August 12, 2022
The Veil Is Now Completely Off With America Now Openly Transformed Into A Banana Republic: Mar-a-Lago Raid Fully Exposes Bidens Illegal War Against Conservatives In America
By Justin O Smith of the Blue State Conservativefor All News Pipeline
The only thing missing from the unprecedented FBI raid at President Trumps home is Muammar Gaddafis sunglasses and cap on Joe Biden. Representative Andy Biggs (R-Arizona), August 8th, 2022
President Donald J. Trumps Mar-a-Largo home was just violated by an unannounced FBI raid conducted by over thirty FBI agents under the pretext of searching for classified documents on August 8th, 2022, in a politically motivated hit job that reeks of Joe Bidens and the Democratic Partys desperation to prevent Trump from being a presidential candidate in 2024. This is an unprecedented act in American history, that was totally unnecessary, unjustified, and inappropriate, and it represents a blatant and open attack on America and one more tyrannically motivated move in an open war against conservatives and freedom-loving Americans.
Regardless of assurances from Bidens press secretary, there isnt any way in hell that Joe Biden didnt sign off on this. Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray were apprised of the raid and they too had to sign off on it, because an FBI Evidence Retrieval group isnt just going to go off on its own at the behest of the national archives and raid a former presidents home.
In response to a Congressional inquiry from Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), David Ferriero, the archivist of the United States, explained in a letter from February 18th, 2022, that throughout all of last year, the National Archives and Records Administration had ongoing communications with the representatives of former President Trump about 15 boxes marked as classified national security information that President Trump had returned to them in January. However, just because the boxes were marked classified doesnt mean the documents inside them hadnt already been declassified by President Trump.
Even if there was a dispute between the official government archivist and Trump, as President, he had the authority to declassify and remove documents to his home at his discretion, and aside from this, the archive officials lawyers and been working with Trumps lawyers for the entire past year in a cooperative effort to decide which documents the former president should return or keep for whatever purpose he had in mind, say a Presidential library, or perhaps exposing the real criminals spread throughout the federal government. Never before has the FBI ever acted as an enforcement arm of the archives department.
If this had truly been a simple matter of retrieving documents, all they had to do was call Trumps lawyers. And, if they thought the results were unsatisfactory, historically, this is the sort of thing that has always been handled in court as a civil matter, not by jackbooted FBI commie asshole stormtroopers.
Adding gasoline to the political firestorm, its also been acknowledged that President Trumps lawyers who were there at Mar-a-Largo were not given the warrant and they were not allowed to view the search as it was conducted. This troubles me, and it should trouble every American, in light of past misdeeds by FBI agents who went so far as to present false information to the FISA Court. I wouldnt put it past these bastards to have planted some sort of damning evidence against Trump, just to make it harder for him to run in 2024.
More than any search for several more boxes of supposedly classified documents, despite the White Houses assurances to the contrary, this was a scavenger hunt that ransacked the former presidents home to try to find anything tied to January 6th, 2021 that might show Donald Trump was obstructing justice or actually had knowledge aforehand of some plot to use violence to overturn the election results. Anyone who believes otherwise surely must be stoned out of their minds, ignorant of the political backstories, and sitting on Hunter Bidens couch snorting lines of cocaine. The FBI was there to hurt Trump politically.
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This is simply a political ploy less than ninety days from the midterm elections and fodder for the Marxist/Maoist Media to shout about Trumps criminal actions and to assert he must be a criminal because only criminals get raided by the FBI. There can be no doubt their clear intentions are to affect the Republican primary process and the midterm election results, and if they get lucky beyond their wildest dreams, to indict Trump through the dirtiest methods they can find.
Remember all the other criminal conspiracies the Democrats already implemented against Trump, from the Russia Collusion crap to the two separate impeachment show trials and now the January 6th Committee and its kangaroo court proceedings. And these were all set in motion by communist criminals within the federal government, whether we speak of Comey, Lynch, Holder, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, Rice, Brennan or Powers and a litany of others intent on doing anything necessary to prevent Trump from becoming president or being able to conduct business for the United States as President once in office.
Its more than apparent to anyone paying attention these past nineteen months that Red Joe has no problem with attacking conservatives or setting up a new paradigm in which each new administration can and most likely will target the outgoing administration for harassment, prosecutions, and worse. This is the juncture in time at which America has arrived.
If the FBI has raided the home of a former president for nothing else more serious than a fairly inconsequential Class C misdemeanor violation, this is a great day for Donald Trump and any plans he has to run for the presidency in 2024.
I had long ago come to recognize the FBI as a problematic organization that had been infiltrated by proponents of Marx and Mao and bound to the oligarchs at the head of the communist and globalist movement within our country and at all levels of the federal government. And writing in the wee hours of August 7th, 2022, little did I know the FBI would act the very next day in a way that gave these words much greater significance, as I stated:
the Federal Bureau of Investigation acts entirely too much like an all powerful enemy from within who is above the law and empowered by its corrupt head to act in as illegal a manner as it chooses on any given day. This is the sort of institution that has no place in a free society
Joe Bidens recent reprehensible act, through Merrick Garlands Department of Justice and Christopher Wrays Federal Bureau of Investigation, has only served to reveal just how deeply politicized and weaponized these institutions have become and the deeper division its created across America as it splits the country in half in its attempts to undermine the republic and destroy Americas founding.
Shortly after the raid, Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida, stated:
The raid of Mar-a-largo is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regimes political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Now the Regime is getting another 87k [thousand] IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.
