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February 2, 2025
Sleeper Cells In America, More Now Than Ever After The Open Border Fiasco Under The Biden Regime, And With The Military Strike Killing Senior ISIS Attack Planner, Expect Those Cells To Be Activated
The terrorist group ISIS has had four years to build back up after being decimated during President Trump's first term, and with Saturday's news of an airstrike of caves in Somalia where ISIS members were hiding, killing some with no civilian casualties, marks the start of yet another attempt by the Trump administration to eradicate the terror group.
The problem is ISIS and other jihadists, hostile to America, have had those same four years under the Biden regime, to cross over illegally in the U.S., by the millions.
We'll start with the joint effort attack in Somalia before delving further into the dangers we face from ISIS and other groups, from within America.
Via a release from the U.S. Africa Command headlined "U.S. Forces Conduct Strike Targeting ISIS-Somalia, In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted airstrikes against ISIS-Somalia on Feb. 1, 2025."
In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted airstrikes against ISIS-Somalia on Feb. 1, 2025.
The commands initial assessment is that multiple ISIS-Somalia operatives were killed in the airstrikes and no civilians were harmed. U.S. Africa Command takes great measures to prevent civilian harm. Protecting civilians remains a vital part of the commands operations to promote a more secure and stable Africa.
U.S. Africa Command will continue to assess the results of this operation and will provide additional information as appropriate. Specific details about the operation will not be released in order to ensure continued operations security.
President Trump took to social media, to announce the strike as well.
In October 2024, theHouse Committee on Homeland Security, released the astounding statistics, of crossings under the Biden regime, along with comparison charts showing the vast differences between the those stats and those during President Trump's first term.
Yet again under President Biden, border czar and Vice President Kamala Harris, and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the annual border encounter numbers have once again proven to be catastrophic. Since the start of Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, CBP has recorded more than10.8 million encounters nationwide, including more than8.72 million at the Southwest border.
By contrast, CBP recordedaround 3 million encountersnationwide, including 2.37 million at the SWB, from FY2017-2020. Nationwide border encounters this fiscal year increased nearly 50 percent compared to FY2021. Of the 2.9 million nationwide encounters in FY2024,nearly half were at ports of entry, whileonly 15 percentof nationwide encounters were at ports of entry inFY2021.In addition to these encounters, CBP has recorded another roughly 2 million known gotaways since the start of FY2021, roughly four times the number recorded from FY2017-2020.
While the first chart at the link above gives a visual of those statistics, it is the second chart that showed a massive increase in encounters with people on the terror watchlist.
When Joe Biden stated that people should surge to the border if he won in 2020, he basically invited the invasion of our nation, but also opened the door for terrorists to set up shop right here in the U.S.
In testimony before the Committee last year, then-chief of Border Patrol Raul Ortiz said the total number of gotaways could be underreported by as much as 20 percent. There is no way to know how many more potential national security threats, violent criminals, and hardened gang members are now at large in our country.
How many of the "gotaways" were tied to terrorist groups, or even sympathized with them?
There is no way to know the answer to that question. Once they have gotten away, there is no tracking them, no knowing who or where they came from. What is known is that they are in the country.
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Dictionary.com defines a sleeper cell as "a group of operatives, spies or terrorists, living in secret among a targeted community waiting for instructions or an opportunity to act.."
Granted some may be lone wolf terrorists, the type that randomly commits acts of terrorism, but with the wide open borders under the Biden regime, there is no doubt there are plenty of sleeper cells within the country, waiting to be activated.
Once given the orders, instructions, which can be done simply by ISIS issuing a statement, posting on the internet, or video, these sleeper cells will carry out coordinated attacks.
According to RadarOnline, "there are now more than 100 small terror cells on the FBI's radar," with a law enforcement insider stating "The terrifying truth is that ISIS is here and already plotting its next attack."
Rather than driving a car into a crowd in New Orleans, as happened on New Years Eve, killing 14 people, by one man that was radicalized by ISIS online, we could see organized groups of sleeper cells attack the grid, poison water systems, or carry out attacks in a variety of ways.
Now that President Trump is once again in office, fighting to decimate ISIS after they rebuilt and recruited during Biden's four years in office, no doubt sending an unknown amount of supporters and ISIS members over the border illegally, these sleeper cells are likely to be activated, with the lone wolf sympathizers carrying out the random individual terror acts.
We've seen multiple "ISIS-inspired" attacks within the U.S. already, but with a massive surge to the border the last four years, we could be looking at large-scale terror attacks, in any state, or city, in the U.S.
There are simple things Americans can do to prepare, from little things like staying out of overly large crowds, to keeping your eyes and ears open around you. Be aware of your surroundings.
The bigger things include personal protection, whether guns or tasers, anything to give yourself the chance to fight back if caught in an attack.
And generators in case there is a large sleeper cell attack on the grid or water systems.
Note: I specifically chose solar generators because if the grid gets hit, it is doubtful gas will be available long term, so better safe than sorry.
There is a reason sleeper cells have a definition, they are real, they group together, live quietly while planning, and in many cases are in touch with each other through secretive means, in order to coordinate attacks to maximize the shock and awe factor.
With President Trump once again targeting the terror group for elimination, this year is a dangerous one.
Be safe.
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