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June 19, 2022

The NWO Blueprint To 'Save The Earth' Mandates 7 Billion Death Sentences And America's Future Chinese-Communist System Would Have No Compunction About Carrying Out Mass Murder Here

- The Globalists 'Human Extermination Agenda' Is Now Irrefutable

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

With the biggest topic that google decided to censor on ANP stories being the globalists 'depopulation agenda' that we've been reporting on for years now, with at least 15 of their ANP'kill list stories' having to do with Deagel's 2025 forecast which at many points showed an America with less than 100 million people living here by 2025, we're going to be taking a look within this ANP story at just that: proof that the US Government and the globalists actually NEED a massive 'die-off' in America and across the planet and they're pushing it along every step of the way. Yet they've been labeling it as a 'crazy conspiracy theory' if spoken of by anyone who sees what is really going on.

With the globalists depopulation agenda tying in directly to three of the other topics that were highly censored on ANP, with google DEMANDING we 'fix' those stories or else we wouldn't be permitted to run their ads anymore, being the 2020 election steal by the Democrats which 'installed' their puppet, 'little joe Biden' in the White House; the COVID bioweapon released upon America and the world that allowed Democrats to steal the election via massive mail-in voting fraud; as well as the incredible dangers of the 'vax,' which we have absolute proof now is killing people, it's quite easy to see when we take a step back and look at the 'big picture' just how all of these topics tie in together.

Beginning with the globalists strong and unshakeable belief that our planet Earth is going through a massive period of global warming that they believe will leave the planet unable to 'house' 7.7 billion people, as we'd reported all the way back on November 6th of 2019 in this story titled "Whether 'Soft Kill' Or 'Hard Kill', 11,000 Radical Leftist Scientists Try To Explain Why Billions Of People Must Be 'Eliminated,'" our story provided more proof the 'global elite' NEEDED 'masses of useless eaters' gone from the planet, as also seen in this 2019 Daily Mail story that we used as a source and linked to within it. The excerpt below comes from that DM story titled "Scientists call for FEWER people on the planet to combat climate emergency that they say will lead to 'untold human suffering'"before we continue.:

Thousands of the world's greatest scientists have joined together to declare that 'untold human suffering' is unavoidable without deep and lasting shifts in human activities.

An alliance of more than 11,000 scientists signed the paper which declared the climate emergency before providing a set of effective actions humans could take.

To limit the damage caused by humans' greenhouse gas emissions the paper calls for more control over the massively booming global population, currently increasing by over 200,000 people a day.

Adding that population control would have to be approached with methods that ensured social and economic justice in order to sustain a morally and ecologically sound world.

With google labeling ANP stories that touched upon the globalists 'population control' programs as either 'dangerous' or 'harmful' or 'unsubstantiated claims,' the fact that we've always used well-documented facts and claims in our stories as our sources, such as what those 'world's greatest scientists' claim inthat Daily Mail story from 2019, were totally overlooked and ignored by that big tech outlet pushing radical leftist propaganda, simply because we disagreed with their overall conclusion.

As we'd also reported in our 2019 story which used that Daily Mail story as one of our sources, they're more than happy to call the 'global depopulation agenda' a 'crazy conspiracy theory,' even though those scientists and other eugenicists have called for it time and again and it's enshrined in granite on the Georgia Guidestones, a monument erected in 1980 that contains a set of 10 different 'guidelines' inscribed on the monument in 8 modern languages, with the first 'guideline' being:

"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

Yet as we'd reported within that 2019 ANP story, with the Earth's population currently over 7.7 billion people, that meant 7+ BILLION people would have to 'go' for the globalists to reach that 500 million global population. Yet they call the 'depopulation agenda' a 'conspiracy theory' and 'dangerous', even though all of these so-called 'worlds greatest scientists' said themselves the world needs fewer people and government was seeking to 'control the population'.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to google ad services just dropping ads from ANP stories, we're running an emergency fundraising drive from now into the future. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Back in July of 2021, ANP was sent a story by an attorney practicing here in America that we published on July 31st titled "This Is Why We Are Being Inventoried, Categorized, Profiled And Inoculated: Techno-Genocide Will Be The Most Efficient Means For The NWO To Swiftly Cull 7 Billion Humans" within which he reported on a statement made by the United Nations:

'The population has exceeded the capacity of the biosphere.':

Going on in great detail into all of the different reasons why his many years of research into 'climate change,' the 'New World Order' and the UN Agendas led him to his conclusions, we'll first republish his introduction to that story directly below before we get into his shattering conclusion.

