February 9, 2023
Globalists Priming The Planet For Nuclear Armageddon With War About To Move Into A Totally Different Phase As Things Heat Up To A Fever Pitch Following Viral Report On Joe Biden's Act Of War
- 'Our government is a rogue regime crime syndicate committed to genocide'
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
If you think the US government nor America's 'globalist overlords' would never commit genocide, carry out medical tyranny or commit the very worst of all war crimes upon completely innocent people, you never read the Mai Lai Massacre storywhich took place during the Vietnam war in 1968. This story is not a criticism of America's Vietnam War Veterans, but of those who ORDERED THEM to commit attrocities, and then covered them up, the same group now pushing America towards nuclear Armageddon.
With that horrifying story reporting a group of US soldiers were ORDERED into a peasant village and ORDERED to attack and kill on sight their unarmed 'enemies,' with those American soldiers then raping, mutilating and murdering between 200 and 500 civilians, that crime was covered up at the very top of the military chain of command and by the US govt for eighteen months, at least until it was uncovered and reported on 18 months later by a relatively unknown journalist by the name of Seymour Hersh.
Reporting in a cable filed through Dispatch News Service and picked up by more than 30 newspapers thatUS Army soldiers were sent into a Viet Cong stronghold known as 'Pinkville' on a search-and-destroy mission, indiscriminately shooting down people in cold blood as they ran from their huts, then systematically rounding them up and ordered to 'finish them all off,' Seymour Hersh ended up winning a Pulitzer Prize for that report, which the Pentagon and US government largely denied until they were no longer able to.
And as Seymour Hersh just told the world in this Substack entry, getting it before the American public was no easy task. I wasnt an established journalist working for an established outfit. My first story, published under a barely existent wire service run by a friend of mine, was initially rejected by the editors at Life and Look magazines. When the Washington Post finally published it, they littered it with Pentagon denials and the unthinking skepticism of the rewrite man.
And while you may be thinking to yourself, why is ANP bringing up a 55-year-old story about the Vietnam War now, as we'll be exploring within this story, Hersch, still a reporter 55 years later, has just broken the internet and showed us why we all better be completely prepared for war in the days ahead. Because Hersh just moved over to Substack from outlets like the Washington Post and the NY Times so he could get this mega-viral story published because obviously, he couldn't do so at such 'controlled' media outlets.
Titled "How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline," as he reported as his subtitle, the New York Times called it a mystery, but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secretuntil now. Reporting in the viral story that it was none other than Joe Biden who gave the order to take out that multi-billion dollar energy pipeline that ran from Russia to Europe, as Jamie White over at Infowars reports in this new story, that is no laughing matter but an outright act of war.
So are you ready for things to start heating up to the max in the days ahead? Reading through ANP story comment sections the past few days we've noticed many ANP readers 'feel it' heating up, such as a series of comments made by PROUD_2B_American on this Wednesday story by Susan Duclos including:
"I can feel it ...coming in the air tonight........... Oh Lord It's like electricity ,,,, I've been scanning a lot of sites and the tone is radically shifting to... "Let just do this" AND A TOTAL LACK of "You guys need to calm down." Voices of reason are becoming silent...Never seen so many enraged ....NOT ANGRY.......pressure relief valve popping....Everyone is feeling it .... Even my wife commented about it .....a very uneasy feeling."
Yet while tensions are absolutely heating up to a noticeable level for so many as a devastating 'end times' war hangs over the world like a radioactive cloud following a nuclear explosion, and Joe Biden's act of war upon the Nord Stream Pipeline something that could bring a mushroom cloud over Washington DC if Vladimir Putin decides such a 'response' is worth it, take note that Biden's White House actually issued a response to Hersh's viral piece to see exactly what is happening here, and it's huge!
