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October 15, 2023

The Final Stages Have Begun As The Nail Is Driven Into The Financial Coffin Of The Consumer While 'America' Reaches The 'Breaking Point' - 'The End' Will Come Suddenly And Violently

- 'Economic Reality' Will Soon Bring Many People A Rude Awakening

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

According to this story over at the Epoch Times, an ex-CEO of Walmart by the name of Bill Simon has just put out a dire warning about an 'unfolding reality' that will suddenly and violently have grave repercussions across the country; the American consumer has reached the 'breaking point'.

Warning CNBC in a recent interview that a series of factorspolitical polarization, inflation, and high interest rateswere all working together to undermine consumers and their propensity to spend, we're warned in the videos at the bottom of this story that things will rapidly get worse on the economic front as everything unravels at the same time, and at a time when the US govt spends even more taxpayer dollars that don't even really 'exist' on another war we should never be getting into, spending ourselves into oblivion.

With this story over at SHTFPlan outlining how "All Wars Are Banker Wars," that story referenced a 2016 article by Michael Rivero which took a long look at history, going back 260 years and detailing how a 'cabal' of 'private bankers' have long been working together, in the dark, to impose their system of slavery on the world, that story outlining how The Federal Reserve Act forced that system on the American people while the post-WW2 Bretton-Woods agreement forced it onto the rest of the world.

Meaning the majority of the world has long been living under a 'system of slavery' which most still to this day cannot see, as the SHTFPlan story warns, to keep their schemes going, these modern-day slavers do and have resorted to assassination and wars to force the world to conduct all commerce only using bank notes borrowed at interest from the bankers.

Warning thus we're witnessing nothing less than a 'mafia-like practice' from the globalists bankers who continuously push wars, and actually get a huge 'piece of the action' from those wars, in exchange for little more than 'ink and paper' and the correct bribes to the correct officials, they thus have no incentive to end the endless wars, which also serve the purpose to them of 'depopulation'. And we know that 'hugelydepopulating the planet Earth' was 'Guideline #1' on the Georgia Guidestones.

So as we'll see within stories such as this October 8th story by Mac Slavo over at SHTFPlan titled "Americans Are Rapidly Losing Spending Power," as well as this October 6th story by Slavo titled "We Have Reached The Terminal Phase Of The Greatest Debt Spiral In The History Of The Human Race,"along with this October 13th story over at the Heritage Foundation titled "Worsening Economy Pushes Consumers Near the Breaking Point," the nail has been driven into our financial coffin.

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

According to this new story Steve Quayle had linked to on his website at Zero Hedge titled "The Sword Of Damocles: An Economic Worst-Case Scenario For The Israeli-Palestine War," what's going on right now half a world away has the potential of being absolutely devastating to the US economy and to the American consumer if only a few 'worst case scenarios' unfold.

Warning of the very real possibility of the conflict escalating into a regional war in which the U.S. becomes directly involved, we're warned overnight OPEC might respond with an oil embargo while Iran decides to close the strait of Hormuz, quickly leading to the price of oil reaching $300/barrel.

Quickly leading to a massive spike in energy prices which then reinvigorates inflation leading to central banks responding accordingly, we're warned the financial markets and the global banking sector could then soon collapse with the debt crisis haunting the US forcing the Federal Reserve to step in, carrying out another financial market bailout. From the Zero Hedge story.:

From financial chaos to hyperinflation

Naturally, reinvigorated inflation pressures would force central banks to enact another round of interest rate rises. This would wreak havoc among consumers and corporations, but also in the capital markets. Yields of sovereign debt would likely explode. This would be followed by an utter collapse of asset and credit markets, la spring of 2020.

At this point, we would most likely see the central banks take their monetary perversions to another level. This means that while they would be raising interest rates to quell inflation, they would also enact asset purchase programs to support the sovereign debt, credit and asset markets. The bailout of the financial markets would need to reach several trillions of USD, like during the spring of 2020. This would push a vast amounts of money and especially U.S. dollars into the global economy. This would naturally increase inflation pressures massively, but theres a risk something even worse.

As a nuclear option, OPEC could stop using USD in the oil trade altogether. This would mean that the demand for dollars would suddenly collapse, and the excess dollars, formerly used to purchase oil, would eventually head home. This would create an unprecedented spike in the money supply of the U.S. creating perfect conditions for hyperinflation with collapsing production due to a deep recession fueled by rapid inflation, high interest rates and a banking crisis. Havoc in the U.S. economy, and thus the world, would be nothing short of apocalyptic.

Yet less than a month ago Tucker Carlson warned us we were headed this way in this ZH story titled "Our System Is Collapsing In Real Time": Tucker Carlson Gives Bombshell Interview," a story and interview which only help confirm this September 28th storyat Revolver News titled "ICYMI: Theyre collapsing our food supply." From that story.:

Most of us are tuned in to whats happening, but lets be real, its easy to get sidetracked with all the noise out there. So, just in case it slipped past you, globalists are going full throttle to collapse our food supply. Their endgame? To force us into a diet of lab-grown mystery meat and grasshopper sandwiches.

