When Alternative News outlets highlight an issue the MSM basically ignores or downplays, such as a grid down scenario and probability, critics tend to call them "conspiracy theorists," accuse them of exaggeration, tell them to buy some more tin foil hats..... but what do those same critics thinks when the MSM finally starts reporting the same issues that Independent Journalism sites have been reporting on? Perhaps a more important question would be why is the MSM kicking their reportage into high gear over the last month?
Browsing the Internet this morning I started noticing a theme in some stories I was seeing, so I set the search engine to a time frame of one month and noticed a massive increase of articles, not only from Alternative sites but within the MSM as well, all dealing with EMPs, cyber attacks, Infrastructure and power grids.
Recenetly ANP reported on an October 29, 2015 White House announcement where the U.S. government was planning for a "worst case scenario" solar event which would take out some of the nation's power grids. Other Alternative Media sites also reported on it, including InfoWars, with some like SHTF Plan specifically highlighting Chinese technology which would put every satellite at risk, and Russia and India Report spotlighting Russian technology which could "paralyze a country in a nanosecond," stating that soon North Korea would have the same ability for the "E-Bomb."
The MSM reported on it as well, which is to be expected since it was a White House announcement..... but, setting that specific news event aside, over the last month the MSM has been telegraphing to the world what the next big event is going to be, while U.S. politicians help set the stage in programming the populace on what to expect, in conjuntion with experts telling us the same thing.
When the MSM starts finally highlighting the same concerns that Alternative Media has been reporting on for years, you know something very strange is happening right now.
On October 21, 2015 CNN reported on information revealed during aHouse Subcommittee on Research and Technology hearing focused on better protecting the nation's power grid and identifying its vulnerability to cyberattacks, where Congressional RepresentativeRandy Weber dropped a bombshell when he stated "In over 300 cases of significant cyber and physical attacks since 2011, suspects have never been identified."
At that same hearingBrent Stacey, an associate lab director at the Idaho National Laboratory told lawmakers there has been a "32% increase in the number of attacks on the energy sector."
While Weber referred to "significant" attacks, more alarming than knowing there were 300 of those since 2011, is the information that followed in the CNN report:
"In just one month, the PJM interconnection -- which coordinates electricity transactions in 13 states and in D.C. -- experienced 4,090 documented cyber attempts to attack their system," said Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, D-Oregon. "That's more than five and a half attacks on their electrical power system per hour."
So far, there has been no reported cyber-attack that has resulted in widespread loss of power, but threats and attempts are increasing by the day.
On November 1, 2015 CBS News highlightsveteran journalist Ted Koppel's new book "Lights Out," where Koppel stated that after the research he conducted for the book he concluded ""It's frightening. "I mean, it is frightening enough that my wife and I decided we were going to buy enough freeze-dried food for all of our kids and their kids."
"Who are the potential perpetrators here?" Reid asked. "Who do we have to fear the most? Is it Russia? China? Iran? Terrorists? Individual actors?"
"All those. The interesting thing, Chip, is the ones who are most capable are the ones least likely to do it.
"There are some experts who say they're already in."
"Well, they are in. There's no question about it. They are already in the grid. I was told that by the former Chief Scientist of NSA, he stated categorically the Russians are in, the Chinese are in. The Iranians may be on the verge of getting in. And then at the bottom of the capability scale are folks like ISIS, terrorist groups."
On October 25, 2015,Norman Rogers is a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute, explained how an EMP is a "real threat to the United States,"where he explains "While the worlds governments spend billions of dollars a year trying to prevent or mitigate a probably imaginary change in global temperature a century or more in the future, a very real threat is going largely unnoticed. An electromagnetic pulse attack (EMP), executed by exploding a single nuclear bomb 300 miles above Kansas, could paralyze all of North America."
On November 6, 2015, The Washington Free Beacon highlighted a September report that went largely unreported from theJewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) which addressed "Electromagnetic Threats To U.S. Critical Infrastructure," where they assert in their Introduction "Of special concern are both natural events and man-made threats that exploit weaknessesbased on the very strengths of our modern digital society. For example, solar geomagneticstorms (geomagnetic disturbances or GMD) create immediate and intense current surgesthat may disrupt electrical and electronic systems, potentially on a continental scale. Thesestorms are part of the suns normal cyclical activity, making the Earths recurrent exposure tothem a certainty. Additionally, cyber-attacks, intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI)weapons, and high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) attacks produced by the detonationof a nuclear device above the Earths atmosphere could also cripple our critical nationalinfrastructure and wreak havoc on and endanger the lives of tens of millions of Americans."
