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January 21, 2023

Research Finding 'The Vax' Is A Bioweapon Developed By DARPA Over 10 Years Ago Explains How The 'Vaxxed' Are Walking Talking Bioweapons, Pumping Out Deadly mRNA On The Rest Of Us

- CDC Pushing More Kill Shots Has Americans Calling Them Out For Crimes Upon Humanity

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Back on December 31st, we'd reported in this story on ANP that according to 'COVID vaxinjury and death analyst' Ed Dowd,something horrible was going on in America and all around the world, with Dowd also warning of the globalist media mafia: "The longer they ignore it, the more criminal it is."

With Dowd having warned in an interview back then with Mike Adams of Natural News that the numbers were showing him that every day, approx. 7,500 Americans were being disabled or killed by the 'jabs,' the large majority of them 'working Americans' who were rendered unable to work following their injuries, Adams warned in that video we were watching the 'decivilization' of America unfolding before our eyes, but most were still far too blind to see it.

And with the three weeks following that story still not showing the mainstream media, politicians or 'medical establishment' coming clean to the American people on just how many people are being maimed or killed by those jabs, with a recent twitter announcement by the CDC that "Its not too late to get vaccinated. You can get the #mpox vaccine at the same time as your #flu and #COVID vaccines," we wonder if the CDC reads the replies to their tweets for if they did, they'd see that by and large in 2023, the American people no longer trust a word they say.

With the CDC also encouraging us to "talk to our 'vaccinator' about what is right for you,"if those 'vaccinators' weren't being heavily compensated by the likes of Pfizer and Moderna, do you think they'd actually be warning young and healthy Americans that the jabs could drop them dead suddenly while they're out on the playing field, "playing," or kill them off while they're sleeping, like is happening to so many? The replies on twitter to the CDC's tweet were priceless and including the following gems.:

John Garrett - Replying to @CDCgov: There is no statute of limitations on crimes against humanity. Remember that.

TheUrbanFarmer - Replying to @CDCgov: Waiting for Covaxin. You know the traditional vaccine, with long term safety data, US trials showing robust protection against variants and zero serious side effects. Same one denied EUA while you EUAd mrna gene therapy vaccines saying it stops transmission Yup still waiting.

PDD - Replying to @CDCgov: I just want the FDA to post results from the clinical trials so I can read myself. Their lack of transparency speaks volumes.

Alan Novacs - Replying to @CDCgov: You have lost all credibility, CDC.

Woof Melbourne - Replying to @CDCgov: You lot need to be abolished. Apart from myocarditis in both covid & monkeypox (smallpox) vax (mpox is using covid vax side effects as a justification ) @CDCDirector belongs in prison. @RandPaul @SenRonJohnson.

Neutrino Ghost Delicioso - Replying to @CDCgov: The covid vaccine is poison. Dont take.. ever!

And with even Elon Musk 'red-pilling' the masses when he announced on twitter that following his 2nd booster, he had major adverse effects that left him feeling he was going to die for days, while also claiming he has a young and healthy cousin who immediately ended up in the hospital following a vax due to myocarditis, we'd ask Musk if we got a chance why he ever took the 'kill shot' in the 1st place.

So while at least Musk is now speaking up about his adverse reactions to that 2nd booster shot and telling the world about his cousin who got myocarditis from the vax, we've got to take a look within this story at a recent warning from pre-eminent cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough that 'vax shedding' is real,with mRNA transferring from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed, and "every shot accumulating in the body with no ability for the body to get rid of it."

(ANP FUNDRAISER: First of all, ANP wants to thank everybody who recently donated to ANP during our emergency fundraising drive. You absolutely amazing people got us out of a huge mess due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, so HUGE THANK YOU'S go out toeverybody who recently donated as well as to everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

So while Susan Duclos and I at ANP are absolutely 'purebloods' and have no intention of ever taking these jabs that were never proven safe before being forced upon the American people, with prior 'vaccine trials' going on years and decades before they were proven to be safe in human beings, that doesn't mean that the globalists aren't trying to 'get us vaxxed' without our knowledge or permission.

As Susan had pointed out in this January 12th story on ANP,'Mad Scientists' have been hard at work attempting to add mRNA vaxxes to the global food supply, growing genetically modified tomatoes as 'edible mRNA,' vaxxing the animals that human beings will later eat as a method of 'force-jabbing' the unvaxxed masses and now even the USDA approving the first 'vax' for honeybees showing just how far the eugenicists are willing to go to make sure we all get 'vaxxed' with their 'kill shots,' whether we want to take them or not.

Virtually assuring the US meat supply will soon be widely contaminated with mRNA proteins from these biotech 'vaxxes,' as Mike Adams had warned just days ago in this story over at Natural News.:

Theres soon going to be another reason to either choose vegetarian food options or get your meat from local, trusted sources: mRNA vaccines are about to be heavily implemented across the meat industry, with cattle, chickens, pigs, goats and other livestock targeted for regular mRNA injections.

As weve seen with human beings, mRNA injections can:

- Circulate throughout the entire body and end up in blood and organs.

- Cause the body to produce toxic proteins which can cause toxic effects.

- Clog arteries and end up killing or harming people from strokes or heart attacks.

- Alter chromosomes and cause permanent genetic changes to the organism.

