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December 13, 2022
This Invasion Is Part Of The Final Overthrow Of America! Border Control Prepares For Total 'Collapse' Of Immigration System With Incoming 'Hurricane Surge' Of Illegal Aliens
The topic of illegal immigration is once again front and center, discussed around kitchen tables, with friends, online in chat rooms, social media, email groups and comment sections, as is the faux outrage on the part of leftists pundits, Democrats and the MSM, to the description by conservatives of the term "invasion."
Let us start with the term invasion that seems to be so offensive to those considered pro-illegal immigration.
Invasion: "an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity"; and "an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain."
The image above is a screenshot from the video below, which inarguably shows an "invasion" into the United States of America. In this case, in just one evening, between 1,000 to 1,500 illegal immigrants cross over into America.
Notice how buses are just waiting for them and instantly load them up, taking them to overloaded facilities in the U.S., rather than blocking their entrance to prevent the invasion?
If that video wasn't shocking enough, the Biden regime is not only welcoming the invaders with open arms, they are also ending what is called Title 42, which made it easier, due to covid restrictions to swiftly expel the illegal immigrants at land borders.
With the upcoming end of enforcement of Title 42, immigration officials are expecting a "hurricane" type surge of immigrants crossing illegally into the U.S. Other reports state that "Border Patrol agents are preparing for a total collapse of the U.S. immigration system with the end of Title 42."
'When Title 42 ends we are going to see an already broken immigration system become completely inundated across all sectors,' one Border agent told The Washington Examiner.
As we have stated before, nothing hammers a point home than a visualization of an issue, so the chart below should most definitely hammer this point home.
In just two years since Biden began occupying the White House, more than four million illegal immigrants have enter the U.S. That is more than double the previous four years combined.
Total known illegal border crossings stand at a record-breaking 4.4 million since President Joe Biden's inauguration with another 1.5 million estimated 'got-aways' believed to have slipped into the country undetected.
With the end of Title 42, it is estimated that we will see up to six million invaders annually.
Yes, each year.
If that does not qualify as an "invasion," what does?
Seriously, can someone explain to me the liberal argument claiming these numbers do not represent an invasion, especially since the majority of those entering the country illegally are young, military-aged men?
I simply cannot fathom that line of reasoning.
The majority of Americans disagree with that line of thinking though, as 53% believe that calling it an invasion is "completely true" or "somewhat true."
During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
Another deceptive argument made against conservatives against illegal immigration is that for us it is all about the money!
They are only half correct, we do take offense at how much is spent on benefits for illegal immigrants, from education to medical costs, food and living expenses, but not because we are stingy, but rather because that money should be helping Americans. Many of which are being forced into food lines, food banks and food giveaways because they can no longer afford to feed themselves and their families.
The cost of illegal immigration in California totals $21.76 billion. This adds up to approximately 8% of the estimated $250 billion United States illegal immigrant cost reported circa 2018.
Scroll back up to that chart, and you will note 2018, which those numbers are based on, is the second lowest invasion numbers, so you can imagine how much more it is costing since 2021 when the Biden regime took over.
If the cost was$250 billion with 404,000 illegal immigrants, than how much for the additional four million in 2021 and 2022?
How many American families could that help during BidenFlation? How many American veterans could be assisted?
How many American children could be fed?
The Biden regime by suspending work on the wall, opening the borders, and encouraging illegal migrant caravans to come to America, is literally sacrificing Americans to feed and house illegals.
In 1954 American implemented a plan called "Operation Wetback," which literally saw law enforcement rounding up Mexicans to deport.
While there were serious flaws in operation, specifically that name, and the fact that those that came legally, followed the legal process set for immigrants to gain citizenship, were also round up and deported, the concept was that illegal immigration was killing America and destroying our sovereignty.
Right now we have millions of "got-aways hiding in America, with liberal states aka "sanctuaries," prohibiting local law enforcement from cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to deport them. Millions more in overstayed VISA, meaning being in America now, illegal.
Also millions of children of illegal immigrants brought over, which liberals have dubbed "dreamers," to garner sympathy in order to try to pass amnesty for them.
While the name and implementation of Operation Wetback were problems, the underlying reasoning was sound. if you cannot support or take care of your own, you certainly shouldn't be trying to take care of others until you can.
Those who came here legally, worked the process and became citizens, are welcome, the rest, those mentioned above, need to be deported.
The problem there is no one seems to have the courage to just do it, get it done and over with.
The report below explains that due to the massive illegal immigration just over the weekend, they have already started releasing these illegal aliens onto the streets of cities in Texas.
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