I vigorously study the Climate Change issue from all sides. No one seems to connect the dots. I believe the following summary of my in depth research of the New World Order and UN Agenda 21/2030 Agenda for Sustainability over the last decades may provide the answer.

It is all about the exponential population growth far exceeding the Earth's carrying capacity with its finite resources. I surmise that the need for the overarching Technocracy is organize humans and animals in such detail that when the now accepted Chinese-style communist model is fully installed worldwide, TechnoGenocide will be the most efficient means of swiftly culling about 7 billion humans and assorted numbers of other mammals and carefully regulating replacement birth rates, so that the elite Technocrats will survive in comfort on the finite resources of Earth.

Although it is a terrible solution, it is, in the minds of the elites, the only solution.

Yet ANP reporting upon that 'final solution' of the globalists is called 'dangerous'. Dangerous to whom we might ask? Dangerous to 'the masses' who are about to be 'culled', or dangerous to 'the elites' who've been pushing for that culling? Might they think that the enraged masses will soon come and hunt them down when they find out the truth? As numerous ANP readers have pointed out in our comment sections, we've clearly arrived at a point in time where the so-called 'global elite' should be scared to death about a forthcoming 'lynching' on a massive scale.

With that 2021 story continuing to break down in great detail for us all of the different United Nations/globalists programs that they've been implemented that look and smell like tyranny, he ended his story with the following conclusionthat proves the globalists depopulation agenda exists and is very real.:

UN Climate Chief (Christiana Figueres): We Should Make Every Effort To Reduce Population Increases.

Australia Alerted To Real Reasons Behind Climate Scare

Christiana Figueres, (former) executive secretary of the U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change to visit Australia. Writing in the Australian, Newman said the "climate catastrophists" are "opposed to capitalism and freedom" and aim to establish a "new world order under the control" of the United Nations. He also notes that Figueres "is on record saying democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model."

Figueres is also on record lamenting the overpopulation of the world, which is the 'real issue' identified by the UN.

Donna Brazile (former DNC chair) Cites Communist China as a Successful Economic System.

Two decades ago, Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Chi Haotian explained a long-range plan for ensuring a Chinese national renaissance. He said there were three vital issues that must be grasped. The first was the issue of living spacebecause China is severely overpopulated and Chinas environment is deteriorating. The second issue, therefore, is that the Communist Party must teach the Chinese people to go out. By this Gen. Chi meant the conquest of new lands in which a second China could be built by colonization. From this arises the third vital issue: the issue of America.

Gen. Chi warned his listeners: This appears to be shocking, but the logic is actually very simple. China is in fundamental conflict with the Western strategic interest. Therefore, the United States will never allow China to seize other countries to build a second China. The United States stands in Chinas way. Chi explained the problem as follows: Would the United States allow us to go out to gain new living space?

First, if the United States is firm in blocking us, it is hard for us to do anything significant to Taiwan, Vietnam, India, or even Japan, [so] how much more living space can we get? Very trivial! Only countries like the United States, Canada, and Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization. We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons, said the general. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.

The answer is found in biological weapons. Of course, he added, we have not been idle, in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. The authenticity of this speech and 2 others by CCCP defense ministers, have been challenged but is consistent with CCCP military strategy.

The blunt and in our faces conclusion to that story.:

All we know is that the scientists are dead serious. The clock is ticking. The globalists only have until 2050 to fix it and it won't be pretty. Beware, the NWO blueprint to save the Earth through Agenda21/2030 is the unavoidable, single, mandatory solution: massive immediate depopulation down to about 1 billion maximum. Chinese communism will have no compunction about carrying out our collective 7 billion death sentences. Good Luck, Comrades.

So it's quite ok for people and groups like Donna Brazile, the United Nations and China to talk about the world's overpopulation and how they will have to deal with it yet ANP reporting on that very subject, using the globalists own words, is deemed as 'dangerous', with the globalists gatekeepers claiming we're making 'unreliable claims' even though we're using their own words. We see how it is. It's totally ok for them to spew their nonsense, but when we try to put that 'nonsense' into proper perspective, it's labeled by the gatekeepers as 'dangerous' or 'unreliable claims'.

