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December 12, 2024, 2024
Syria Joins A Number Of Nations That Have Gone Down As A Result Of The Assaults Of US Led Terrorists, Revolutionaries And Insurrectionists Employed By Our Government
Perhaps the largest army in the middle east, Turkey
As has been proven to be correct over and over, you cannot believe what the mainstream news offers.True enough that there is some truth in their tall tales and their often subtle shifts in truth seem to make a story appear ok but inside it is festering with lies, we can still use them to figure out what is actually going on with some careful reading and comparisons with the so-called misinformation stories (which are more often the actual truth or close enough of it) to suss out some realities. Lets follow this pathway yet again and see if we can spot any truths in the current Syria stories.
I will assume you remember something of the 2011 US led (but ostensibly designated as a British/French led coalition aka the UN - in many stories) war against Libya, or rather, the forced coup led by the US and its Islamic militant armies that actually overthrew the Qaddafi regime that led to his assassination and the subsequent 2014 civil war that brought in the UN approved, US installed government to replace a man well, yes a dictator, but still one that cared for his people with a regime that did not.The US led rebel groups leaders formed the TNC, the Transitional National Council, to act as the organizing body to overthrow the nation, which it did.This CIA/NSA deep state coup was run like so many other operations in the world, and the funny thing is, most of the leaders in those Islamic factions that did this just happen to be the same individuals that are now leading the overthrow of Assad in the Syrian war.
Funny thing that, eh?During the regime of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State I might add when she spewed out her infamous evil witches cackle and said of Muammar Gaddafi We came, we saw, he died proud of her cold blooded murder of him.
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Judging by the news stories on the Syrian war using both those on the left and most of those on the right it appears that Israel is the main bad guy, but I beg to differ. No, I am not saying they are any sort of righteous participant, but they are not the main bad guys, rather just assisting the US led terrorists campaign.Their part aside from the US pushed attacks on primarily the Iranian led and armed terrorists of the ISIS/Taliban/Al-Qaeda groups (although funded, armed, trained and led secretly by the USA) only assists in the effort while from their point of view they are suppressing future terror attacks on their homeland and peoples securing a more easily defended homeland by incorporating the Golan Heights that they gave up to Syrian forces after their earlier wars, and should rightly belong to them anyway, especially as a militarily advantageous security feature.Israel is the massive evil in the radical leftists view because they are the only ones that are a true democratically elected leader led nation and not a self appointed dictator led psycho shithole as is the rest of the Middle East. The destruction's they accomplished in Syria play right into the hands of those opposing the Bashar Al-Assad regime which came into power following the Assad families Baath Party coup in 1970 and he succeeded to power in 2000. He is no stranger to that type of operation at all.Other than the Iranian terrorists led factions in Syria, their larger problem is that it also plays into Turkeys hands.
Tens of thousands of political prisoners are being let loose now in Syria including those in the Saydnaya military prison just outside Damascus was emptied by insurgents over the weekend as the rebels took over the Syrian capital which is known as the human slaughterhouse and included even toddlers.
According to an RT story published on December 10th Opposition politician Mohammed al-Bashir has announced that he will serve as Syrias caretaker prime minister until March. Al-Bashir, who has led a Hayat Tahrir-al-Sham (HTS) shadow government since January, was appointed and it must be remembered that Al-Bashir, who is an engineer by trade, has led the SSG with al-Jolanis blessing since January of this year.HTS is considered a terrorist organization, especially by Turkey as well as most foreign powers.On the other, Washington has been accused of arming Al-Nusra, and the US State Department has long viewed al-Jolani as an asset to American strategy in Syria.Syria is a very tangled web of terror, deceit, death and confusion at best and a prime example of US radical hegemonic CIA empire building or rather, destroying actions at worst; ie, pure evil.
Although Russia has its hand in the region to help control the flow of petroleum through pipelines which benefits them economically, it is the US that has the greatest interests and fortunes to be stolen that drives the equation.This can also be seen in the most obvious US funding of Syrian destruction's by the monies, arms and ammunition being sent to Ukraine showing up in Syria.This is a very wide operation and some of the skimmed funds (over half of those funds actually given to Ukraine) also end up in Ukrainian mobsters hands as well as Washington DC politicians hands (did I mention the infamous Biden family mafia yet?) and also shadow funding in Al Qaida, ISIS and others in Syrian hands, and as mentioned, the actual myriad of arms as well.
And as Russia has military bases outside of Russia, note that there are nowhere near as many as the USA has all over the world. They have a couple in Africa, perhaps 3 or so in the Arabian Peninsula, and many throughout the old Soviet bloc captured nations.Plus the two they have in Syria which illustrates just how much they value that pipeline that they are there to protect.The rumors are that HTS has guaranteed Russia the safety of those two bases; one is an airbase near Khmeimim and a naval base near Tartus on the Mediterranean, but recent satellite pics show the navy port has been cleared of Russian navy vessels as the remnant of Assads navy has been sunk, presumably by Israel but the US may have had a major portion of that action (which I believe would be correct).We will see how that works out soon enough I believe.
