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August 17, 2024

Something Strange Is Happening As Some Of The Most Democrat-Friendly Press Is Turning Against Kamala Harris Now The 'Thank God Biden Dropped Out' Phase Is Ending

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

More than a decade ago it became apparent that the 'mainstream media's' liberal bias had stopped being subtle, where some of the biggest outlets, such as New York Times, and Washington Post, no longer showed any caution regarding their bias, despite their claims that they were fair, balanced and "reporters don't root for a side."

That quote came from former CNN reporter Chris Cillizza in October 2016 when it was clear by the constant negative coverage of Donald Trump that reporters did, indeed, root for sides and attempted to use their influence and positions as "reporters" to help Hillary Clinton win the 2016 presidential election, which they thankfully failed to do.

From the owners of major news outlets to the journalists themselves, money donated to candidates have always favored Democrats over Republicans, at least until some papers created guidelines against donating to candidates because it was being used by conservatives to prove the media's collective bias.

Ballotpedia published a fact check on a claim that 97% of political donations by the media went to Democrats, and while that numbers wasn't exactly accurate, their findings still proved the bias of the MSM as a whole.

According to Juliana Heerschap, Brat's communications director, the congressman was referring to an analysis by the Center for Public Integrity (CPI), which examined donations by journalists to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton during the presidential primaries and the first month of the 2016 general election campaign.[2]CPI reported that more than 96 percent of those donations were made to Clinton.[3][4][5]

Ballotpedia also reviewed three other analyses. The Center for Responsive Politics found that 65 percent of contributions from those identified as journalists went to Democrats in the 2010 election cycle.[6]An analysis by found that 87 percent of the 143 donors (who made contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign) gave to Democrats or liberal causes.[7]The Media Research Center found that 94 percent of donors affiliated with five news outlets also contributed to Democrats between 2008 and 2016.[8]

I think that is pretty conclusive and proof that Mr. Cillizza's claim that "reporters don't root for a side" is complete BS, and we can now move along.
Before moving along let me offer a disclaimer: Not one traditional major media outlet, including Fox News, is overtly pro-Trump, and nothing reported below changes that.
With that said, a few major news outlets, turned against Biden pretty darn fast after his disastrous debate performance, some even highlighting his age, or to be more accurate his diminished mental acuity before the debate (as Media Matters bitterly complained about in June 2024).

After Biden dropped out, most outlets jumped on the "thank God Biden is out, let us all support Kamala" bandwagon, but there is definitely something strange going on at Washington Post, and to some extent, CNN.

While definitely still anti-Trump, some of their reporters are also going after Kamala Harris now, in a manner unlike their previous reporting and that of other liberal outlets. The fact that any of these articles critical of Kamala Harris are even being published, means editors are also ok'ing them for publication.

Here are just a few of the headlines, and they are all op-eds, not straight reporting, which shows a definite chasm between op-ed writers and Wapo's so-called "journalists."

Note: All Links are to archived articles at the WayBack Machine.

The times demand serious economic ideas. Harris supplies gimmicks.

Price gouging is not causing inflation. So why is the vice president promising to stamp it out?

When your opponent calls you communist, maybe dont propose price controls?

Its hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.

Does Harris need a serious policy agenda? Only if she wants to win.

For one thing, shes not known to be a deep policy thinker, so its not likely Harris is going to develop a grand vision that would differentiate her from President Joe Biden (or any other Democrat) in a matter of weeks. And even if she did, theres a fear that former president Donald Trump would turn that agenda against her, distorting the details just enough to make Harris seem like a deepfake Bernie Sanders.

The actual "journalists," not writing op-eds are still kissing Kamala's butt, so apparently it is the op-ed writers that didn't get the memo to only attack Trump, not Harris.

Still, all articles at major news outlets, even op-eds, must be approved by editors, and it is obvious that there are some at Wapo that are not willing to jump on the Kamala train.

Next up......CNN too?

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If there is any outlet more liberal and Democrat-friendly than Washington Post, well, other than MSNBC, but I don't really consider that a legitimate "news" outlet, it is CNN, and specifically Jim Acosta.

Acosta is known for making an ass out of himself at Trump press conferences, and whined so much about anything Trump-related that Twitchy created a "dear diary," theme for articles about him.

With that said, it was very "weird," to use Democrats new favorite terminology, to see Jim Acosta call out a spokesman for Harris live on air.

Acosta is not the only CNN personality that questioning Kamala Harris' refusal to be interviewed or hold a press conference, as CNN reporter Sara Sidner also questioned whether it was a "big mistake" to avoid answering questions.

During Tuesday's "CNN News Central" installment, Sidner asked former Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook about Harris' lack of media engagements.

"She has not done a press conference for a couple of weeks here now. Is that a big mistake on her part because she is going to have to answer tough questions about some of the policies, including, of course, the border," she said.

Others are "grumbling" about the topic as well, described by Columbia Journalism Review: "At least some of the grumbling, though, has come from journalists and mainstream media personalities. Trump is holding a presser today, we interviewed him last week and Vance yesterday and Vance is taking open press questions, Semafors Benjy Sarlin said on Thursday. Times just about up on Harris to avoid this becoming a thing. The editorial board of the Washington Post argued yesterday that the media and public have legitimate questions, and she should face them, adding that this is a political necessityMr. Trump is already turning her avoidance of the media into an attack line. Also yesterday, the radio host Charlamagne tha Godwho has interviewed (and sometimes sparred with) Harris, while supporting her politicallytold ABC that she should do more interviews. Its the bottom of the ninth inning, right? Charlamagne said. I feel like she should be any- and everywhere, having these conversations."

Aside from the aforementioned outlets and articles, most of the liberal press has taken their marching orders from the Democrats and are fawning over Harris, but the honeymoon phase appears to be ending.


The "basement" strategy worked for Biden during the 2020 campaign cycle because of Covid, the state lockdowns, the social distancing etc.... but with Harris being pressured by usually Democrat-friendly major news outlets, she will have to begin giving interviews and give up the teleprompter and completely scripted remarks.

That is where she loses this polling momentum, because as seen in the video below, when Kamala doesn't have a script or teleprompter, she is a hot mess.

In Bozeman Montana Trump showed a compilation of Kamala's non-scripted remarks, highlighting why she is one of the most disliked VP's in history and why her campaign has been avoiding allowing her to speak freely.

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