and get lost in the minutia of trivialities they get a small smattering of truth and whole heaping helpings of sleep inducing fakery to satisfy their minds. Rat poison is 99+% inert ingredients but it still works extremely well at dispending with the intended target, but keep in mind that it also is effective against unintended targets. Please remember that as we continue with this story, it is a very important concept in figuring out what the CIA has been up to. Keep America Free is the battle cry for these wars, but has no basis in fact with the wars the Pentagon/CIA/NWO puts is into. Only power, control and money matter to them.

The New York Times article on December 22nd 1974 headline said HUGE C.I.A. OPERATION REPORTED IN U.S. AGAINST ANTIWAR FORCES, OTHER DISSIDENTS IN NIXON YEARS. Do not doubt that one, The Central Intelligence Agency, directly violating its charter, conducted a massive, illegal domestic intelligence operation during the Nixon Administration against the antiwar movement and other dissident groups in the United States, according to well‐placed Government sources. Nixon was a man of peace, but the CIA was, or rather is, a machine for human torment and war, an arm of the Illuminati and instigator of misery around the globe. It amazes me how the hippie life was supposed to be about love, peace and happiness while those that instituted it were monsters of just exactly the opposite mind or were subverted to make their peace overtures turn in on themselves and reverse the reality. Pure evil is the controlling factor no matter how good the initial prospects seemed to be and peaceful and loving the purveyors of the philosophy made out to be. There is no doubt that many or most actually believed it, but the powers behind it were extremely evil. The Peace movement was attacked and turned into just the opposite which is a general function of the CIA and their evil minions. That fraction of a percent of deadly stuff in rat poison still does its job.

Remember the hippies, the peace movement, the flower children and so forth of the late sixties and how they were going to change the world for peace and brotherhood? What happened to them anyway? They grew up well, older anyway - while they and their descendants are the framers of the woke syndrome of insanity. Peace and brotherly love have permutated into avoiding micro-aggressions and preferential treatments of minorities inversing that into once supposed racism to avoid any semblance of stress and make war upon those that disagree with them, meaning the vast majority of Americans. Yes, they became the leftist college professors, the liberal government leaders, the movers and shakers of and disrupting our once great nation. While history shows that those children of the warriors of major wars push for peace, what they did was far out of the normal for such actions. Not in and of the popular beliefs of what they were but the under current, the forces that pushed them into what we see today is not just happenstance, but a well planned operation of the CIA and the New World Orders planners to create the puppets that would help assist in the destruction of mankind and our beautiful world. How so you may ask? In many ways; but one in particular I want to show you. Those that take control of the mind, the directing of actions and more importantly, of beliefs to accomplish such a task are what are important to understand. That is where some of the programs included in MK-Ultra come into play. The disbelief will be strong, but the history is there.

No rules, No limits Drugs, Sex and Rock and Roll Tune in, Turn on, Drop Out. Those are the phrases that have been used to describe the pathos of the Hippie creed of Love, Peace, Nature, if it feels good, do it and just be yourself; with a heavy helping of psychedelic drugs of course. Wikipedia said that the hippie is someone associated with thecounterculture of the 1960s, originally a youth movement that began in the United States during the mid-1960s and spread to different countries around the world.The wordhippiecame fromhipsterand was used to describebeatnikswho moved into New York City'sGreenwich Village, in San Francisco'sHaight-Ashburydistrict, and Chicago'sOld Towncommunity. The CIA loves counterculture as it is a rich resource to tap into for those of questionable mental facility to subvert and pervert into something that is a trainable puppet for whatever nefarious project they may have in mind. Add in the psychedelic drugs that the CIA have used in mind control studies through the Beatnik and Hippie days and we have the recipe for some major shenanigans brewing.

