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March 30, 2024

A Lawless Nation: MSM Lies About Crime Being Down, But In Reality Soros-Backed Soft On Crime Prosecutors Are Refusing To Put Criminals In Prison

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

In a nation with countless state and federal laws, one wouldn't expect the crime statistics we see, nor the naivete of large segments of the population that simply believe, then go on to repeat, the media mantra that "crime is down."

When victims of crime are treated as the criminals, and police are forced to stand down and allow rampant theft, and bills are passed to stop employees of businesses from preventing theft and confronting the thieves, and millions of immigrants are not prevented from crossing the border illegally rather than at ports of entries, with the Biden regime actively suing states like Texas that are trying to prevent the invasion of the U.S., of course the "statistics" are skewed.

Crime is not "down," enforcement is.

In many instances police are scared to do their jobs because their state and/or city, leaders will throw them under the bus and blame them when criminals get injured or even killed.

Between the Democrats' "defund the police" campaigns and "bail reform," laws, police understand that in the eyes of those who champion those bills, including many high profile Democrat (Won't use Democratic because there is nothing Democratic about Democrats) politicians, there lives mean less than the lives of violent criminals.

For example: A New York police officer,Jonathan Diller, was murdered recently, and NY Governor Kathy Hochul showed up at his wake, and was asked to leave, with people applauded as she left.

According to law enforcement sources, Hochul was only inside the venue for about 10 minutes before a person was heard asking her to leave, saying, "Get her outta here" from inside the crowded funeral home.

As she made her way to her car, a confrontation ensued with a man in a black suit gesturing and speaking intensely to her. The scene escalated, with several police officers waiting outside the funeral home applauding as the man walked away.

Sergeants Benevolent Association President Vincent J. Vallelong even wrote a scathing letter telling city council members to stay away from funeral events of fallen officers.

Why? Bail reform is being blamed for the fact that the man who shot Diller had been released previously on a gun charge.

Long story short, bail reform made it possible for criminals to be released with no bail because some members of society can't afford to pay bail. Yes, really, bail is racist, didn't you know?

On April 1, 2019, New York State passed sweeping criminal justice reform legislation that eliminates money bail and pretrial detention for nearly all misdemeanor and nonviolent felony defendants; requires prosecutors to disclose their evidence to the defense earlier in case proceedings; promotes speedy trial rights; and reduces the maximum length of a jail sentence for people convicted of a misdemeanor from one year to 364 days (avoiding deportation exposure for many immigrants convicted of minor crimes).

The man shouldn't have been on the street, but because he was, Diller is dead.

That is just one in a long list of items that have pitted law enforcement against the very politicians that lead their states and cities.

Below, as we detail that true state of crime in America, please keep in mind the media claims that crime is "down."

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Kensington, PA


This first one is just an example of how idiotic bail reform laws are, and yes, I do understand that in the U.S. we are innocent until proven guilty, but bail and pre-trial detention in some cases, protects the public and offers some type of guarantee that the person charged actually shows up to court when their trial begins.

A New York woman accused of gruesomely dismembering two bodies and then scattering the parts on Long Island was arrested last week, days after being freed under state bail laws.

First, the original charge was for dismembering bodies, and she was released, without bail, then while wearing a GPS monitor, went and stole makeup, got caught, was arrested again, and finally prosecutors decided to ask for bail.

It took stealing makeup to force prosecutors to ask for bail that they didn't request for allegedly chopping up bodies and scattering them across Long Island.

In California, and Pennsylvania and other states you have open air drug dens and markets, people publicly shooting up drugs like heroin, which is illegal.....both the specific drugs and shooting up in public, yet entire streets are full of these people, no police to be found.

Those are crimes, but no arrests, meaning they do not get added to the official "crime statistics."

Who is eligible to be fined and harassed in California? A 102 year old man, in a wheelchairfaces a $1,100 fine, PLUS additional $1277 fines for each failed re-inspection, because he cannot clean up the graffiti painted on his home by local punks.

Via Not The Bee:

Oakland's current crime wave resulted in the only In-N-Out burger shop to ever close its doors!

The Taco Bells in Oakland ALL switched to drive-thru only because they can't open the doors for fear of criminals coming into the store.

But the Oakland police are doing graffiti inspection on a man born in the 1920s while gangbangers are shooting up the streets.

A bunch of bureaucratic BS. Punish the victims, leave the criminals on the street and claim "crime is down," all to protect lawless politicians.


Why it is referred to as a "game" is beyond comprehension, but in New York, this bit of violence tends to happen every few years. Innocent people walking around, minding their own business, are suddenly punched in the head for no reason by a bunch of lawless $&^%&&@*. The call it the "knockout "game."

The video below shows some of the victims explaining what happened.

When you have people like Manhattan, NY, district attorney Alvin Bragg putting out an official memo stating there are crimes he will refuse to prosecute, then you have a lawless nation.

Below are just a few of the laws Bragg will refuse to prosecute:

The act of refusing to pay the fare for public transportation under Theft of Services, PL 165.15(3).

Trespass, PL 140.05, 140.10, 140.15, unless the trespass is a family offense pursuant to CPL 530.11, accompanies any charge of Stalking in the Fourth Degree under PL 120.45, or is approved by an ECAB supervisor.

Any violation, traffic infraction, or other non-criminal offense not accompanied by a misdemeanor or felony.

Resisting Arrest, PL 205.30, except for the act of resisting arrest for any crime not included on this declination list.

Obstructing Governmental Administration in the Second Degree, PL 195.05, other than for the act of significantly physically interfering with the lawful arrest of another person. Significant physical interference includes, at a minimum, the acts of shoving, tackling, pushing, punching, and other similar acts. Otherwise, this charge must be approved by an ECAB supervisor.

Outdated offenses such as Obscenity, PL Article 235, and Adultery, PL 255.17.

That has led to headlines such as "Migrant arrested 6 times for 14 crimes in first two months in NYC."

Bragg isn't alone. A slew of what has been dubbed "Soros prosecutors" (Backed by organizations funded by George Soros), have been refusing to prosecute criminals.

See:How five liberal prosecutors presided over crime waves

Her efforts coupled with Soros largesse have played an outsize role in some of the most controversial district attorney campaigns in the US, including George Gascon in Los Angeles as well as Larry Krasner in Philadelphia and Kim Foxx in Chicago, among others. Soros also donated $1 million to Alvin Braggs successful DA campaign in Manhattan, funneling the cash through the Color of Change political action committee, according to public filings.

While we did see the recall of one and about a dozen other Soros' prosecutors leaving office as of March 2023, there are still those like DA Bragg, still in office, and still helping create a lawless nation.

In fact, at one time there were75 Soros-backed prosecutors across the America, and they did so much damage that the public has started turning against them, as reported by NYP in February 2024.


The next time you read from the MSM that according to FBI statistics, "crime is down," remember the examples above, and know that crime isn't down, arrests are, and those are two very different things.

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