As this Daily Mail story reports, following Hersh putting out that Substack which, if true, absolutely means Biden committed an act of war against Russia and this entire 'Ukraine war'is about ready to move into an entirely different phase, both the White House and CIA issued near immediate denials. And the bigger story that's easy to see if one looks deeply enough shows us that finally, after all of these decades of mainstream media dominance and pushing blatant propaganda in America, REAL reporting has returned to America on an entirely different level than just the 'independent media.' From Hersh's entry "Why Substack" in which Hersh shares this 'message' to his readers.:
Ive been a freelancer for much of my career. In 1969, I broke the story of a unit of American soldiers in Vietnam who had committed a horrific war crime. They were ordered to attack an ordinary peasant village where, as a few officers knew, they would get no oppositionand told to kill on sight. The boys murdered, raped and mutilated for hours, with no enemy to be found. The crime was covered up at the top of the military chain of command for eighteen monthsuntil I uncovered it.
I won a Pulitzer Prize for international reporting for that work, but getting it before the American public was no easy task. I wasnt an established journalist working for an established outfit. My first story, published under a barely existent wire service run by a friend of mine, was initially rejected by the editors at Life and Look magazines. When the Washington Post finally published it, they littered it with Pentagon denials and the unthinking skepticism of the rewrite man.
Ive been told my stories were wrong, invented, outrageous for as long as I can rememberbut Ive never stopped. In 2004, after I published the first stories about the torture of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib, a Pentagon spokesman responded by calling my journalism a tapestry of nonsense. (He also said I was a guy who threw a lot of crap against the wall and expects someone to peel off whats real. I won my fifth George Polk Award for that work.) Ive put in my time at the major outlets, but was never at home there. More recently, I wouldnt be welcome anyway. Money, as always, was part of the problem. The Washington Post and my old newspaper, The New York Times (to name just a few), have found themselves in a cycle of dwindling home delivery, newsstand sales, and display advertisements. CNN and its offspring, like MSNBC and Fox News, battle for sensational headlines over investigative journalism. There are still many brilliant journalists at work, but so much of the reporting has to be within guidelines and constraints that did not exist in the years I was turning out daily stories for the Times.
Thats where Substack comes along. Here, I have the kind of freedom Ive always fought for. Ive watched writer after writer on this platform as theyve freed themselves from their publishers economic interests, run deep with stories without fear of word counts or column inches, andmost importantlyspoken directly to their readers. And that last point, for me, is the clincher. Ive never been interested in socializing with pols or cozying up to money types at the self-important cocktail get togethersthe star-f***ing parties, I always liked to call them. Im at my best when I swig cheap bourbon with the servicemen, work over the first-year law firm associates for intel, or swap stories with the junior minister from a country most people cant name. Thats always been my style. And as it turns out, its the ethos of this online community as well.
What youll find here is, I hope, a reflection of that freedom. The story you will read today is the truth as I worked for three months to find, with no pressure from a publisher, editors or peers to make it hew to certain lines of thoughtor pare it back to assuage their fears. Substack simply means reporting is back . . . unfiltered and unprogrammedjust the way I like it. Seymour M. Hersh
With us here at ANP understanding exactly what Hersh is speaking about when he talks about 'unfiltered and unprogrammed' reporting, with Susan and I and all of our story contributors writing about whatever we want to write about, no 'marching orders' given by anyone, (nor would such 'orders' be 'obeyed' anyways), Hersh's statement above also proves the independent media was right all along about the MSM being 'completely controlled' and total propaganda for those now accelerating genocide.

With Vladimir Putin and Russia now demanding that 'names be named' and those responsible for the pipeline's destruction be held criminally responsible for their actions following Hersh's viral report, we'd reported on ANP back on October 1st and October 3rd there was no doubt it was the US govt, with 'Kalbo' reporting in this October 3rd storytitled "10 Ways Russia Can Respond To The Pipeline Destruction: While An EMP Would Send America Back To The 18th Century, A 100' Tsunami Awaits US Cities via Putin's Underwater Drone Nukes" the following.:
It is beyond doubt that the Nord Stream pipelines were sabotaged by the US Navy. The Navy conducted an exercise in that exact area in July involving divers and undersea drones with the official position stating it was a training exercise for anti-terrorist warfare. In the past, simulations and training exercises have always occurred just prior to, or at the same time as a terrorist incident (the marathon bombing; 911; etc). Fake President Biden is on record, stating in a press conference in February 2022, that if Russia invaded Ukraine, that we would "end the Nord Stream Pipeline" and that "we have the means to do it".
