August 9, 2022
The Globalists Are Murdering Doctors And Nurses Before Our Very Eyes And Systematically Silencing Those Who Speak The Truth!
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While this story getting a lot of attention of at least 14 'young' Canadian doctors recently meeting their untimely deaths is of course being labeled as a 'conspiracy theory' by the mainstream media and the 'gatekeepers,', we'll prove to you within this ANP story that these 14 doctors HAVE ALL MYSTERIOUSLY DIED within the last 9 months, linking to numerous sources such as obituaries, newspaper articles, etc. reporting upon these doctors demises.
And as we'll also point out within this story, while Steve Kirsch did an absolutely excellent job of pointing outthat such 'mysterious deaths' are also happening within other 'communities,' such as among young & healthy athletes, movie and TV 'celebrities', musicians and more, using lists compiled by Steve Quayle over decades, we've reported upon numerous 'mysterious death clusters' among holistic health doctors, chemists, microbiologists and other medical experts numerous times over the years, deaths that have often come in mysterious 'sprees.'
With 'alternative health' blogger Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News also keeping track of an incredibly lengthy list of holistic health doctors who also had met their untimely ends over a period of several years as we'll explore in the final section of this story below,first, let's take an extended look atthis important Steve Kirsch story..:
A doctor friend in Canada heard about 14 deaths of Canadian doctors over the last 9 months. Hes been in practice for 30 years. Hes never heard of any such deaths before. Zero. Why is he now all of a sudden hearing of so many deaths, and these deaths are all happening very soon after vaccination.
The fact checkers assure us all that this is simply coincidence. The Canadian doctors continue to believe what they are told to believe. I predict the next shots will be even worse.
Sadly, I dont think the Canadian doctors are ever going to figure this out.
Canadian doctors keep lining up to get the shots to be protected from a disease which is easily treatable with a combination of drugs with little to no side effects.
A doctor friend in Canada has been passively noticing the untimely death of doctors in Canada shortly after they were forced to get the third and fourth doses of the vaccine. He sent me these images below which have been sent to him. Hes not proactively researching these. There are likely a lot more he doesnt know about.
Whats astounding is that this is a vaccine, which according to this CDC study, makes it nearly impossible for you to die after the shot. Yet, these doctors all died shortly after the shot.
Apparently, none of the deaths were covered in the Canadian mainstream media, so I thought you should know about them.
There was coverage of six recent deaths in Health Impact News: 6 Canadian Medical Doctors Died Within 2 Weeks After 4th COVID Booster Shots for Employees Started at One Hospital.
Let me be very clear. You cannot have 6 Canadian docs die within 2 weeks after the vaccine if there isnt something wrong with the shot. Period. Full stop. Each of these is a very rare event. Having them clustered like this is a sure sign the vaccines killed them. Any honest scientist would start with this hypothesis as the most obvious hypothesis and only reject it if there was compelling evidence to the contrary.
14 deaths of young doctors in the last 9 months, all shortly after the jab
As of August 6, 2022, my doctor friend only knows about these 14 deaths this year.
Guess how many similar deaths (young doctors dying unexpectedly) hes noticed in the past 30 years in practice? Yup, zero.
In short, this vaccine is disaster and the proof is in public view.
Will they stop the shots? Of course not.
According to the fact checkers, none of these doctors died from the shots, they all died of other causes. Duh. The vaccine always kills people by stopping their heart, brain, etc. so it always looks like they died from something else because they did.
But when normally healthy people all of a sudden die like this in rapid succession, you are being totally disingenuous if you rule out the vaccine as the likely instigator of the death.
What the fact checkers fail to point out is that in many cases, the diseases often first started after the first vaccine shot, and then got worse with progressive shots. Somehow, they always miss that point that the vaccine accelerated the death. The fact that all these doctors died in close proximity to the shots is just too coincidental.
Canadian docs will keep believing the safe and effective narrative because thats what they are trained to do: trust the authorities
My doctor friends in Canada simply cannot believe how brainwashed his colleagues are. Zero deaths in 30 years, now all of a sudden 14 deaths in 9 months each happening shortly after their shots. Come on. Thats not bad luck. No way.
The Canadian docs will continue to ignore the stats, believe the fact checkers, and line up for the shots. It will get worse on the next round.
With that story then pointing out photographs of all of the doctors as seen directly below, in the next section of this story, we'll be linking to proof of the deaths of each of these doctors. Though not reported as deaths via'the shot,'they at least prove beyond a doubt that they HAVE ALL DIED, what should be looked at as a HUGE ABNORMALITY as Kirsch pointed out, even if 'the vax' wasn't involved at all.