How ironic all of this becomes once one considers that Hunter Bidens laptop has exposed actual crimes he committed and statements implicating Joe Biden in crimes and no FBI raids have been conducted on their homes or offices. No FBI squad ever raided Hillary Clintons home in Chappaqua, New York, even though it was proven that she had thousands of classified documents on an unsecured private server in that home and it had been compromised and hacked by our foreign adversaries.
So, even if Trump actually did have classified documents in his possession, this raid perfectly illustrates the total double standard we now see in our system and the fact that the blindfold has been yanked from the eyes of Lady Justice to be used to go after those deemed to be political opponents, in a grossly corrupt manner based on ideology and using arbitrary tyrannical diktats rather than any actual legal statutes.
America needs a fully transparent accounting of this raid and a full explanation of the stated justification or probable cause from the warrant that was served the morning of August 8th. They are required by law to leave a copy of the warrant for President Trump and a complete list of every item and document seized, which wasnt done on-site, since by all accounts, these agents were just storming through the house grabbing things that didnt really pertain to the warrant. And yet, at this writing, they havent told us what they took, why they took it and what they are doing with it.
The federal government and the Biden regime cant just break into President Trumps safe and then go silent about it, as if to say, nothing to see here, Folks, move along.
One can be certain that if these radical Marxist/ Maoists will go to such corrupt lengths to do this to a former U.S. President, theyll do it to the average American citizen. We know they will by way of all the other Biden policies that are full of tyrannical measures, from their New Green Deal to their love of Queer America and destroying womens rights in favor of transgenderism, and on to their nonsensical, ignorant, ill-informed Critical Race Theory.
As Trump has regularly noted: In reality, theyre not after me, theyre after you. Im just in the way.
Many conservatives and independents, who may have been considering DeSantis or some other candidate for President in 2024, have been so angered by this egregious act and overreach of power by the Biden regime, that they are now bound and determined to cast their votes for Donald J. Trump. It is obvious that Trump is the man the Democratic Party communists fear most, as their unease grows over their failure to pin some trumped-up felony on him, especially in light of his stated desire to reclassify over fifty thousand federal employees known to be inclined to subvert his America First Agenda and purge them from the government offices, rightfully so, if he wins the 2024 presidential election.
The palpable fear of Trump exhibited by the Biden regime through the FBI raid a Republic-shredding stunt suggests to many Americans that this is all the more reason to vote for Trump. They believe that the next time around, he will have learned the lessons from many betrayals, and he wont be playing nice or trying to compromise and get along with Democrats as he did in his first term. No. Hes going to lead a government purge of the FBI, DOJ, NSA and IRS heretofore unseen in America, terminating thousands of those anti-American Marxist/Maoist federal employees, and hes going to bring Joe and Hunter and their associates dirty, illegal deals with China, Russia and Ukraine to light and do his best to see them put in prison where they belong at least this is the hope of those hardcore Trump supporters and many in the ranks of simply conservative voters.
And as such, the oligarchs behind the scenes, the Deep State if one prefers, are totally invested in preventing Trump from running, acting like the political juntas one finds in Central and South American countries and attempting to cripple Trump politically. To allow him to win back the Presidency would very nearly guarantee that he would remove their apparatchiks and destroy their stranglehold on the American political arena, delegitimizing their rule and returning the real power to the American people, and restoring the balance of power in the process.
America needs Her mentally and physically tough, hardened men and women who love America to come to Her defense in this time of crisis which is about the future of the entire country, not just one mans future. Those who love liberty must raise their unified voices in righteous anger through civil and legitimate channels and in the chambers of elected officials, voicing our concerns and grievances to our Representatives and Senators peacefully, for now, although for many of us, we see the Biden regimes current policies and numerous overreaches of power as having set us on a path to civil war should they persist.
Joe Muammar Biden and his other two stooges, Wray and Garland, may have thought they were being cute and slick and looking good for the Democratic Party base, by conducting this totally unnecessary early morning raid on President Trumps Mar-a-Largo home for optics and grabbing some political trash to use against him in the elections, but all they did was to anger Americas patriots who have taken heart and stock of the situation and rejected the Biden regimes fear tactics. All they really did was ensure that Donald J. Trump love him or hate him will be the Republican candidate and the next President of the United States, unless I miss my bet.
However, if somehow Trump fails to extricate himself from this mess before the 2024 election, conservatives and independents need to have a capable replacement standing in the wings, one who is best able to fill the void and take the fight to the Biden regime even more forcefully and fiercely than Trump might do.
These truly are dark times for this America we love so well, but even as the Biden regime takes acts of tyranny to an entirely new level never before seen in America, its up to everyone who wants true freedom and liberty across our country to revile, castigate and even mock them, spitting in the face of their stormtroopers and forcing them to halt the weaponization of the federal government against political opponents and good and decent conservative Americans. Place our people into positions of power by way of the 2022 and 2024 elections, and start arresting all of these rotten anti-American communist rat bastards, for crimes we know theyve committed that went unpunished because the Democratic Party protected them and made them untouchable. And finally, let the sword of Lady Justice reach out and touch them in a way that ends their evil here in America and here on earth.
This is a fight against evil and tyranny for the future of America and freedom and liberty for all, and thats no hyperbole, none at all.
This story was originally published here.Hailing from the Great State of Tennessee, Justin O. Smith is a patriotic American and regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative whose work has been published by American Thinker and The Rutherford Reader. He can be found on GETTR, Gab, MeWe, and Clouthub.
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