With Hersh also referencing those US Navy drills in his viral story, as we'd also pointed out in this October 1st story just days after the explosion, all of that moved us another step closer to nuclear war. And we'd also pointed out back then that EVERYBODY who pays attention to anything but the mainstream media knew exactly who blew those pipelines up. Everyone but the sheeple. From that story.:
With the sabotage and destruction of the Nord Stream Gas Pipelines moving the world closer to World War 3 this week as the globalists seemingly seek out nuclear annihilation for the planet, no other way in their minds to hit Deagel's 2025 global depopulation numbers for America with people now rejecting their deadly vaxxes 'en masse,' we've got to take a look back before we look forward in order to get a better look at just WHO is the 'most likely suspect' in this sabotage that could lead to nuclear war.
While the big question of the week as pointed out in this Daily Mail story was 'Who DID blow up the Nord Stream gas pipelines - Russia... or America?,' as the top-voted comment on the story pointed out, "Everyone knows the USA did this. Other "leaders" went along with it. I wish they would stop thinking we are all so stupid" while another top-voted comment pointed out the obvious, WHY WOULD Vladimir Putin BLOW UP a PIPELINE that they ALREADY OWNED the OFF SWITCH to?
"Russia already OWNED the OFF switch, and did not NEED to destroy their OWN pipeline! FFS. President Biden earlier said he would END Nord Stream, if Putin Attacked Ukraine. This looks like Joe Biden told the truth, for once."
With the mainstream media and politicians here in the USA even suggesting that Putin blew up his own pipeline that he could have much more easily have just TURNED OFF the absolute EPITOME of how DUMBED DOWN they think that Americans are, (and the fact that so many Americans actually believe their lies showing how many ARE so dumbed down!), even the Washington Post reported back in February of 2022 that Biden vowed to STOP a Nord Stream 2 Pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine, and we all know now how that's turned out.
So with Biden actually telling the truth for once meaning he's committed an act of war against a nation that could easily destroy us with just a few of their unstoppable hypersonic nuclear missiles or an EMP or two that took down our entire nation's electrical grid for a year up to 18 months or more, an event that would lead to the deaths of up to or more than 90% of the US population if the EMP experts are right, let's hope Putin understands just as well as we do what that would mean and holds off a bit, at least giving the American people the opportunity to hold war criminal Biden accountable.
Because as we mentioned previously, we've been noticing an endless stream of comments from ANP readers within which they've been pointing out that people have been noticing things heating up to a fever pitch, even for those who still get their news from the mainstream media, with ANP readers fully understanding we now have a genocidal, criminal government with Joe Biden at the helm. Two more of those comments.:
From 'Got Rope?': "We don't have a government. We have a rogue regime and crime syndicate that is committed to genocide, population replacement with the dregs of the third world and the utter destruction of culture/civil society. Our founding fathers would not recognize much of anything that has happened here since 1913. Others say the organized destruction started during civil war 1 reconstruction. This regime is a dead man walking. The sooner it dies, the better....."
And from 'afchief5': "Bottom line people.....NEVER trust your government again.......NEVER!!!"
So with another 'conspiracy theory' proven true as Michael Snyder reports in this new story over at End of the American Dream, and that 'proven conspiracy theory' moving us another step closer to nuclear war as 2023 marches on, each of the videos below take looks at the topics discussed within this story. So if you still think the US government would NEVER commit 'vax' genocide, then we hope the reminder of the Mai Lai Massacre, on top of Joe Biden's act of war, reminds you just what America is up against.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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