January 31, 2024
Targeting Children With 'It's Okay To Pass Away Today' Videos On Multiple Platforms - Creators Claim It Is 'Satire', But It Is Truly A Sickening Push For Assisted Suicide
By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline
This piece was going to begin with states kidnapping children from parents in order to allow them to "transition," into the opposite sex, but then Stefan sent me something so outrageous, and wrong, and sick, and horrible, that I absolutely had to toss my previous topic matter, but it can be seen at Daily Mail.
A cartoon character, singing to sick children "it's ok to pass away." A two-and-a-half minute video, geared towards children with a Muppet-type character singing "It's okay to pass a way." Telling kids they will be put into an urn and more.
The details on the video stating the following:
It's always hard to say goodbye...but Uncle Urny says:
"It's Okay to Pass Away!"
For more information on Ascension: the most family friendly Terminal Wellness clinic in America, visit:
At first you think, 'well it is aimed at dying children," until you realize it was uploaded to Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, Bitchute, and other platforms and is listed as "satire," in some of the video descriptions. Then we find out that it is being shown as an advertisement within other videos.
So all children allowed to visit video platforms are being exposed to this.
YouTube eventually deleted the actual video for "violating Youtube's Community Guidelines,", but we are unable to ascertain whether the advertising within other videos has also been disabled. It was uploaded to Bitchute by a user, with the statement "This is clearly yet another facet of the multi pronged attack against us, with our children being used as an attack vector."
The #satire" label has people wondering if this was "dark humor" taken too far, but the pace this has become viral indicates that someone has worked hard to make sure this is seen by as many people, including children, as possible, and available on as many platforms as possible.
So, without further ado....
The email that Stefan Stanford forwarded to me that brought this to our attention, also highlighted a post from Canada Proud which informs their followers that liberals in Canada want to expand the eligibility for "Medical Assistance In Dying," to 12-year old children
The person that first posted about their friend seeing this as an advertisement on a YouTube video, United We Stand, is also from Canada.
More below about the "Terminal Wellness Group. (ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)
Image from terminal wellness site, front page. |
The "It's okay to pass away" video shown above, did come from website Terminalwellness.com, and is shown on their " The team," The Mission" and " Pediatrics" pages.
Nowhere on the website does it state they are satire, yet things don't add up when going through the website.
First, the Terminal Wellness company shows the URL ashttps://www.terminal-wellness.com/. All other menu pages, have the URL of "temp-battazgarkjorucvhzsq.webador.com."
The copyright at the bottom states "***Insurance Preauthorization and 50% deposit required. Referral from a qualified physician required. Child must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. 2044 Terminal Wellness"
2044. Hmmmmmm.
Next up, on all pages we see the following ad.
That link brings us to a crowd-funding page for what is described as a "dark romantic comedy", described in the following manner:
Terminal Wellness, is a dark romantic comedy that is a satire of our completely messed up healthcare and political systems and in particular how we treat the mentally ill in America and how our future is looking like an episode of South Park mixed with Black Mirror every day.
The two videos aka "commercials" shown are the one above titled "It's okay to pass away," and another, which is just as warped, shown at the bottom of this article.
The only way to know when visiting the website itself that this is supposed to be satire, is if you click the ad ink.
Assisted suicide is now fodder to be joked about, just another step towards being like Canada liberals, where they want to open up assisted suicide for 12 year old children.
The theme being a "dark romance," showing an older man checking in to an assisted suicide facility, and then discovering love, in no way, shape or form, explain a video geared for children, making up the children to look like they are sick and dying, and having it blasted on multiple platforms.
The fact that they are trying to make a movie, tells us why YouTube allowed them to purchase advertising, but we still don't know if they refunding the advertising payments or are still allowing them to be shown as ads when watching other videos.
Image from terminal wellness site, front page. |
We're quite aware that satire is "the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues," which is something Babylon Bee does spectacularly well, but gearing a video obviously aimed at children, is not satire, it is sick.
There is also nothing humorous about assisted suicide, and as such even the idea of creating a "dark romantic comedy" about people wanting to kill themselves, tells us the people promoting this, are attempting to make people "laugh" at the idea of suicide and assisted suicide, which is just another way to try to normalize it.
In 2022, there were 13,241 MAID provisions reported in Canada, accounting for 4.1% of all deaths in Canada.
The number of cases of MAID in 2022 represents a growth rate of 31.2% over 2021. All provinces except Manitoba and the Yukon continue to experience a steady year-over-year growth in 2022.
In 2022, 3.5% of the total number of MAID provisions (463 individuals), were individuals whose natural deaths were not reasonably foreseeable. This is an increase from 2.2% in 2021 (223 individuals).
There were 16,104 written requests for MAID in 2022. This represents an increase of 26.5% over the number of written requests in 2021. Written requests for MAID have grown by an average of 28.2% per year between 2020 and 2022. In 2022, the majority of written requests (13,102 or 81.4%) resulted in the administration of MAID.
As far as I am concerned, there is nothing funny about suicide, assisted or not.
I tried to find reaction videos, but every single one I did find dropped more F-bombs or other equally offensive terminology, that I am stuck providing the other video from the "terminal wellness" website.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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