We have watched a number of nations go down as a result of the assaults of the US led terrorists, revolutionaries and insurrectionists employed by our government such as the recent Syrian one and that of Libya mentioned above, but also major ones like Afghanistan, Ukraine, and the looming one in Iran.Yes, I really think they are next on the chopping block, or reports are some are planning such.At least the blabber from the satanic lefts mouthpieces say so.And again, we let the function of the lefts fascination with Projection lead us to some ideas of what they are planning.
The standard process begins with suggestions such as ABCsAssad regime's fall delivers major blow to Iran's 'Axis of Resistance' and The Wall Street JournalsIran Suffers Blow of Historic Proportions With Assads Fall - Tehran loses a pillar of its national-security strategy as it prepares for more confrontation with Trump.Not to be outdone, our out-of-country friends also chime in as they know what is planned regardless of any real dissension.Analysis: Al-Assads fall is Iran and Russias loss, but are there winners? headlines Al Jazeera as they also include this very interesting sub head, Turkiye stands to gain, while Israel feels insecure about what comes next.We will go over that idea a bit further on.
France 24 said Iran in a position of unprecedented weakness after the fall of Assad in Syria while their subhead was a bit more explanatory when they noted that Iran finds itself isolated after the fall of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, which upended the Middle East by dismantling the Axis of Resistance an informal, Iran-led alliance uniting Syria and armed groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. With key allies destroyed or weakened, Tehran will be forced to redefine its security policy and its regional role.But it goes deeper in reality than that simple idea.
Maybe Newsweeks story puts it into a more understandable form when they said Iran, the architect of this regional alliance, has been grievously exposed, and Israeli air strikes have weakened its air defences. Its proxies are fractured, and its credibility as a regional powerbroker is in tatters.I liked the idea presented a bit further on in that article when they said Global fear and loathing of Islamism is preventing a genuine wave of celebration over the demise of a butcher.Although that is true, it ignores the sadistic butchery of the Islamo-fascists and the patterns set by Irans evil regime which the current power in Syria seems bent on following.Overall, it appears the Iranian style of a pseudo-religious dictatorship is being met with yet more of the same.
Lets not get too far ahead of ourselves now, and return to the ideas set forth about Turkey.The WND article has a great take on it and sets forth the basics fairly well, so lets use some of their quotes to get this party started.Initially, the most obvious "winner" from Assad's fall seemed to be Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan, its increasingly Islamist long-standing leaderand Turkey does not back all the groups that have caused Assad's fall, some are also supported by another destabilizing influence in the Middle East, namely Qatar. It's a somewhat bitter irony Turkey is a full NATO ally and Qatar, which is by no means averse to playing both sides of the ball.
The presence of the SNA in particular has allowed Turkey to continue its war of ethnic cleansing against the Kurds,. In fact, Turkey has been fighting the Kurds and attempting to prevent the establishment of an independent state across this region for more than 100 years barely a year after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1922.Erdogan will also have to answer for what some in Russia consider his betrayal of them. The respective presidents of Russia and Turkey seem to have a solid working relationship.. Erdogan has made little secret of his wish to return the Ottoman Empire to its former glory.And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the whole point of the matter.
Zero Hedgeperhaps brings it a bit closer to understandable when they said Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan issued an unexpected statement which for many is tantamount to a full-on admission [that] his intelligence services are behind Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's capture of Aleppo, and ongoing blitz south.
"The target is Damascus,"hesaidbluntly. "I would saywe hope for this advance to continue without any issues."
Damascus has long charged Turkey withfacilitating a 'jihadi highway' of foreign fighters into sovereign Syrian territory,unleashing hell on the population-including the Kurds.Not said, but absolutely in effect, is the Turkish drive to destroy Israel completely.Iran wishes to do so by launching missiles and invading terrorist armies, but Turkeys major wish is to literally invade with their military and destroy Israel just like the Romans did and how they kept things working under the Ottoman Empire's rule for so long.Iran would need to traverse Saudi Arabia which has no chance of happening or to go through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon directly into Israel which seems why they have been obsessed with taking over that set of terrain.
On the other hand, Turkey has a straight shot through Syria (which can be done in a day by armor and in less than four hours by autos) and the fall of Syria makes that not only possible but likely to happen soon.
Did I mention how well this is fitting into the various Apocalypse scenarios?With Turkey cozying up to major war and Iran already there, this is looking more and more like the final days.Perhaps taking a small number of years to happen, do not be surprised if it does in just a few months time and with Iran pushing forward with building their nukes.
God Bless
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