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June 29, 2024

'This Is A National Security Issue,' Former White House Doctor For Obama, Trump Says Biden Definitely Has A 'Cognitive Disease' - Our Enemies Just Saw How Weak And Feeble Our So-Called Leader Is

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

While the national reactions to Joe Biden's disastrous presidential debate performance, especially the reactions from the left, has been panicked, particularly since calls, like the one from the very liberal New York Times "To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race," are being ignore by Joe Biden himself who refuses to drop out, the true story here is that the whole world saw this.

Forget the Democrat panic and the "I told you Biden has dementia" from the right, no matter how entertaining the back and forth is, and just imagine what out enemies are thinking right now.

This wasn't just a "bad" debate performance as Barack Obama tried to tell panicked Democratsas Barack Obama tried to tell panicked Democrats, this was the "leader of the free world," showing our enemies that the so-called "President":

1) Is weak and feeble;

2) Isn't capable of running the United States of America, meaning other Democrat operatives are the ones controlling policies, national and international, and;

3) Isn't capable as head of the country to respond to nuclear attack against the U.S.

Interestingly enough, the procedures for launching a nuclear weapon, shown below, comes from a piece at PBS when they were speaking of Trump and mechanisms needed to launch a nuclear weapon.

PETER FEAVER, Duke University:

Well, the president has to give a lawful order, and that order has to be authentic and be seen as authentic, because it's validated by a code that he has carried with him or near his person at all times. And that order has to pass through the chain of command, down to the subordinate elements where the nuclear weapons and the nuclear-tipped missile, the nuclear capable bombers, the submarines are. And that command would receive that authentic order and then launch accordingly.

Two options here: Either Jill Biden, Joes wife, is holding on to those codes, or Biden likely forgot where he put them within minutes of putting them somewhere.

That sounds facetious, but who other than Jill is near Biden at all times? No one.

Being able to launch a nuclear weapon aside, hostile countries that would like see America fail, because the U.S. has been interventionists, forcing other countries to do what the U.S. wants and tells them to do, or face sanctions, just witnessed a presidential debate showing the man who is supposed to be making the decisions for the nation, freeze up, ramble, lose his train of thought, looked frail and even older than his 81 years, and could barely making it down the stairs after the "debate" even with his wife helping him.

Former White House doctor to both Obama and Trump, Ronny Jackson, who is now a Republican Texas Representative, is calling for Biden to resign, saying this is a national security issue. Jackson also notes that Biden definitely has a "cognitive disease."

There is a condition. I dont know what it is. I am not going to give him a diagnosis. It is more than just age. It is some type of cognitive disease, Jackson said. I dont know if its Parkinsons or Alzheimers, I dont know what it is. There are a lot of diseases out there when folks get older which can cause cognitive decline.

Jackson previously called on Biden to take a cognitive test something Biden has not done as president.

You arent going to hear me talk about cognitive tests anymore. He got one [Thursday] night in front of millions of viewers and he failed miserably, Jackson told The Post.

Another health expert, not a Republican congressman, agrees:

Dr. Mike Smith, an NHS GP from Hertfordshire, watched the debate on Thursday. As a health professional, he claimed that Biden has cognitive impairment.

"It is beyond doubt he has cognitive impairment," Smith said, via the Daily Mail.

It isn't just the NYT or Jackson that is calling for Biden to resign, and in Jackson's case if Biden won't resign, have him removed using the 25th Amendment, which allows a "president" to be removed if he is "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."

Not going to happen. Either Biden leaves willingly, albeit angrily, it is doubtful the Democrat cabinet members, or Kamala Harris, will publicly show such a display of disloyalty and internal conflict.

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The website Axios reported "Scoop: Schumer's pre-debate fears come true," which claims that Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, had previously signaled to political allies that he was open to a change in the Democrat ticket.

Driving the news: Democrats' worst nightmares about Biden's age, mental stamina, verbal dexterity became a primetime reality Thursday.

Columnists and pundits are loudly sounding the alarm about Biden's ability to defeat Trump, elected Democrats aren't publicly turningon Biden.

The piece also claims that Schumer is still in Biden's corner. We'll take that with a large grain of salt as we know that behind the scenes, Democrats are in a panic.

The New York Times seems to be all-in on going after Biden now, as the following headlines, added to the one cited and linked at the top of this article, show.

The White House Brushed Off Questions About Biden's Age. Then the Debate Happened.

Fearful and Doubting Biden, Democrats Face an Uncertain Path Forward

Could Democrats Replace Biden at the Top of the Presidential Ticket?

Democratic Donors' Big Question: What's Plan B

Is It Too Late? Four Writers on What Democrats Should Do About Biden.

If President Biden stepped aside, who could replace him at the top of the ticket?

Biden Cannot Go On Like This -Democrats must grapple with his disastrous debate.

A Raspy Biden Struggles in Prime Time -President Biden needed to calm concerns about his age and mental acuity. Instead, he inflamed them, raising questions about whether he could carry on as the Democratic nominee.

President Biden, Ive Seen Enough - He must withdraw from the race.

Biden's Debate Rattles Even the Most Faithful Democrats - The most loyal, longstanding Democratic voters were perhaps the most shaken by President Bidens performance. Some blamed the national party.

The Dramatic Dangers of a Second Biden Administration - A second Biden term would be unusually dangerous for the country in a very significant way.

Is Biden Too Old? America Got Its Answer. (Podcast) -Ezra Klein joins Ross and Michelle to dissect the first presidential debate of 2024: At some point Democrats have to decide if they want to try to win this election, or it is simply too uncomfortable for them to do anything but be on this train as it derails.

There is more but I think this makes the point that the NYT wants Biden gone, like now. Also, I simply cannot stay on that site a moment longer! The things I do for ANP readers :)

The New York Times has more than 10 million subscribers as of the end of 2023, and since it is a far left liberal Newspaper, it is safe to assume that the majority of them are liberal Democrats, and the aforementioned headlines have likely been seen by millions in just the night of the debate, yesterday and today, so far.

Apparently White House snowflake staff didn't take Biden's catastrophic debate performance well at all.

Via Gateway Pundit:

TAUSCHE: The Biden campaign just believes they need a little bit of time for the dust to settle and to move forward, Tausche told CNN host Kasie Hunt. They plan for the president to stay in the race and to debate again in September.

But Ive been talking to a bunch of rank-and-file at the White House, and the mood inside the building is not good. They described the tone of the group chats among staffers as abysmal and ugly.

They say everyone is deflated, and a lot of people chose to work from home today, saying, Were just commiserating, and we didnt want to do that at a desk.

It also appears staffers are updating their LinkedIn accounts, understanding that their days at the White House may be ending by November.


It doesn't matter what Biden or Jilldo wants, or even Biden loyalists or Obama, Joe Biden has just shown the world he is incapable of running the U.S.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that world leaders from the G7 already know how fragile, frail and incompetent Biden truly is, after all how could they not since they just spent time with him, while corralling him in after he wandered away.

The thing is, now it has been made a public spectacle, not only do our allies know it for a fact, but so do our enemies.

Biden must go, yet he refuses to do so. That is not a "good man," as one NYT op-ed listed abpve claims, nor one that cares about America's safety.

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