Sometimes a story idea just seems weird, sometimes it really is weird. And at other times, who gives a dang about that; the story just needs to be written. I do not know where this one fits in, but cest la vie my mother might have said. There is something that is not really important, but irritates me to no end, so I must get it off my chest as the idiom goes ---
Ever notice how when you are on road marking paint, you know, those painted lines that keep you in some lane, or that show where exactly to stop at the stop sign, or which direction that lane turns, or let you know you are going the wrong way on this road you big dummy. Well, you may then have noticed that your cars tires are not gripping like they do on regular pavement. Easy to see you are not alone because your tires squeak when you accelerate over the line, and the other guys do as well. When the roads are wet it is far worse, with the loss of traction being very noticeable.
There are lots of different paints used in marking the highways; even heat applied plastic strips. Some are reflective for visibility especially in wet weather when normal markings seem to disappear. Then there are those that are designed to last a longer time between repainting and others that are made to be temporary. Whatever, there is one thing that they all have in common, and that is a lack of traction compared to normal pavement. Even those paints that are impregnated with sand or other bits to increase traction, they are still comparatively slipperier than the pavement itself.
Looking through a number of articles on road marking paints it appears they are more focused on the longevity of the paint and not the tires traction coefficient which is surprising to me because I thought the paints were there for safety and keeping things organized. The Ottawa Safety Council a few years ago had an article that said the tip of the week is that Road Paint is surprisingly slippery and their solution is not complicated; just be aware it exists and take appropriate precautions. Dont let an accident be the first time you realize how slippery those lines are.
Well, OK, I suppose that is better than assuming people have to figure that out on their own (which just about everybody already has on their own by experience), but then other articles say how much safer the roads are with paint on them. No, they really do say that. They do not mention how much slipperier they are especially when wet, but they outlandishly claim that Installing asphalt art on roads and intersection can cut crashes between motorists and other road users by a staggering 50percent. NO, really, they actually said that. Note that they said ART on the roads and also not that the article is about road art in the cities where traffic runs slow in comparison to normal roads outside of the city.
Bloomberg Philanthropies actually said that results of both the historical crash analysis and observational behavior assessment, asphalt art had a strong positive correlation with improved safety benefits across aggregated and most individual study sites. Road user behavior clearly improved across the observed study sites in the after analysis periods and I again note that this is inside big cities where traffic is usually at a crawl anyway. My question is how does it not distract from driving safely when the road markings are obscured by the attention grabbing art? Really now, perhaps people go so much slower over the art to see and appreciate said art while muttering under their breath what the hell is this crap bungling up my road for and slowing me way down?
If your viewpoint differs then so be it, but driving somewhere one expects to get to a destination efficiently and not as a tour through some art show.
Forbes put it a bit better when they said that Some have expressed qualms that the artistry displayed could be distracting to those driving on such streets.
A driver might mistakenly interpret a portion of the artistic rendering to be a driving guidance directive and therefore drive improperly, either illegally driving or potentially driving in a means that could endanger themselves and other nearby drivers, perhaps also jeopardizing pedestrians.
Or, a driver might become distracted by the artistic presentation and thus fail to realize that a car ahead of them is braking suddenly, or that a pedestrian is jaywalking in front of the car. As such, the driver might plow into another vehicle or ram into a pedestrian as a result of being focused on the art and bereft of attention to the driving situation.
Another possibility is that the painted art has overlapped, obscured, or confounded the intended painted traffic control surfaces.
This thinking more closely follows my own and all of this does not even account for what self driving cars might interpret the pavement markings or art are supposed to mean. Note that self driving cars are not all that common, but that does not eliminate the serious concerns it may portend. And NOWHWERE in the various articles on the subject to I find anything relating to the loss of traction and the accidents that distracted drivers will get in with those art painted roadways. So, what the hell?
As I stated earlier, the Ottawa Safety Council said that road paint is surprisingly slippery, and that is not a benefit to road safely.
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All of the above is just an introduction to what is really eating at my normally good natured self, and that subject is about the perversions and sickening mandates by our governments that we MUST obey their directives to love Sodomites as though they were our gods. We must not allow our tires to slip on the normally slippery surfaces of painted roads that glorify the absurdities of those that cannot figure out which sex they are and cannot figure out what God has given us and what we must do with that knowledge. Yes folks, I am speaking of the literally insane idea that somehow some varied colors of paint on a roadway is to be worshipped by one and all as sacred and sacrosanct to our very lives. I will not worship false gods of perverse and grotesque misuse of our bodies the way we are mandated to do; I absolutely refuse to do so.
But to actually be ticketed, fined and even thrown in jail because your tires happen to skid on those slippery painted surfaces is beyond the pale of normal human rational and wise thought processes. Yes sir, they are actually proving their insanity with this crap.
I was enamored by the way Americas Free Press (Canada Free Press) put it a few days ago when they said the idea of painting gay pride murals on the road is ludicrous. But to then arrest teenagers and charge them with FELONIES for leaving tire marks on them is unfair and moronic. I could not agree more.
Oh, the horror! Teenagers left skid marks on a mural painted on a roadwaya mural that has no business being there in the first place. The teenagers were arrested and charged with felonies. They could face several years in prison. Prosecutors had wanted the judge to impose a $15,000 bond.
All for a normal physical reaction of tires skidding on a slippery surface. It matters not that they tried to do that, and driving little electric scooters around that I would not think were even capable of leaving a purposeful mark is a sign of true insanity. This also brings up the question of the so-called Hate Crimes that they say were involved with. There is NO SUCH THING as Hate crimes; they are in reality THOUGHT control crimes. Real crimes are doing what is against the law, it does not make any difference whatsoever what a person may think, that is their own conscience and not up for legal interpretations. It is ONLY the actions that can be a crime, not what one thinks. But the fascist dictators and satanic left wing queers and sexual perverts that think so who are the real problem.
I will not change my mind about what I think of the evil of sexual perversions no matter what they claim is a crime. I will not bow down to their sickening mandates that I agree with them and against what our Creator had said we must do and not do. It is Him I fear and not some ass grabbing sodomite that thinks his colorful paint is Holy and somehow above sane laws and worse than the massive theft rates, murder rates, homeless rates, drug overdose rates and so much more that reigns supreme in those areas infested with the sexual liberated woke idiots and grotesque faggots that love their colorful road paint more than the Liberty that we were not only born with but our forefathers died to secure for us. They can go to hell, and I must suppose that is exactly where they are headed.
As I said at the beginning, this is something that irritates me to no end, and I needed to say it out loud and clear the air about the insanity we are faced with as overlords in so many of our big cities try to drive us into a living hell. The hyper wealthy world bankers and industrialists are doing a fine job of that as we are being pushed into World War Three and we do not need some snot nosed picayune butt dribble telling me what my morals must be.
Ok, now I feel a wee bit better thanks kids.
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