March 10, 2024
Something Huge Planned For New York In The Days Ahead As They 'Normalize Police State Control' Over The People And Bring In 'Re-Education Camps' For Firefighters Expressing Their Opinions
- While Biden Races Into More Endless, Needless Wars We Can't Win
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
While according to New York Governor Kathy Hochul, the hundreds of New York National Guard members that she'll be sending into the New York Subway systems will be to 'help fight crime' in that crime-ridden city as of late, as this story over at Defiant America reports, there are also alarming rumors that Hamas is targeting the subways there, hence the numbers of 1,000+ troops they're unveiling. Plus, NY has had an alarming amount of crime in their subway systems there for several years now.
With that number added to a number of 250 state and regional police that will be deployed there in the coming months and who knows exactly how far into the future, as this Daily Mail story from February 12th had reported, the states of New York, New Hampshire and Vermont were then seeing the highest numbers of illegal border crossings in their histories due largely to the lax laws required to get into the USA from Canada, driving those who are here illegally to make their passageway through Canada instead of Mexico, thus partially explaining the huge uptick there in illegal's crossing.
With the Daily Mail story explaining that crossings by illegal immigrants into those three states had at least doubled since 2022, reporting that more than 12,200 had actually been arrested crossing in during 2023 while back in 2022, only 3,578 people had been arrested coming in, we also remind you that those large numbers are only the people that we know about, much less those who had gotten away.
Coming at a time when large cities all across America have been suffering a major crisis in homelessness merging with the huge number of illegal immigrants pouring in as reported in this new Survival.News story, it's also coming at a time when a United Nations agency has announced a massive relocation of many of their staff members from New York to Nairobi, Kenya, raising eyebrows all across the board.
And with this deployment of the National Guard in New York quite literally turning parts of the city into a 'police state' where the bags and carry on luggage of people will be openly searched for weapons, take note that this is also happening at a time when Democrats are making moves to make gun ownership in America illegal, as if they have something sinister up their sleeves for the days ahead. Certainly we know they'll be unable to completely turn America into a dictatorship when the American people still own 500 million+ ways to defend themselves against such a monstrosity.
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As this story over at Armstrong Economicsby Douglas Armstrong is titled, "Get The Hell Out Of NY ASAP!,"with Armstrong warning within his story that many people are starting to wake up that New York is just a complete disaster and that the Rule of Law means nothing in New York, as we're warned, the risk of doing any business with a domiciled NY entity is going through the roof.
This is starting to spread like wildfire. Get out while you still can. They have protected the bankers against the entire world granting them ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY just as they gave to Pfizer,and Armstrong also repeats the tweet seen above by former US Secret Service member Dan Bongino, who bluntly warns us.:
You are absolutely not safe in New York. Both physically and financially. If the criminals dont get you, the courts and politicians will. Please, please, get out if you can. They will come for you next as they grow more desperate for your money and your business. Get out. Let the libs eat themselves alive.
And now we see just how 'political' they are getting in New York with NYFD Firefighters who had the courage to openly boo Democrat NY activist Attorney General there, Letitia James, during a recent event, being sent to their 'headquarters'for re-education.
Are you kidding us? That's exactly what dictatorships are made out of! 'Re-educating' people who dare to speak for themselves and calling out the speakers because of their own criminality makes NYC become a Marxist hellhole where politics are prosecuted & anyone objecting gets in trouble.
So we must ask, is that where 'the left' in New York is leading us to? Is that why all of a sudden we're witnessing National Guard troops in the Subway stations? If the leftists have their way in this day and age, will anybody daring to boo Biden be sent into a 're-education facility,' too? Then start with me.: BOOOO BIDEN! And what about people's private luggage/carry on baggage there in their subways?
So while this Defiant America story warns that we may never get the truth out of why the NY governor is announcing the deployment of a countless number of National Guard troops in the NY city subway system, it makes clear that they believe America's totally open borders under Joe Biden and left/neocon crime machine are largely likely to blame.
Reporting bluntly they they make no assertions as to the validity of their opinion columnist as to Hamas being in the city preparing to carry out terror attacks in the subway system, we know there have been a frequent number of pro-Hamas protests carried out there in recent months over the wars in the Middle East.
Also reporting in this November of 2023 story that CBS News had learned back then of increasing threats of a possible terror attack in New York City as a direct result of the escalating violence in the Middle East,and that Gov. Kathy Hochul was then already taking action to beef up security and increase staffing of the Joint Terrorism Task Force following a new threat assessment by the New York State Intelligence Center that violence in Gaza is driving chatter about targets in New York, it's easy to see that these National Guard troops being deployed to the subways likely has something to do with that,but it's not difficult to see how quickly they could turn all of these new troops against 'the people' of New York. From this Defiant America story.:
Hundreds of New York National Guard members will be heading to the New York City subway system, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced Wednesday. Thats just one part of a series of changes coming to the citys trains after a string of high-profile crimes across the New York City subway system including two back-to-back shootings that killed two people in the Bronx and a slashing in Brooklyn.
Hochul, a Democrat, said she will deploy 750 members of the National Guard to the subways to assist the New York Police Department with bag searches at entrances to busy train stations.
For people who are thinking about bringing a gun or knife on the subway, at least this creates a deterrent effect. They might be thinking, You know what, it just may just not be worth it because I listened to the mayor and I listened to the governor and they have a lot more people who are going to be checking my bags, Hochul said at a news conference.
This is the official reason why the national guard was sent to New Yorks subway but the crime in New York is sky rocketing for years and theyve never sent the National Guard.
Some sources alleged that there are incoming terrorist threats from Hamas and thats one of the reason why theyve taken these security measures!
The deployment of the National Guard would bolster an enhanced presence of NYPD officers in the subway system. The governor said she will also send 250 state troopers and police officers from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, a state agency, to help with the bag searches.
So with another insane war at America's doorstep that'll be spent on endless American taxpayer money, making it pretty much non-stop wars since my birth, while the US government has at the same time turned totally against the American people while allowing anyone who wants to come flowing in here despite the negative repercussions to come in with them, proving to us once again that they don't have the American people's interests at heart (If they did, they'd be telling us the TRUTH about what's going on rather than an endless series of LIES!), people nationwide should be watching closely what's happening in New York, even when we might live hundreds of miles away from there, as how they're responding will give us a great idea of what's to come in the future here for the rest of us.
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