Having grown up during that era, and even spending the first summer after graduating high school having a happy grad trip or vacation with some buddies of mine, we traveled to San Francisco for two reasons; first is that one friend had an Aunt across the bridge where we could spend the night sleeping on her living room floor rather than at some expensive motel and all of us loved the music of that era. I still do. The Fillmore West was the venue of choice because of all of the great bands we had a chance to listen to playing live such as the Grateful Dead, Buffalo Springfield, Spirit, Steve Miller, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, Pink Floyd, Janis Joplin and so many more I cannot remember for sure plus others playing on the streets and in the parks. No, we were not the druggy freaks or (except for one guy) trying to pretend to be hippies, but we wanted to have our pre-college fun and hear some great music. Well, and maybe find some girls to have fun with, but that never actually happened. Maybe we were just too nerdy and straight to fit in I suppose. Whatever, it was an immensely satisfying trip.

Something I did not learn until well after that trip is that most of the musicians we listened to had pads in Laurel Canyon up from LA by Hollywood. Later on I learned what an iconic place that was while reading about the various bands and those in them. A fan boy style preview of Laurel Canyon movie is the second one below. Short and gives an indication of its allure. If you have more time or are interested enough, the third video below is the first of a five part series on hiking the Laurel Canyon area pointing our various homes and who they contained. The links in the video point the way to the following clips. While also a fan boy type video, it does go into some of the shenanigans involve like the parties and other things that would be expected. The Whos Who of Laurel Canyon reads like the Honors listing of Rock and Roll. They all knew each other and by far the majority of them also had other connections that are not obvious. Some had prior military service such as Jim Hendrix as a Screaming Eagles 101st Airborne paratrooper, but most also had military families as their background, and most of those were of commissioned officer status.

For example, Jim Morrison is the son of Admiral George Stephan Morrison who commanded the vessels in the Tonkin Gulf false flag that was invented to get us into Viet Nam. Frank Zappa, Laurel Canyons father figure who actually hated the hippie movement and was a huge warmonger himself, was the son of Francis Zappa, a chemical warfare engineer at Edgewood Arsenal and also involved in MK-Ultra operations. Zappas manager Herb Cohen a former Marine involved in the CIA atrocities in the Congo. Zappas wife Gail was the daughter of a long line of Navy officers and her own father worked in Naval nuclear weapons research and she worked as a secretary for the Office or Naval research. And she went to naval kindergarten with Jim Morrison and attended high school with John Phillips and Cass Elliot, all Laurel Canyon residents. John Phillips (Mamas and Papas fame) played a major role in building the counter culture, helped organize the Monterrey Pop Festival, and wrote the song San Francisco pushing the flowers in your hair 1967 Summer of Love and the Haight-Ashbury phenomenon. Yeh, the summer we went to hear the bands.

John was also the son of the military and intelligence system whose father was a US Marine Corp Captain and his mother claimed to have psychic and telekinetic abilities and attended elite military prep schools in the DC area and received an appointment to the US Naval Academy in Annapolis. His wife Susies dad was involved in cloak and dagger stuff in the Air Force in Vienna; ie, covert intelligence operations. Susie later worked in the Pentagon along with Johns older sister and his brother was a battle hardened US Marine. Although surrounded with military intelligence people, John did not engage himself (he said), but he was in Havana fighting for Castro during the Cuban Revolution and after Castro took over he lived in Jacksonville Florida alongside the Mayport Naval Station. Pure coincidence you see.

Charlie Manson, the mass murderer, stayed at Mama Cass Elliots cabin across the street from the Laurel Canyon home of Abigail Folger and Voytek Frykowski who were two of those victims he murdered and is a direct product of the CIAs LSD system. In addition to those we know he murdered, he is on the suspect list of a number of other unsolved murders.

