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December 12, 2022

As World Heads Towards The Depopulation Numbers Forecast By Deagel, Deaths Soar Among Fortune 500 Companies As 'Epidemic Of Sudden Deaths' Grows Across America And The World

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

The email that I received Sunday morning from Dr. Mercola had an alarming subject line and story description that aligns with all of the signs we've been seeing and hints of absolute mayhem ahead.

With the subject line that jumped out at me being "Deaths Soar in Fortune 500 Companies, Is It This 28-Day Con?," as those who received the email were warned in its introduction, "In the first year of the pandemic, old people died. Yet it's suddenly shifted to working folks and, in particular, those working at Fortune 500 companies. Just look at the disability data: Have we poisoned the most able-bodied among us?"

With the story that it linked to over at Mercola's website titled simply "Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths,"as we're warned in the story, we're witnessing nothing less than 'A Disaster in the Making' with the 'excess mortality trend' in the U.S. now between 15% to 20% for the general population although American millennials in the workforce with group life policies had an excess death rate of 36% as of August 2022according to former BlackRock financial analyst Edward Dowd.

As noted by Dowd, if you're employed at a Fortune 500 company that mandate boosters, it makes sense that your excess mortality will be higher than the general populationif the shots are harming people.

Many in the general population are too young to take the shots, are self-employed, work for small companies that aren't obliged to mandate shots, or are retired. In short, the general population has had greater choice when it comes to taking the shots or not. If these trends continue at this same rate, it's an absolute disaster for our economy and society at large.

And while quite ludicrously, many on the left truly STILL believe that people 'dying suddenly' is a 'crazy conspiracy theory' being spread by 'right wing conspiracy theorists', not only are they totally ignoring all of the mysterious deaths now happening across America and the world as pointed out by Susan Duclos in this new story titled "Something Very Strange Is Going On: Different Vaccines Causing Different Types Of Death? 'Medical Emergency' Live On-Air Just The Latest In An Ever-Growing List Of Incidents The MSM Would Like You To Ignore," they're also totally ignoring the 'science' that shows us IT IS the vaxxes causing 'sudden deaths' as pointed out in this recent substack entry by Steve Kirsch.:

We now know the COVID vaccine is the most likely cause of sudden death for those who have been vaccinated.

See this news story on the vaccine-related COVID deaths and this FOX News segment featuring Peter McCullough.

Bottom line:

We now know that the COVID vaccines CAUSE sudden death because it is now documented in the peer-reviewed medical literature.

We also now know exactly what to look for in the autopsy because the process, which enables pathologists to link the vaccine and sudden death, was fully described in the paper which was written by top pathologists in Germany.

So while the left will keep lining up for these shots that are causing sudden deaths in some people, deaths months later in others and permanent injuries in others, as Dr. Paul Alexander recently warned while testifying before Senator Ron Johnson's COVID/vax hearings as seen in the video directly below, "Those who have conducted this vaccination program have made a catastrophic mistake," a mistake that somebody(s) needs to pay dearly for. And if it wasn't 'a mistake' but 'planned,' think what that means!

According to the co-founder of a new group called 'React19,' Brianne Dressen, who was injured during the AstraZeneca trial, the US government has not only been lying to the American people but they are hiding countless secrets from us as well, with Dressen recently testifying before a panel of politicians, medical experts, and doctors who met in Washington D.C. to discuss COVID-19 vaccines and what we're not being told.

With React19 a non-profit, science-based support for people suffering from long-term COVID-19 vaccine effects, a group which offers financial, physical, and emotional support for those suffering from long-term COVID-19 vaccine adverse events globally, with a mission to bring healing to the moms, dads, friends, and loved ones who are facing life-altering side effects from their COVID-19 vaccine, building bridges between patients and research institutions in order to develop a better understanding of our vaccine complications, ANP recently reached out to React19, asking what we can do to help, and have published their response to us below.

Thanks, Stefan, for your email to React19. The biggest things you could do for us are:

1. Encourage people to donate to React19. There's a donate button on our website. They can also text word "react" to 50155. We are in desperate need of funds to replenish our CARE Fund which gives financial grants to C19 v injured people for uncovered medical expenses.

2. Spread the Senate press conference we just participated in with Senator Ron Johnson. The truth must come out. The people must stand up for themselves. Joel

In the first video at the bottom of this page we have embedded that press conference Joel had mentioned while the 2nd video is a previous Senator Johnson press conference titled"COVID-19: A 2nd Opinion Conference," in which we hear from numerous medical experts about the dangers of the vax that have been heavily censored from the American public by groups like twitter and democrats.

And as we'll see in the final section of this story below, that censorship was absolutely deadly and points directly at the democrat party, as if they wanted this 'genocide' to be carried out as swiftly and quietly as possible, first America's oldest and now, the killing off of the youngest and previously most healthy members of society. Can you see where this is headed if we stay on the same genocidal path Biden has America on?

