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July 30, 2023

We're Witnessing The Unveiling Of The 'Mark Of The Beast' In Our Lifetimes As People Worldwide Line Up To Participate In These End Times Schemes, Blind To What Waits On 'The Other Side'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:16-17 - King James Version

While many thought they'd never witness this development in their lifetimes, according to this July 26th story over at Newswars, 'throngs of sheep' all across the planet have been standing in long, crazy lines to get their eyes scanned to be part of the "Worldcoin" cryptocurrency initiative, with one person being 'verified' every 8 seconds, claimed to be a combination of a global digital ID, crypto currency, AI and a UBI (universal basic income.)

With 'Worldcoin' launched byOpenAI CEO and Bilderberg attendee Sam Altman, and footage on social media showing hundreds, if not thousands, of people standing in lines that stretch down city blocks and around corners for these clueless sheeple to get their irises 'scanned' to be included within this latest 'global government scheme,' as the website Blockworks recently reported of 'Worldcoin,' Worldcoin isnt as bad as it sounds: Its worse."

Warning within their story that 'Worldcoin' is no radical new financial system, and certainly not one aimed at equality or fairness,as we'll explore within this story, linking immutable biometric traits to 'money' will quickly have 'dystopian' consequences. From this Blockworks story before we continue.:

Worldcoin a new financial system connected to sensitive biometric information, mostly harvested from poor people sure sounds like a terrible idea.

Terrible doesnt do it justice.

Worldcoin will need to assemble a vast database of iris data. But not everyone is eager to gaze into an Orb. In the bootstrapping phase, at least, you had to pay people to scan their eyes. And so Worldcoin turned to the global south home to the cheapest eyeballs and played a dark game of what will people do for money?

Incredibly, Worldcoin was unprepared for an obvious consequence of this rollout strategy: A black market for verified credentials. You can now seemingly buy a World ID for as little as $30. Anyone, then, with more than $30 on hand can command more than one digital identity (although Worldcoin is aware of this issue and has proposed solutions to resolve it). Connecting real people to digital identities is a thorny puzzle.

Worldcoin does not fix this. And its unlikely it ever can, since nothing in the design can stop professional sybil attackers farming eyeballs on the ground level through nefarious means.

Giving us another reason to avoid this 'eyeball scanning' scheme as if it were itself 'the plague,' as Slay News reports in this new story, according to Worldcoin CEO Altman, "World ID is coming, whether you like it or not." Claiming the system will be "the world's largest identity and financial public network," how long will it be until the human race is REQUIRED to have such a 'scannable' identity, just in order to 'buy or sell'?

As Mac Slavo warns in this new story over at SHTFPlan, not only will this be another 'system' that is completely and totally controlled by the global elite who are now carrying out genocide upon us all, but this system will also remove any remaining freedom that we think we have, pushing us even closer to the globalists 'end game,' a central bank digital currency and all of the 'fun' that comes with that. From Slavo's story.:

Currently, those who voluntarily surrender their biometric data receive small sums in Worldcoins tokens in return for signing up for the World ID scheme.

According to Worldcoins executives, World ID, or something like it, will soon be mandatory for anyone who wishes to partake in regular society. World ID uses iris scanners that require a person to have their eyes scanned to prove their identity. This is the rise of the overt dystopian slave system many have warned of.

If you accept this currency, you will be owned, stolen from, and someone else will decide how you live your life in service to those who seek ultimate control; the masters. This system will only fail if people refuse to go along with it.

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

Yet take a look at all of the 'sheeple' already spending their own time in HUGE lines to get this 'mark of the beast.' Showing once again that sheeple will go along with any scheme cooked up by the globalists if they think it'll bring them 'free money,' as we're warned in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, all of this happening now is lined with nefarious intentions, and us being told by the globalists pushing this scheme to 'trust us' is the biggest reason for still-thinking Americans NOT to!

Kind of like they told us all to 'trust us' when they unleashed the 'COVID bioweapon kill shot' that's led to countless numbers of previously healthy young people just 'dropping dead' or developing long-standing heart and neurological problems, as this Blockworks story also points out, when it comes to sensitive information, promises arent enough.

