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February 2, 2023

Societal Perversion - It Is Not Just Children Being Groomed For Deviancy Anymore As Men Are Wearing Lipstick, Dresses And Women Getting Mastectomies To Look Like Men

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

As a society, collectively, we used to try to protect children from pedophiles, sexualization, trafficking, and groomers, yet today we see teachers bragging about "transitioning" children without parental consent, and without notifying parents, schools teaching elementary school aged kids about masturbation, anal sex and encouraging them to sit on the laps of drag queens aka grown adult men dressed as women.

While this should not be a political issue, caring and protecting children should be something every single adult does, one political party is against the grooming of children, while the other is trying to normalize it.

A quick reminder of what "grooming" used to be, and how it is being used now, in our schools.

Child groomers otherwise known as predators, traditionally have followed a set pattern, as described by the Indiana Chapter of National Children's Alliance, we see the six signs of grooming:

1. Finding a victim

2.Gain trust

3. Help the victim

4. Isolate the victim

5. Sexualize the relationship

6. Maintain the relationship and power

This is the same methodology being used by some teachers today. I say some because not all teachers think it is appropriate to "groom" children under their care.

Proof that children are being groomed in school by individual teachers comes right from the horse's mouth, teachers themselves.

The most recent example, report January 25, 2023, by the New York Post, who informed the NYT that her job was to protect children, and "Sometimes, they need protection from their own parents."

A California high school teacher has boldly confessed that she helps students change their gender identity without their parents knowledge.

My job, which is a public service, is to protect kids, Olivia Garrison told the New York Times about helping students socially transition at school.

Sometimes, they need protection from their own parents.

Social transition describes the process in which a person adopts the name and pronouns that align with their gender identity, rather than the gender they were at birth.

Garrison, who is nonbinary, teaches history at Del Oro High School in Bakersfield.

Meet Olivia below:

A quick piece of advice to parents: Meet all your children's teachers, and if any of them look like this, pink, purple hair, BLM shirts, then you automatically know you have an activist pushing a LGBT agenda.

Act accordingly.

For those that would falsely claim that this is just "one" teacher, this isn't a systemic crisis throughout our nation, school boards throughout the U.S. are having to pass policies requiring parental permission before a teacher can change a students name or use their "preferred" pronouns.

Board member Chris Farris, who introduced the policy in August, said parents of minor children have the right to know what's going on with their kids at school. He said the policy is similar to what the district already does in practice.

"I find it interesting that, as a dad, that I'm alerted to my kids' grades. I'm alerted if they're marked absent. I'm alerted if they're going on a field trip. I have to sign up on all that stuff. That's pretty minor stuff. If it's something big, I want to know about it, and parents have the right to know. That's all we're asking," Farris said.

As an example of how twisted we have become as a nation, we are seeing controversy sparked in Pasco County, Florida because the district is requiring students to use bathrooms based on their biological sex at birth.


It isn't just our children. There is a coordinated effort to convince adults that is it normal for men to wear dresses, women to have their breasts cut off so they can pretend to be men, and entire clothing lines for men's dresses, and advertisements for lipstick and other make up created for men.

Examples of the aforementioned, shown below.

Man with beard for lipstick advertisement

Ellen Page hasmastectomy to look like a man now called "Elliot"

Actor Brad Pitt in a skirt on red carpet for "Bullet Train"


As stated at the top of this piece, this shouldn't be a political issue, yet it is. States like California, a far left liberal state treats everything seen above as "normal," while red states such as Florida, are passing laws and policies to protect children from groomers in schools.

The country is divided between those that believe women getting their breasts chopped off to look like men, and men wearing dresses, skirts and lipstick, is A-OK, and those that think men have penises, women have vaginas, and children should be protected from deviancy and groomers.

Societal perversion is being normalized by liberals pushing the LGBT agenda, and it is up to the rest of us to push back, fight against and protect the children.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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