June 24, 2022
After Only 1 1/2 Years Of The Most Disastrous Presidency In US History, Are We All Living Through Some Crazy 'Conspiracy Theory'?
By Monty Abbott for All News Pipeline
Am I a conspiracy participant? Am I just believing lies and Im part of the Problem?
I consider myself above average intelligence. Not a genius, however those who know me tell me and have all my life Im very smart. I have a strong and healthy skepticism about all things. I never settle on my opinions unless I have clear facts to support an opinion and I challenge myself have I carefully considered the counter facts to my opinion? I make this a strong part of any opinion I settle on.
I have very little respect for those who only listen to views and opinions that support what they want to believe. When I listen and take into consideration opposing views. I do not well up with hate for them, I do and have strongly disagreed with what they say or present as counter view. However, when I come to the conclusion, they are wrong. Im left with the sense they are not idiots; however they must have an agenda that is so important to them that they either have not considered and weighed the other side and only want the views that support their agenda. That is dangerous and is a very bad practice in life.
With that said lets look at a few things that are considered true via the main stream media and facts are not acknowledged or even mentioned.
The Big one: Trump is one of the worst presidents ever. He is a racist, hateful, and otherwise a bad person.
How do I measure a good or bad president? How is the country doing in key areas of important measure to all citizens.
Unemployment for all. Trump had the lowest unemployment in all categories, ever measured in minority categories. Only conservative places will even mention it.
ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN, MSNBC and Fox refuse to mention this. Yes, Opinion shows on Fox did mention it. However, main stream news did not.
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Energy: Every single president since WW2 made claims while running for office, they would get us off dependency of oil from other countries, especially from countries who hate us. Not one president ever came close to doing this. Donald Trump got the USA completely energy independent in his first term. This brought fuel prices down for everyone. That is effectively a raise to all households.
Taxes and regulations:
Taxes he lowered them considerably while telling all of us it would help the economy ,as well as individuals. Better said we all get to keep more of our OWN money. This is so true and it does help the over all economy and household.
Regulations: this is the growing poison of health to our country. Its equal to only eating burgers and pizza every day and wondering why you are sick. Turning loose the American spirt of entrepreneurism is what makes our country so amazing. Yes there needs to be regulations for safety. Safety includes the environment. Never Should regulations be for a social agenda, Thats what legislations is for.
Telling the coal industry, the office of the presidency will close down coal as an industry is evil. We have 400 years of coal at current rates. Helping our country have affordable energy in all forms makes the USA a better country. We are the largest in the world of Natural gas reserves which is very clean. USA standards (regulations) for extracting all forms of Fuel oils, coal, natural gas and all other forms are unmatched by any other country. We should be leading on all of these fronts.
Education: Trump loosened up the ability for parents to choose different schools other that Government schools. Its time we stop calling them public schools. They are Government schools with a strong agenda outside of what families want. They do not teach constitutional ideas, they fight hard for social agendas with very little support from the public. So ,they force it on kids via Governmental force.
Can you imagine what would happen if to graduate from High Schools all kids had to pass a general competency of not only math, reading, and the other must learn courses. Why not the US Constitution.
We would have an army of citizens with knowledge of what Government Can Not do. Having a strongly informed public is not what government schools can allow.
It should be as easy to go to a private school as a government school. That would be REAL freedom.
Ok Ok Ive been rambling on, there is so much more I could write. However, in writing this I found an article which does a much better job. Its well worth the read.
30 great things trump did:
I ask Are we living in a conspiracy?
Stopped all progress on energy, Fuel is the highest ever. Inflation is up way up. YES energy is a key factor.
Over reaching Government for a virus with over a 99% survival rate. This is insane. Are the lockdowns really for our protection? Are you thinking like I am, its practice for total lockdown for whatever upcoming reason.
Strong talk about super gun control , Basic free speech shut down ,Hmmm is it necessary for whats yet to come? When did the USA become unwilling to debate and argue, shutting down ideas, beliefs, opinions and claims of what your government is doing is not permitted and Corporate America is working hand and glove with Government to prevent such speech?
I recall in school (Im over 60 now) learning that free speech is why we are a free country. What is happening ,is what we learned was the definition of tyranny.
How can so many news agencies not be speaking out how dangerous this is?
Only crazies can say opposing views. Call them names, dont debate them.
Should we fear a governmental mandated vaccine which has the highest death rate of all previous vaccines combined? Why is this information hidden?
Mass shootings happen in gun free zones. WTF and guns are the problem?
We are running not walking towards war with Russia. There is ZERO accountability on Billions Given to the Ukraine . Is part or all of it going places we dont know nor would approve of?
Has the world forgot the Ukraine was called the Most corrupt modernized country in the world? I watched 2000 mules. Ok Now what? I watched so many things on the election and the issues.
Zip, Zero, nada . Are they all Friggin liars? Most seems real, the presenters have for years seemed credible. Dont believe your own eyes, Trump filled to capacity huge stadiums, Biden was in hiding.
These facts dont seem to matter. Biden said out loud the largest voter fraud in history. Oppsie WTF .
Where is our FBI. There must be some that have seen all the things Ive seen and said this needs to be investigated.
Am I off my rocker are all these things really happening?
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