And while at least 'purebloods' who want to avoid those mRNA vaxxes being forced upon our 'animal kingdom' can make the choices that Adams describes us as having, as Ethan Huff had warned in this January 19th story over at Natural News, new research indicates 'the vaxxed' are nothing less than 'Bioweapons factories,' putting all purebloods in danger as warned of in this story titled "BIOWEAPONS FACTORIES: New study finds that the fully vaccinated are shedding mRNA and spike proteins onto the unvaccinated." From that story before we continue.:

It is entirely possible, according to the findings of a recent study, that those who are fully vaccinated for covid shed messenger RNA (mRNA) and spike proteins onto others, including the unvaccinated.

This is the perspective held by Dr. Peter McCullough, an outspoken opponent of covid jabs who cites a paper published by French pharmacologist Dr. Helene Banoun in the medical journal Infectious Diseases Research, as evidence of this.

The un-injected can contract covid jab ingredients via bodily fluids such as saliva, sweat, and sexual contact, Dr. Banoun found. Pfizers own clinical trials reveal much the same, suggesting that covid jab ingredients can pass through inhalation or skin contact, as well as through semen from a man and passage through breast milk.

And with that Natural News story warning us also that more and more evidence has emerged that the Covid vaxxes are a BIOWEAPON developed more than a decade before Operation Warp Speedaccording to Dr. McCulloughs extensive research into the matter, and that the mRNA technology used in the covid injections taken by most of the now-vaccinated population was developed by none other than the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as far back as 2011 a decade before the covid scamdemic appeared, try to understand just what that means in reality! As we've been warned time and again, the 'vax' wasn't unveiled for 'the pandemic' but just the opposite, the 'pandemic' was brought out so that the eugenicist globalists could unveil 'the vax!'

And with that Natural News story warning the shots are a bioweapon that was more than likely intentionally developed in such a way as to spread itself to the unvaccinated via sheddingshowing us just what us 'purebloods' are up against in 2023,as that story also warned, because of this, "the public is grappling with the issue of nucleic acid and Spike protein shedding as a potential concern among those who have worked so hard to remain healthy and free of COVID-19 vaccination. Dr. McCullough writes on his blog.:

Dr. McCullough writes that the mRNA technology was developed as part of a project by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2011 and as such, there would have been plenty of time for preclinical testing before Operation Warp Speed was initiated by former President Donald Trump.

Sadly, these careful development steps were skipped from the beginning in our military-style vaccine development program, and now the public is grappling with the issue of nucleic acid and Spike protein shedding as a potential concern among those who have worked so hard to remain healthy and free of COVID-19 vaccination, Dr. McCullough states on his blog.

According to Dr. McCullough, there are specific questions related to the shedding of the gene therapies that must be answered quickly in order to prevent harm to the unvaccinated population.:

"The pivotal questions are: 1) For how long is a recently vaccinated person at risk to shed on to others? 2) Can mRNA be taken up by the recipient and begin to produce Spike protein just like vaccination? 3) Can shed Spike protein cause disease as it does in the vaccinated (e.g. myocarditis, blood clots, etc.)?


On December 7, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) hosted a roundtable conference on the topic of COVID-19 vaccines. At the conference, Dr. McCullough called for an immediate halt to the vaccination program:

The pathway to prevent any more harm is that all the vaccines need to be pulled off the market, withdrawn. That needs to happen immediately. All the vaccine mandates should be dropped immediately. We need requests for applications and immediate funding for vaccine injury treatment centers of excellence across the United States, Dr. McCullough said. Whats at stake here is death.

Yet as we'd warned on ANP back on December 31st, according to vax injury and death analyst Ed Dowd, the longer they ignored all of these deaths, the more criminal the deaths were. So with the CDC putting out that tweet for Americans to go out and get their COVID shots as quickly as possible just yesterday on January 20th, proving to us they're still ignoring the rapidly growing 'death count' that may have also just taken the life of former FOX News Vice PresidentAlan Komisarrof who just 'died suddenly' of a 'cardiac event' at the still-young age of 47, how many more such deaths will we witness before these eugenicists are held fully accountable and responsible for the genocide they've unleashed upon the world?

And how many 'purebloods' will also get unwillingly 'vaxxed' in the days, weeks and months ahead, possibly suffering similar 'medical episodes' as 'the vaxxed' now are in huge numbers, due to purebloods eating 'vaxxed animals' or being exposed to the mRNA shedding of the vaxxed, without them even knowing? It's looking more and more like these devils will stop at nothing to get you and I 'vaxxed' without our knowledge or permission, just as we're warned in the 1st video below featuring Tanya Gaw interviewing cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough titled "VACCINE SHEDDING IS REAL! BIOWEAPON ATTACKS UNVAXXED."

And as this Vigilant Fox substack points out, while the 'big question' is, how long should 'the unvaxxed' wait until they engage in close contact with 'the vaxxed' so that they, too, don't get an unwanted dose of the bioweapon's spike protein that could lead to them, also, 'dying suddenly' or dying in their sleep, and Dr. McCullough claims the answer to that question is still unknown, Dr. McCullough also warns "the messenger RNA vaccines, theyve never been demonstrated to actually leave the body. They look like theyre permanent! As well as the spike protein thats produced after them. This is very disturbing."

Warning also that from the research they've done, they find it to be at least 90 days, but they may be extending that forward based upon "this messenger RNA it looks like its for keeps. Every shot is accumulating in the body with no ability for the body to get rid of it,"just think what that means for the human race as we go forward, especially if these 'spike proteins' are expelled during the process of sweating or even breathing as Doctors have warned, confirming 'the vaxxed' are walking, talking 'bioweapons factories,' expelling their deadly toxins upon the rest of us, often without us even knowing.

ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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