And the very people who insist that you trust them are the ones who should command the most suspicion. The fact that Worldcoins co-founder Sam Altman also heads up OpenAI a firm currently being sued over allegations of dubious uses of large data sets asks more questions than it answers.

And the fact that Altman is also a 'Bilderberger' really tells us all we need to know in 2023 as the globalists who are carrying out genocide push for a 'World ID' and babble on about how such an ID will be necessary to even PARTICIPATE in 'future society'. Once again, from this Blockworks story we see why this is a nightmare unfolding before our very eyes.

Imagine that your digital identity has been lost in some way shut down by authorities for non-compliance, or otherwise blocked. With traditional cash and other cryptocurrencies you can always make a new wallet and stash some fresh coins in it. But this isnt Minority Report, and you cant get a new iris from your neighborhood surgeon.

When your immutable digital identity is locked imagine merchants who wont take your coins from you without a digital signature announcing your World ID its over for you. No old account. No new account. No soup for you. You just lost your digital personhood.

And while those who are pushing for Worldcoin and digital ID's might claim 'that will never happen,' we're ALREADY WITNESSING such devious behaviors unfolding with banks shutting down bank accounts of people who they don't like the politics of, such as Chase bank actually shutting down the bank accounts of key employees of Dr. Joseph Mercola as reported in this recent story over at his website, including one account that HAD BEEN ACTIVE FOR OVER 18 YEARS!

As Dr. Mercola pointed out in this story, "It's difficult enough trying to navigate this hurdle today. Once everything is digitized, cash eradicated and the social credit system completely integrated and automated, this kind of retaliatory action for wrongthink could be a death sentence for some people!"

And now as we hear from Mike Adams of Natural News in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, he too is now going through a very similar scenario with modern day banks seizing accounts. With this kind of insanity happening already, and all around us, and this behavior seemingly happening now more and more every day, it doesn't take too much of an 'imagination' to see what'll happen once everything is completely and totally 'digitized'. The 'mark of the beast' will be officially here.

Please read more from Blockworks' opinion section: Worldcoin hackable by cutting off someones face, draping it over your own!

So with all of this madness rapidly unfolding around us giving us even more reasons to make sure we NEVER 'look into the Orb,' as this Newswars story warns, this 'world ID,' which will be linked to a 'digital currency' called WLD, which will be connected to 'AI-funded universal basic income,' will then 'pay' people 'just for being human'. Talk about a 'recipe for disaster'. Free money, anyone?

And with Worldcoinalready reaching 2 million users and rapidly expanding its global orb deployment to 35 cities in 20 countries,as this Newswars story also bluntly warns us, Worldcoin contains all the elements of a future totalitarian currency structure touted by the World Economic Forum and central banks akin to their Central Bank Digital Currency agenda.

And while the Worldcoin website attempts to push this unveiling of a 'mark of the beast' as something that could drastically increase economic opportunity, scale a reliable solution for distinguishing humans from AI online while preserving privacy, enabling global democratic processes, and eventually show a potential path to AI-funded UBI, we really shouldn't need to remind you that totalitarian politicians here in the US have also babbled on about 'preserving democracy' as they themselves were overthrowing the country by 'INSTALLING' BRAINDEAD politicians like joe biden into the White House.

And with all of this madness also happening at a time when 'mad scientists' here in America and all across the planet are conducting grotesque experiments upon human cells, quite literally merging human brain cells with 'artificial intelligence,' the Book of Revelation was clearly way ahead of the times in their warnings of 'what was to come' in our 'Apocalyptic End Times.' And as Michael Snyder points out in this recent story at the End of the American Dream about these 'grotesque experiments'.:

Once it gets bad enough, we simply will not be able to survive.

But most people simply do not care about the long-term damage that we are doing.

Most people just want to party today without worrying about tomorrow.

But tomorrow is inevitably going to arrive, and the future of the human race hangs in the balance.

And as Democrat Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy warned as reported in this recent story over at Slay News, the globalists plans for a cashless, digital society are all about 'power and control'. And with such 'power and control' giving them more ways to 'carry out oppression' upon the masses, if we really want a handful of global elite criminals like joe biden to have control of what we can or cannot purchase, such as guns and ammunition, we should just close our eyes and give them whatever they want. But in the meantime, if we want to stay FREE, we shouldresist these diabolical schemes with all our might.

ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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