This weapon is designed to disrupt the activity of any electronic device found in the blast radius. The EMP blast affects only electronic equipment, without harming humans, animals, plants or infrastructures. Such a weapon offers a great deal of precision, so that only buildings or rooms with military equipment can be targeted and there is no destruction or collateral damage done. This is crucial in modern warfare, because the fighting takes place in urban locations where conventional ammunition can easily injure noncombatants.
The joint project is known as CHAMP, which stands for Counter-electronics High-powered Advanced Missile Project. It started a few years ago and preliminary tests yielded promising results. In 2012 it was reported that during a test in Utah, a CHAMP mission managed to disable seven different targets in a single flight. This proved the weapons high precision and that it can accurately focus the EMP blast at a single structure or building. The drone shaped missile flew over several structures for one hour and irreparably disabled the electronics from the targeded buildings.
On November 2, 2015, Windpower Engineering & Development reported on a failed attempt on the part of ISIS to attack American Power companies, stating thatFBI cyber division chief John Riggi "acknowledges the growing concern of serious cyber-attacks against U.S. infrastructure." They also point out the "Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team, part of the Department of Homeland Security, reported that the energy sector led all others again in 2014 with the most reported incidents."
On October 22, 2015, SC Magazine for Security Professionals reported thatRussian hackers plan new attacks on Western military and civil infrastructure:
Oleg Demidov, a senior consultant of PIR Center, an independent non-governmental organisation, which carries out research activities in the field of cyber-security, told SC that in recent year Russian hackers have started to pose a serious threat to critical elements of the military and civil infrastructure of Western countries, while their schemes of attack differ from those used by hacker groups from China and other countries.
Oleg Demidov comments: "Russian activities in cyber-space are very different, compared to those of the Chinese. The majority of Chinese hackers are viewed as of a relatively low skill level with a focus on non-stop investigation of hundreds of thousands of web-sites in the United States and other Western countries, concerning their vulnerability. Russian hackers mostly concentrate on conducting special operations to steal sensitive data, mostly of defence and military-political origin. The attacks by Russian hackers are usually based on a combined approach, with the use of cyber-means, and the "human factor." For example, according to Joel Brenner an expert on cyber-security and a former member of the US administration of George W Bush, Russian hackers and special services stuffed infected flash drives to the offices of the NATO coalition in Afghanistan, which exfiltrated all their sensitive information."
Analysts at PIR-center told SC that as usual among the potential targets of Russian hackers could be the US Pentagon and other US military entities. In July this year hackers already conducted a series of attacks on the Pentagon, which resulted in a break-in of the Pentagon's computer system and the theft of personal correspondence of employees of the department that had not been classified as secret. According to an official spokesman of Pentagon, the attacks were conducted from Russia.
Are we beginning to see a pattern here ladies and gentlemen?
It is noteworthy that the small samples of results shown above on what was found just searching over the last month for cyber attacks, Infrastructure, EMP and power grid, came from a "news" search, not just a general web search..... and the aforementioned reports are just the tip of the iceberg, shown as examples as to the MSM and "news" organizations and magazines preparing us for the next big event.
Just yesterday, Spunik reported on comments made at theCyber 3 conference, which took place in Okinawa, Japan, on November 7 and 8, by cyber-security expertEugene Kaspersky, founder of Kaspersky Lab, where he told the delegates "Today there is practically no system that will not be connected to the internet." He continued on to say "For example, connection to a network is simply essential to update security programs, and other functions. Because of this, any system can become a target for a cyberterrorist."
Whether we are talking of cyber attacks on the infrastructre or physical attacks or even natural solar events, the very real danger and certainty that it can and will happen is evidenced in an Associated Press report from November 4, 2015, showing thata solar storm knocked out the air traffic control systems in Sweden on Wednesday, November 4, 2015.
While the majority of Americans still think "it can't happen," the U.S. government, the MSM and experts across the board are telling us that multiple countries have the technology to knock out our power grid as well as the threat of a natural solar event doing so, and with tensions high between the U.S. and the very countries that already have this technology as well as terror groups, they are telling us that not only can it happen, it will happen.... it is not a case of if, but of when.
Folks when we tell you to prepare, to take steps now to prevent yourself from being one of the the nine out of ten that will die when the grids go down, we are not doing it for our health, we are already prepared and are continuing to do so.
When the lights go out and grocery stores have no way to get more stock, phones do not work, there is no Intenet, water, electrical devices, people can no longer obtain their medications, all communication systems are down, paper currency is worthless, riots are in every city, etc.... how many of those 315+ million people are going to be able to survive for any length of time?