If you dont see an emergency order banning meat as a likely future move to save humanity, then maybe you havent been paying attention after all. The left is like a dog with a bone when they latch onto an idea, and they wont stop until theyve made it a reality. So gear up, because weve got a real battle on our hands if we want to keep our natural traditions and instincts alive.

A new video from the folks at Wide Awake Media sheds light on exactly what the ghouls at WEF and the UN are up to and how they plan to wipe out our food and make us dependent on chemicals and insects. This is what they call progress.

Unelected globalists at the WEF and UN are using the #ClimateScam as a pretext to deliberately collapse the food supply, so people will have no choice but to eat insects and lab-grown fake fooda plan that is over ten years in the making, as detailed in a snippet from an excellent Epoch Times report, titled The One Globalist Lie Destroying Our Food System.

And while the globalists wars continue to rage, with the globalists clearly declaring all out war upon the American consumer and worker, this new story over at End of the American Dream titled "The Great AI Invasion: Given Enough Time, Artificial Intelligence Would Take Over Every Area Of Our Lives" confirmed a recent personal experience that I had showing this 'war' on the American worker will continue.

While making a quick trip into our local dollar store the other day to buy Hootie his treats, upon approaching the checkout I was met with a 'self serve' register and no human beings. With myself being one who refuses to use the A.I. controlled register, preferring to wait for a 'real human being,' I then engaged in a very brief conversation with the store manager when she showed up in which she told me I better get used to using the 'self service' registers, because before too long, that would be all they had in the store.

And after telling her "that's cool, if and when we reach that point, I'll just take my business elsewhere," she quite literally responded "There's no 'if' involved, it's 'when,' and good luck finding any stores at all within another year or so that have human beings running the registers, the 'people at the top' want them all to be 'self-serve'."

Haphazardly referencing in her comments the 'globalist scum' we write about almost every day within our stories on ANP, her remarks none-the-less showed me the speed at which we're moving into that 'new world'full of'disorder,' with many transactions I've witnessed at 'self serve' registers the past couple of years coming along with errors, eventually necessitating a 'real human being' to 'fix' the mishap, anyways.

But since'disorder' is what the 'people at the top' want, 'disorder' is what they will get. As we've been writing about in numerous stories on ANP, according to leftist philosopher Saul Alinsky, to fully bring in the 'socialist utopia' they insanely envision in their minds, they'll first have to tear everything down. And that appears to be the 'moment in time' we are living in right now as widespread violence, disorder and destruction surrounds us, one leftist run city after another all across America the perfect examples.

The old being destroyed to 'make room for the new,' this madness also helps them 'depopulate' the planet as history shows that whenever wars rage all across the world during times of financial chaos, they bring with them massive death tolls, and all of the destruction leads to massive amounts of famine, leading to even more 'depopulation' as the globalists insanely race to get the world's population down to that seen on the Georgia Guidestones of 500 million, meaning 7.5 billion+ of us 'have to go.'

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ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.

So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

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are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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McHenry, MD. 21541


For anyone who hasn't yet prepped by getting a long term food storage supply of meats, all of the following are available now. And with anything at all that you purchase at Amazon after clicking one of the ANP links below giving ANP a small slice, you can help us to stay online via your purchases or donations.

Protein Powders

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Chicken | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping & Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Grilled Chicken | Premium Quality Pre-Cooked Chicken Breast | Survival Emergency Food Supply | Home Meals & Lightweight Camping | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life

Nutristore Freeze Dried Ground Beef | Pre-Cooked Hamburger Meat for Backpacking, Camping, Meal Prep | Long Term Survival Emergency Food Supply | 25 Year Shelf Life | Bulk #10 Can | Made in USA (4-Pack)

Nutristore Freeze Dried Pulled Pork | Pre-Cooked BBQ Meat for Backpacking, Camping, Meal Prep | Long Term Survival Emergency Food Supply | 25 Year Shelf Life | Bulk #10 Can | Made in USA (4-Pack)

Nutristore Freeze Dried Ground Beef | Pre-Cooked Hamburger Meat for Backpacking, Camping, Meal Prep | Long Term Survival Emergency Food Supply | 25 Year Shelf Life || Made in USA (4-Pack)

Nutristore Freeze Dried Beef Dices | Pre-Cooked Meat for Backpacking, Camping, Meal Prep | Long Term Survival Emergency Food Supply | 25 Year Shelf Life | Bulk #10 Can | Made in USA (4-Pack)

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Sausage Crumbles (4-pack) | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage | Premium Quality Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking/Camping or Home Meals | USDA Inspected

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