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November 7, 2024

The End Of The Nutjob Era: The System Does Not Work For Too Many People, Instead Of Acknowledging This Simple And Clear Fact Americas Elites Descended Into A Decade Of Insanity

By Neil Patel -All News Pipeline

Tuesday nights results were definitive enough that there is reason to hope we may have just closed one of the worst chapters in American history. The political lesson of the Trump era has been glaringly obvious since he first came down the escalator. The system does not work for too many people, and those people want change. Instead of acknowledging this simple and clear fact, with all the implications it entails, Americas elites descended into a decade of insanity.

First, they tried like crazy to come up with any excuse for the first Trump win that didnt require introspection or accountability. It mustve been a divided primary field, or theRussians, or Mark Zuckerberg, or the worst excuse: The American people who had just elected Barack Obama were now a bunch ofracists. Everyone had their own scapegoat, none really grounded in reality.

Second, and more importantly, the issue set that grew out of the collective effort by many establishment leaders of both parties to build an anti-Trump coalition will truly go down as the most insane in American history. People are upset about the economy, the waste, the corruption and the wars. The anti-Trump coalitions response to that included policies that are going to look worse and worse with age, including:

  1. A war on merit. Decision-making in academic admissions and even corporate hiring is now heavily weighted towards inherent characteristics like race, gender and sexual preference instead of merit. Its not hyperbolic to say this leads to the end of America as we know it.
  2. A war onfree speech. The government and corporate efforts to blame social media for Trump, and therefore to regulate free speech, are Orwellian. Google search is rigged in favor of left-wing results. Besides X, major social platform algorithms are rigged to suppress independent-minded speech. This is just un-American. The fact that the Twitter files showed government officials promoting this censorship takes it to the next level.
  3. Breaking theimmigration systemcompletely and purposely. It was already horrible and in need of reform, but there is zero doubt that the people who raised their hands for open borders in the Democratic presidential debate purposely ended Trump policies to let in tens of millions of people with zero effective screening. Many D.C. Republicans went along with a sham border bill that would have enshrined insane levels of illegal crossings in order to lock in Ukraine funding, their real priority. The economic, community and security devastation of these policies was borne most directly by lower-income Americans of every race.
  4. Encouraging racial division and even rioting, including major multinational corporate funding of lunatic Marxist-led groups like BLM.
  5. Extreme policies on trans issues to the point that men are literally beating up girls in sports and children are undergoing life altering sex changes before theyre old enough to get a tattoo.
  6. Virtually unlimited blank check national security funding. Increasingly deadly offensive weaponry used against a nuclear armed rival risking existential conflict. Millions of innocents killed in the process. Bringing together former rivals like China, Russia and India. Endangering the role of the U.S. Dollar in international finance while theyre at it.

This list could go on. These policies are collectively so crazy and utterly disconnected from peoples basic concerns about their families wellbeing, safety, security and future that normal people rebelled. Many dont evenparticularlylike Trump. They just dislike insanity more.(Click here to stream Cleaning Up Kamala)

Where do we go from here? Its up to Americas leaders how they want to handle this. They can choose to continue with willful blindness, or they can finally look inward.

You dont have to be some crazed populist to see the problems. Every society has elites, but when the system becomes too stratified, when normal people cant relate to the policies being foisted on them, when people sense that their personal interests arent driving their leaders, they respond with upheaval. Luckily for elite Americans, the upheaval here has been peaceful.

There are many good people stuck in acorrupt system. The first step for them is acknowledging the problem. Almost none did this after 2016. Washington is detached from average Americans, and too dominated by huge multinational companies, whose interests diverge with those of regular Americans. You can do their bidding or serve the voters, not both.

An outright majority of retiring politicians join the corporate influence business in one way or another. Washington doesnt produce anything, yet it has many of Americas wealthiest suburbs. And those wealthy elites tried their damndest, outspending Trump more than 2-1 on the campaign trail this time around, all for naught.

The big box food companies are poisoning Americans under a regulatory regime they dominate. Big pharma has record profits as America gets sicker. Too many schools are broken and too many teachers are pushing ideological garbage on our kids. Normal people want to fix all of this. Institutional Washington is in their way. The lesson of this election is all this has to change.

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