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November 23, 2015
Is This More Proof 'Insiders' Are Flying In Terrorists To Complete The Destruction Of America? Are We Now Witnessing The Buildup To The Final False Flag That Will Lead To Martial Law And The Globalists 'Endgame'?
An absolutely bizarre story from the NY Daily News tells us that just days after ISIS released a video threatening New York City with a terrorist attack, 150 people on a plane flight from Mexico to JFK airport were permitted to skip customs and leave JFK without having their passports or bags checked as also shared in the 3rd video below.
In just the latest event that makes us believe that certain members of the current administration want terrorists to be successful in America, we also look at this story from Intellihub where we're given more proof that this administration is bringing refugees (and possible terrorists) into the country under the cover of darkness aboard commercial airline flights.
When we tie in this information with news from a former FBI official who recently went on Fox News to discuss Obama's dangerous plan to import thousands of Syrian refugees, we see a highly 'orchestrated event' (in former FBI assistant director James Kallstrom's own words!) unfolding that may soon lead to the total destruction of America and the implementation of martial law all across the country as shared in the 2nd video below.
More than 1 in 4 Americans believe that the government is the enemy, according to a new poll.
Pew Research Center found that 27 percent ofregistered voters say they think of government as an enemy, up 8 points since 1996.The latest poll looked at general public opinion regarding the federal government.
More than a third (35 percent) of Republicans believe the federal government is the enemy, while 34 percent of Independents believe the same.The poll found that half of all Democrats (50 percent) view the government as a friend and only 12 percent see it as the enemy.
Other findings include thatfew think the government is run for the benefit of all the people and that it is viewed as wasteful and inefficient. About 3 in 4 Americans say the federal government is run by a few big interests and 57 percent say thegovernment is almost always wasteful and inefficient.
Why would Barack Obama (or other 'globalist' members of this administration) WANT a successful terrorist attack upon America? All we need to do is remember what happened here after 9/11 or what is happening in Paris now...a total crackdown on civil liberties, another uptick of the 'surveillance state' and the 'need' for a totalitarian government to 'fix' what's broken. Would totalitarian globalists intent upon implementing global government REALLY want another 9/11 in America? Of course they would! Much more below videos including X22Report in the 1st video telling us that the US government and Central banks are preparing for the final stages of collapse.
Is Barack Obama setting the stage for martial law in America by ushering terrorists in?
Why did customs let over 100 people just 'leave' upon arrival from Mexico when we KNOW that possible Syrian terrorists are trying to get into our country through our southern border? This incident reeks of being something other than we're being told.
We strongly believe that the next series of massive terrorist attacks upon America will lead to the globalists end game - a total crackdown on the few Rights that Americans still have remaining and the 'new world order' that the criminal elite globalists have been working towards for many years. We are running out of time America.
May God stand with the brave men and women across the nation in law enforcement and the US military who are diligently working to keep America safe - our thoughts and prayers for strength and protection are with you.