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an EMERGENCY fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

While much of the attention being given to the 'twitter files' has focused upon all of the censored Conservative politicians, giving Americans even MORE PROOF that Democrats stole these elections and are never to be trusted nor 'obeyed,' as they also proved, twitter, at the behest of 'big pharma' and the democrat party, engaged in widespread and blatant censorship of Medical Doctors who had opposing viewpoints to the 'vax everything' agenda being carried out by the 'eugenic' globalists.

With twitter completely banning the accounts of people like Steve Kirsch for opposing that vax everything agenda as he pointed out in this new substack entry,why would twitter, democrats, neocons and the globalists NOT WANT Americans to have opposing information on the vaxxes that we now know are killing people left and right, unless they actuallyWANTED AMERICANS DEAD and they truly are carrying out a 'genocide project?'

With that 'genocide project' seen engraved in concrete for many years on the infamous Georgia Guidestones before they were destroyed earlier this year, withproclamation #1 on the Guidestones being "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature,"remember that a global population of 500 million would require a MASS CULLING of more than 7.5 billion people, with the world's current population estimated to be just over 8 billion people.

And with that 'genocide project' also clearly seen in the forecasts made by the deep-state sourced website Deagel which showed 2025 America with a population of well less than 100 million, a culling of more than 225 million, take note that Deagel also forecast America to be a 3rd world nation by 2025.

And under Joe Biden and the current crop of criminal-crats, we're well on our way there right now!

So with Elon Musk recently promising the release of twitter file information on COVID and the doctors, who we now know were correct, being censored, take note of each of the following stories over at Substack by Dr. Paul Alexander, one of the doctors we now know was correct yet was censored and banned by twitter for sharing correct information!

From Dr. Paul Alexander: "It's the vaccine, stupid! It is the vaccine that is driving infectious variant after infectious variant and they knew; they knew! They knew that this vaccine would fail & and would cause deaths! FRAUD - This entire pandemic response was a lie, a fraud, fraud, nothing they did worked, no lockdown lunacy, none of it! The COVID gene injection has to go down as one of the greatest crimes on humanity!"

From Dr. Paul Alexander: "Emergency powers: how to keep emergency powers & declarations ongoing? Well, you keep an ineffective & harmful, deadly vaccine ongoing that causes & enhances infection & death; PRESTO! The pandemic will never end if you keep vaccinating across age-groups, while virus is circulating, using a sub-optimal vaccine that can't sterilize the virus, then emergency powers will stay in place!"

From Dr. Paul Alexander: "'Everybody Knew CV-19 Vax Was a Criminal Bioweapon Karen Kingston;' Kingston says documents with the drug makers, FDA and CDC listed the deadly and debilitating side effects of the injections. Kinston: Common side effects should be muscle aches, headaches, fever & pain. With these injections, common side effects are Guillain-Barre, inflammation of your brain and your spinal cord."

And from Dr. Paul Alexander: "Hang them high! Investigate Twitter & all the media platforms like Facebook & Youtube & all government officials & all the employees who 'blacklisted' people like me; I too was banned from Twitter; If it is shown with legal investigations that children died due to this, that people killed themselves, that the vaccine took lives had people been informed, I say jail some & hang many who did this!"

With Dr. Alexander saying what probably 10's of millions of people around the world are saying, that those who carried out these crimes upon humanity should be jailed and hung, (after their trials and convictions, of course!,) we sure won't be holding our breaths waiting for that outcome but it's great to see that someone who just testified at Senator Ron Johnson's COVID news conference holds those views.

So if we wanted a look right now at what the globalists have planned for us in the future, all we need to do is take a look at the latest 'pandemic tabletop exercise' held by the globalists, including the WHO and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, titled "Catastrophic Contagion."Held in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022, the exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future. Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.

Sounding a little bit like what we're facing now with younger people disproportionately dying compared to the general population as Ed Dowd has warned as reported above, as Dr. Alexander warned, they can keep up these 'public health emergency' powers going forever, or at least till the people of America stand up and say 'enough is enough,' medical tyranny should never have a 'safe space' to flourish in America.

In the 3rd/final video below from Novembers Red Pill Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah, The New American's senior editor Bill Jasper talks with Dr. David Martin about his film American Revolution; about the little-known history of Americas founding and the unseen hand behind our economic systems; and about the role of that unseen hand in the readiness of Americans to accept Covid.

Martin explains how the money interests used financial incentives to corrupt the political system, delving into the rise of the Federal Reserve, the J.P. Morgan interests, the investigations of the early 1900s into the corruption of the national monetary supply, and the formation of the financial interests collusion with the federal government. Dr. Martins organization PROSECUTE NOW is using the legal system to prosecute those responsible for the premeditated murder of millions of people due to Covid and the government-sponsored treatments.

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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