(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

So we'll be going through the entire list of the names of the doctors seen above right here below, linking to news stories, obituaries and other proofs of each of their untimely deaths. With all of these deaths of Canadian doctors showing if nothing else a bizarre pattern of deaths unfolding that cannot be explained, as we'll explore in the final section of this story below, we have DEFINITELY seen this 'pattern' before.
And while you may also be one who notices that a '14th doctor' is NOT pictured above, that 14th doctor's name and 'proof of death' is listed in the list below. 'Proofs of death' of those seen above via our own research:
From CBC News, July 30th of 2022: "Doctor at McMaster Children's Hospital dies after competing in Toronto Triathlon Festival - Dr. Candace Nayman is remembered as someone who loved helping others and who hated olives"
From CTV News, July 29th of 2022: "Health care staff in southeast Saskatchewan are mourning the loss of a colleague who died unexpectedly last weekend. Dr. Shahriar Jalali Mazlouman, who had worked in Melville, Yorkton and Ituna, died on July 23, according to a news release from the SHA."
From Pimiso, July 28th of 2022: "Who Was Dr. Jakub Sawicki? Otolaryngologist Obituary And Death Cause Linked With Cancer"
The obituary of Dr. Stephen W. McKenzie from The Globe And Mail.
From The Ancestory, July 28th of 2022: "Dr. Lorne Segall: Who Was He? Revealed in the obituary and death cause of the otolaryngologist"
From TechARP, July 29th of 2022: "Dr. Paul Hannam : Cause Of Death Was Not Vaccine!"
From theChuffed'In Memory Of' page: "Celebrating The Life Of Dr. Baharan Behzadidad"
From the Northview Funeral Chapel, May 21st of 2022: "Dr. Christopher Paul Cole M.D."
From SNBC13, May 25th of 2022: "Dr. Wilson Idami Obituary, Death. Dr. Wilson Idama Has Died At Age 54"
From Dignity Memorial, February 3rd of 2022: "Oliver Seifert Obituary"
From Abby News, January 12th of 2022: "Long-time Abbotsford doctor Jonathan Burns dies after brief illness"
The obituary of Dr. Neil Singh Dhalla via The Star and
From CBC News, November 9th of 2021: "Saint John cardiologist and 'inspiring spirit' dies suddenly"
And as Kirsch's story points out, that 14th doctor who wasn't pictured above who recently died was one Dr. Vincent Mak, whose death was reported about on August 5th in this story over at the Ontario Rheumatology Association titled "Sad News About the Passing of Dr. Vincent Mak."
So why have SO MANY doctors up in Canada recently met their untimely ends, and many, apparently, soon after their 3rd and 4th vaxxes according to this Steve Kirsch story? As we mentioned briefly above, we have definitely seen this 'pattern of mysterious deaths' before.
Back on August 4th of 2021, we published this story on ANP titled "This Is Why They Are Killing Off Doctors, Microbiologists And Infectious Disease Experts: 2017 Story Warned They Were Working On Bioweapons And 'Viral Pandemics' - The Globalists Systematically 'Silence' Whistleblowers Who Know Too Much" within which we took a look at Steve Quayle's two lists of dead scientists and doctors, one from 1994 to 2003 while the 2nd one was from 2004 to 2015.
Highlighting within that story that since 1994, Steve had been keeping track of 'mysteriously dead' doctors, scientists, microbiologists, infectious disease experts, holistic medical doctors and more, as we pointed out, to say there's been an awful lot of them would be an understatement.
Perfectly seen in this November 17th of 2017 story by Erin Elizabeth over at Health Nut News titled "Recap: Full list of 80 dead scientists, with photos and shocking details", that story's numbers by no means covered all of the mysterious deaths among such experts but reported as seen in the image above:
"The worlds top anti-virus microbiologists are being killed off. By 2005, 40 were dead. Today, over 100. Many murdered, the rest died under very suspicious circumstances. It is known they were all working on highly-sensitive or government-funded research projects tied to bioweapons and viral pandemics. Are these silenced 'whistleblowers' who knew too much? Why isn't the mainstream media reporting this story?"
Yet as we've reported time and again on ANP, all of those mysterious deaths tie right in to the entire 'depopulation agenda' of the globalists, especially the mysterious deaths of doctors and other scientific researchers, who may have been able to use their own areas of expertise to figure out the globalists sinister plans.
And as mentioned briefly directly above, asErin Elizabeth over at Health Nut News pointed out several years ago in a series of stories she titled her "Unintended Holistic Doctor Death Series," there were well over 100 mysteriously dead holistic, alternative health doctors running up through 2016, with ANP pointing out back on July 18th of 2017 another holistic health doctor had also just met their untimely end.
So while the deaths of these 14 doctors in Canada could have all just been part of a very sad and very 'unrelated' series of deaths, we've all long been warned, 'where there's smoke, there's fire' and there can be no doubt at all that there's an awful lot of 'smoke' billowing about in 2022 Canada.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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