Stephen Stills was the son of yet another career military family and spent time in El Salvador, Costa Rica, the Panama Canal Zone, and other Central American nations that his father helped to spread democracy in. He was not alone in being educated in military schools and academies. He also claimed to have served time in the jungles of Viet Nam prior to our officially being involved, and likely was involved with our military advisors that predated our direct military involvement. David Crosby is the son of Floyd Crosby who was a WW II military intelligence officer and spent a lot of time travelling the world in places like Haiti when it was under military occupation. Another Marine doing duty there at the same time was Captain Phillips, father of John Phillips. The Crosby family has very deep roots in American history and many US Senators, Congressmen, Supreme Court justice, state senators, governors, and mayors and on and on. Remember that power resides through blood lines, and he has those bloodlines. And lest we neglect to tell the whole story, deep roots in the leadership of the Masons.

Singer-songwriter Jackson Browne also the son of career military, involved in post war reconstruction which means he is also OSS (CIA) as were most officers over there. The singers in the band America (Gerry Beckley, Dan Peek, Dewey Bunnell) were also raised by military intelligence officers. Beckley was commander of intelligence operations at West Ruislip USAF base near London and the other two singers dads were Air force officers who worked under Beckley. Other Laurel Canyon musicians include Mike Nesmith who inherited many millions from his family and was in the Air Force. Gram Parsons, son of Major Cecil Ingram Connor II decorated military bomber pilot in WWII and also inherited a massive family fortune from his mothers side. Military intelligence family and massive wealth seem to be the nature of the hippie movement leaders. Add in mental problems, organized crime families and so on to fill in the ranks of those Laurel Canyon gang members that made the movement what it was. Excellent musicians yes, but not much variation in backgrounds. Music producer Paul A. Rothchild is also involved with many of these musical artists, so what can go wrong? Can all of these and many more gather at Laurel Canyon within walking distance from each other and can all of this happen purely by happenstance? Not likely, but I suppose possible. Not!

MK-Ultra, according to Auric Media, guiding principle was Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature such as self-preservation? according to a CIA memo from January 1952. It became the umbrella component of over 149 sub projects and some of them involved LSD and other psychedelic drugs to control, reprogram and influence their thoughts and actions. Many projects that have made huge changes in our society came from small trials and then field activations, such as the mRNA AIDS disease which developed into the Covid scare to get people to take the mRNA bio-weapon as if their life depended on it. As I study for this article, I see a direct connection between that idea and the CIA LSD programs and the hippies LSD and other drug programs. Considering the backgrounds of the originators, leaders and most famous Hippies and their music, I can see a direct parallel in concept and execution that cannot be ignored. It is not, in my estimation, a coincidence that so many were residing in Laurel canyon and had so many backgrounds and links with the CIA and other intelligence communities. I do not believe in coincidence even when direct evidence may be considered thin, but will allow some of it to have happened naturally. But not all of it.

Continuing with the above article, allow me to quote this portion; Not satisfied with university research, Gottlieb recruited New York narcotics agent George White to distribute LSD surreptitiously to the borderline underworld. Operating through safe houses in Greenwich Village, Haight-Ashbury and Marin County, White gave doses to prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts and other marginal people. The CIA turned on the counter culture and although Project MK-Ultra supposedly shut down in 1963, I strongly suspect that it went from an experimental idea into a fully fledged operating program to generate the required changes in society that were to be required to change the world into what they could control easier. A counter culture that they built would become the basis for the massive loss of morals, of the acceptance of recreational drugs that has now destroyed the lives of huge swaths of American life, changed so many minds and values that the destruction of our education system, love of Liberty, acceptance of the US becoming the worlds most feared terrorist nation, the acceptance of Marxist ideologies and on and on. Our current predicament is a direct result of the changes that the LSD crowd provided and the CIA cooperating with the Illuminati that includes the various secret societies have instituted to bring about the destruction of good, moral and decent civilization. The destruction we are witnessing is planned and actually occurring before our eyes. Perhaps the largest loss is the faith in our Creator has diminished precipitously and rejecting Him is the straw that will break our backs.

I love the music, but deplore the evil behind it.

Much of the historic data came from the Center for an Informed America.

God Bless

Nixon, the Peacemaker, in China

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