And while the google gatekeepers were quick to label as 'dangerous' all of our stories in which we pointed out how poorly a job the 'COVID vaxxes' were doing to prevent people from getting COVID, passing along COVID to others or stopping people from dying from COVID (and from the vax itself!), as we've seen in recent stories of such double vaxxed and double boosted people like Dr. Anthony Fauci himself or Canadian PM Justin Trudeau getting COVID, the vax was an utter and complete failure.

Unless the 'true purpose' of that 'vax' was to push along the 'depopulation agenda,' in which case, it's been doing an absolutely wonderful job. Seen perfectly in this new story over at The Crossroads Report,that story warned the 5th largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021, with total claims and benefits up $6 BILLIONalthough the company cited "non-pandemic-related morbidity" and "unusual claims adjustments" in their explanation of the massive losses.

Yet each and every story we've put out on ANP about the failure of the vax were labeled as 'dangerous claims,' despite the fact that the vax clearly failed if its true purpose was to stop people from getting COVID. From that Crossroads Report story before our conclusion.:

Five months after breaking the story of the CEO of One America insurance company saying deaths among working people ages 18-64 were up 40% in the third quarter of 2021, I can report that a much larger life insurance company, Lincoln National, reported a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021.

This is according to the annual statements filed with state insurance departments statements that were provided exclusively to Crossroads Report in response to public records requests.

The reports show a more extreme situation than the 40% increase in deaths in the third quarter of 2021 that was cited in late December by One America CEO Scott Davison an increase that he said was industry-wide and that he described at the time as unheard of and huge, huge numbers and the highest death rates that have ever been seen in the history of the life insurance business.

The annual statements for Lincoln National Life Insurance Company show that the company paid out in death benefits under group life insurance polices a little over $500 million in 2019, about $548 million in 2020, and a stunning $1.4 billion in 2021.

From 2019, the last normal year before the pandemic, to 2020, the year of the Covid-19 virus, there was an increase in group death benefits paid out of only 9 percent. But group death benefits in 2021, the year the vaccine was introduced, increased almost 164 percent over 2020.

Here are the precise numbers for Group Death Benefits taken from Lincoln Nationals annual statements for the three years:

2019: $500,888,808

2020: $547,940,260

2021: $1,445,350,949

So why the huge jump in 'death payments' made by insurance companies in 2021 compared to 2019 and 2020? As that story warns, all of thisindicates 'the cure' was worse than the disease - much worse.

And finally, a story has come out in the mainstream media that illustrates just how wrong google and the globalist gatekeepers have been for the last several years in this new Daily Mail story titled "WHO chief 'believes Covid DID leak from Wuhan lab' after a 'catastrophic accident' in 2019 despite publicly maintaining 'all hypotheses remain on the table.'"

As one of the top-voted comments on that story pointed out, "So, (what) about all those people called conspiracy theorists and vilified?"In fact, if we look back we can remember that anyone who said such a thing, doctors, reporters, websites, were all vilified and called 'crazy conspiracy theorists', perfectly par for the course we're now on. So just think, since after years of people who called out the Wuhan lab leak theory being called 'crazy conspiracy theorists' we finally learn they were right all along, how many more such 'crazy conspiracy theories' were really right on target as well?

So while a countless number of ANP stories reporting upon topics being totally censored have been labeled as 'dangerous' or 'undocumented claims', stories which were simply documenting our own 'search for truth' in this Orwellian age we live in, stories such as the 'globalists depopulation agenda' as we spoke of above, that Daily Mail story is a perfect example of just how correct we were, and how wrong the mainstream media/political establishment was, though ANP and countless other independent news websites are still being penalized for being correct in our stories and reports anyways.

Each of the videos below take looks at some of the topics discussed within this ANP story, from Dr. Anthony Fauci once claiming the vaxxed wouldn't get COVID to him now getting COVID despite him being 'vaxxed' (if he really even was!) to Mike Adams warning in the 2nd video below that it's far too late for the 'oblivious' to get 'red-pilled' having believed the msm lies for so long, the final videos below take looks at the controversial 'depopulation agenda' of the global elite that will surely still be called a 'crazy conspiracy theory' by the gatekeepers until its far too late to stop the 'culling' of 7 billion.

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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