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July 27, 2023

To Fully Understand The Bioweapon Kill-Off Being Carried Out By The Death Cult That's Taken Over America And The World, We Must First Fully Understand The Villainy Of The 9/11 PsyOp

By Rhoda Wilson for All News Pipeline

Covid injections affect our ability to think, promote cancer, possibly cause seizures and brain bleeds in young people and are the cause of many cases of died suddenly. Vaccinated animals in zoos are also dying suddenly.

Last week a tranche of documents relating to Moderna covid injection trials was released which, similar to Pfizers trial documents, raise several questions about the safety and liability of Modernas vaccine.

Yet, without investigating any of these harms and offences, the push for vaccines for anthrax and RSV begins.

If we are to understand the genesis of the bioweapon kill-off done in the name of stopping covid, Professor Anthony Hall says, we require an understanding of the true nature of the villainy behind the 9/11 PsyOp.

Below is a collection of recent articles and interviews from a variety of sources.

Do the covid vaccines affect your ability to think? One of the things that jumped out at the Midwestern Doctor was multiple cases of a friends parent in a nursing home receiving the vaccine, immediately undergoing a rapid cognitive decline which was diagnosed as Alzheimers disease and then dying not long after.

As I began seeing more and more signs of cognitive impairment following vaccination, I realized that what I observed mirrored what I have previously seen with chronic inflammatory conditions such as mould toxicity, HPV vaccine injuries, and Lyme disease.

Note: One of the most common types of injuries from pharmaceuticals are neurological injuries which both impair cognitive function and create psychiatric symptoms. This places patients in a difficult situation of being gaslighted by the medical system. Read more HERE.

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

Covid injection causes seizures in young people: 22-year-old Youtuber Annabelle Ham, 36-year-old Miss India runner-up, and 10-year-old daughter of Johnson & Johnson Covid Vaccine Executive all died of seizures. 14 seizure deaths were examined. Read more HERE.

Brain bleeds in young people: Liverpool, UK 19-year-old University student, St.Catharines, ON 35-year-old, Scotland 36-year-old and more. Read more HERE.

Cancer virus found in covid injections: During and interview on The Alex Jones Show as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, Dr. Peter McCullough issued an emergency warning: Besides variation in the amount of messenger RNA in [the covid injections], theres contamination with cDNA. These are fragments of DNA that come off the manufacturing process. And one of them is SV40.

SV40 is a known cancer-promoting segment of DNA. And yes, theyre in the shots. SV40 turns on cancer genes in the human body. To make matters worse, the spike protein impairs the tumour suppressor systems What Im telling you is: the shots promote cancer through SV40 and they inhibit our ability to fight cancer by suppressing the tumour suppressor systems.

In memory of those who died suddenly: Lists of people reported to have died suddenly for the week 10 to 17 July: United States; Canada; Mexico, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Suriname and Brazil, United Kingdom and Ireland; France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece and Spain; Italy; Nigeria, South Africa, Israel, Ukraine and Russia; India, Nepal, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand; and, elsewhere in theUnited States and worldwide.

Vaccinated animals continue to die suddenly at zoos throughout the world: 2 elephants; 2 giraffes; a chimpanzee; a black rhino; a koala cub; a sloth; a squirrel monkey; 5 meerkats; a fox; a deer; a python; a lemur; a Golden Eagle; a sea lion, a cheetah; and 4 lion cubs. Read more HERE.

The next billion-dollar vaccine deal in the USA: With revenues falling precipitously from sales of covid drugs and injections, its time for pharma to crank up the vaccine machine with a new market driver: vaccines for RSV. The three new injections were released almost at the same time for babies and adults, and an RSV vaccine for pregnant women is soon to be approved. Read more HERE.

The new anthrax vaccine Cyfendus: It doesnt work. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) admits it doesnt work, the side effects are awful and it will probably cause birth defects, just as the old one did. Read more HERE.

Church members receive settlement over 2020 arrests for ignoring mask mandate: The city of Moscow, Idaho, USA, will be forking over $300,000 in a settlement with church members who were arrested in 2020 for ignoring a mask mandate during an outdoor psalm sing. Read more HERE.

An analysis of studies pertaining to face masks: A review of 77 mask studies, all published after 2019, was published in MedRxiv on 7 July 2023. It concluded: The level of evidence generated [by studies on mask effectiveness] was low and the conclusions drawn were most often unsupported by the data. Our findings raise concern about the reliability of the [Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report publications] for informing health policy. Read more HERE.

Moderna trial skimped on autopsies and discounted serious injuries: A 13,685-page tranche of documents related to Modernas covid-19 vaccine clinical trials released Tuesday contains details about the deaths of 16 trial participants, the prevalence of severe adverse events and other abnormalities. The documents were obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.

Also received were documents describing experiments involving mRNA injections on rats in 2017-2018, before the onset of covid.

Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist, biological warfare epidemiologist and member of the Childrens Health Defense scientific advisory committee, said the Moderna clinical trial data bear similarities to the outcomes seen in the Pfizer covid vaccine trials, and raise several questions about safety and liability. Read more HERE.

Where did the flu go? Was it viral or human interference that caused the flu to disappear from the globe in 2020/21? Or was there a concerted effort to hide it?

The flu was reported to have largely vanished from the globe in 2020/21, only returning in 2021/22 and in some counties, not until 2022/23. Currently, there are two popular competing explanations for this. The first is that viral interference between SARS-CoV-2 and flu, where flu was outcompeted by SARS-CoV-2, lead to a collapse in flu rates. The second is that human interference caused reported flu rates to drop. Changes in flu testing, testing protocols and sequencing, and the partial demolition of national flu surveillance systems, may each have contributed to a reduction in reported flu rates, meaning that a form of observation bias may have hidden flu. Professor Martin Neil weighs up the evidence. Watch in the 2nd video below.

Covid the psychological experiment: While the vaccines were the Worlds largest medical experiment, and still ongoing, the methodology employed to gain compliance is the Worlds largest psychological experiment. A Rapid Evidence Report released by the Scientific Advisory Group (SAGE) for Alberta, Canada, in September 2020, documents how to make the masses compliant and who to focus on. It said: The most promising strategies appear to be communications to increase knowledge about the pandemic and perceived threat of the virus. Read more HERE.

Reflections on the death cult delusions infecting our times: We require an understanding of the true nature of the villainy behind the 9/11 PsyOp if we are to understand the genesis of the bioweapon kill-off done in the name of stopping covid-19, writes Professor Anthony Hall. The study of the 9/11 and covid hoaxes are necessary building blocks on the way to assessing the high-level crimes being done by those inciting a war on climate change. Read more HERE.

ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.

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