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May 14, 2024

Think This Dystopian Hellscape Nightmare You're Living In Now Is Bad, New Info Shows You'll Soon Be Wishing For The Days Of $20 Fast Food Meals And $500 Trips To The Grocery Store

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

While POTUS Joe Biden showed up this past week in Wisconsin to give a rare, sit down, one on one interview to brag about his economy, refusing to admit that Americans are suffering and telling CNN that the American people are flat out wrong about living in a whole world of hurt, a young American by the name of Nicolas Sumners was going viral on TikTok, ranting about the difficulties of even surviving in 2024 America despite having a full-time job earning more than 3x what the minimum wage is now, meaning he's making at least $21.75 an hour in his state.

Ranting angrily about the cost of a one-bedroom apartment in his area being an absolutely outrageous $1,800 a month while a two-bedroom apartment would run him an abominable $2,200 a month rent, he concluded his viral rant with "The American Dream is dead. It is over. Gone and forgotten." Thanks, Joe!

In between wondering why in the world the 'uni-party' is giving away BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in American taxpayer money to countries that 'nobody can even point out on the map,' numerous commenters on his video shared his absolute disgust with the direction America is going today, with one top-voted comment claiming I literally dont even want to be rich, I just want to be able to eat without anxietywhile another commenter warned America has turned into a 'dystopian hellscape,' though if you were to ask Joe Biden, those people are simply out of touch with reality because as Joe puts it, his economy and America are doing great under his presidency.

With Biden also claiming in his sit down interview that the polls are simply wrong and that Americans have more money than ever, especially more money than Americans had while Trump was POTUS, the commenters on that Daily Mail story ripped Biden into little bits and pieces for his endless, non-stop lies to the nation.

And as we read in the top-voted comment, THINGS CAN GET WORSE! Think about that, America!

Remember, if you think it can't get worse, just let government do what it wants for another four years. You'll be wishing for the days of $20 meals at fast food places and $500 grocery trips.

(ANP Emergency!: PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)

And while many totally unprepared Americans think that it can't get any worse, this new story over at the Activist Post fills us in on exactly how and why that is the most likely outcome, warning in their opening paragraph that MOST Americans are not aware of the multiple threats China is posing in America now.

Warning within their story about the multitude of dangers that China poses to America agricultural industry, and particularly our food supply, we've reported numerous times previously on ANP about China buying up American farms from coast to coast, and that's certainly not the only danger they pose.

Clearly taking advantage of all of the money in bribes that they've paid to the 'Biden crime cabal' over many, many years, China's not only buying up farms but they're buying up American fertilizer companies, controlling our ability to access fertilizer, chemical companies as well as food processing facilities.

And if you think that they're buying up all of these companies so that they can feed Americans, you clearly haven't been paying attention. As South Dakota governor Kristi Noem warns, they're coming for our land which will complete their control of our food supply. Governor Noem warns us in this linked video.:

Between 2010 and 2020, the Chinese Communist Partys holding of American agricultural land increased by 5,300%. China now owns about 384,000 acres of American farmland valued at over $2 billion. When America cant feed itself, it becomes a national security issue. Recent media reports show that the largest Chinese holder of American farmland is shipping food and medical supplies to China to be stockpiled by the Chinese military.

So while the American people can't afford to eat, we can be sure that the people of the Chinese Communist party will be stuffing their guts and eating well, thanks to Joe and that uni-party in Washington DC. And we can be sure that the 'Biden crime cabal' and the globalists uni-party have been paid well over the years, with American taxpayer money, by China for all of this food.

So while the once-called 'American dream' is ripped to smithereens, replaced by the 'American nightmare' that Joe Biden still can't see with his blinded eyes (likely because he is too busy 'sniffing' and 'fondling' 7-year old childrenas reported in this new story over at the Gateway Pundit,) I can confirm that I feel exactly as this 65-year-old American who had commented on that previously mentioned Daily Mail story, who had never felt more betrayed by the US govt, the powers that be.

I'm sixty five years of age now and I've never felt more betrayed by the powers that be than i do now.

And more people on the Daily Mail story were venting in the comment section as well. With one commenter warning that America had turned into 1990's Russia, they also warned that medications are out of stock all over, meaning the globalists are one step nearer to the depopulation goals they've been working towards for so long.

Prices have more than doubled in a year. I never though I would have to put GROCERIES on a pay x 4 plan, but I have now. This country is 90's Russia. Medications are out if stock everywhere. At my local grocery, people have stopped buying deli meats by the 1/2 or 1 pound and now buy by the slice!

Someone should do a poll on how many of us now have family members who are in need of financial help compared to 2021. Not talking about kids living in the cellar, talking about members of our own generation who can't keep up with the increases in utilities, food & insurance.

And now we learn through the Liberty Action Counsel that the World Health Organization is actually taking steps to control what we eat in the future, actually launching a new plan to control what we eat.

With it not bad enough that the WHO wants control over how all nations respond during the next 'scamdemic,' as we're warned by the Liberty Action Counsel, this new alliance seeks to have control over what food is being produced, how it will be produced, managed, and inspected and where the food will be distributed.

Giving us another great reason to grow our own food and be prepared to protect that food from anybody and anything, the WHO Alliance for Food Safety, which was hosted by the WHO Nutrition and Food Safety Department in Geneva, Switzerland,. seeks to fully implement the WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety 20222030, which just sounds like more global tyranny that must be resisted at all costs.

With Susan Duclos and I here at ANP among those suffering horribly due to the left's attack upon 'the truth', America and 'Bidenomics,' we sincerely thank everybody who is able to donate to us to help us keep a roof over our heads and this kind of content coming out every day. If it weren't for donations from ANP's absolutely amazing readers, we would no longer be here nor would we have a roof over our heads. Thank you.

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