August 20, 2022
If They Can't Control You They Want You Dead - The 'Separate States Of America' - You Cannot Live Side By Side With People That Want You Dead
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
I would like to reiterate a point I made recently: We can no longer attempt to "unite" with people that want us dead. We cannot "get along" with people that will fight tooth and nail for the "right" to slaughter unborn babies, even right up until the moment of birth. We cannot stand side-by-side with people that think there are one set of rules for those with a "D" by their names, or liberals, and another set of rules those that disagree with them, have an "R" by their name and/or are conservatives.
The left stands for abortion, censorship of any opinion not their own, allowing children to be physically mutilated in the name of "gender identity," violent protests causing billions in property damages, burning towns, while accusing those on the right of "insurrection" for one single protest that did far less damage than any of the riots during the year-long 2020 Antifa/BLM protests.
The point here is that the differences between conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, are far too vast already, and that gap is widening daily.
Now MSNBC is declaring "People keep saying a civil war is coming I would say a civil war is here," and that "we have to have serious conversations around preparing for actual violence."
Nice of them to finally catch up to what has been happening in the country, was my first thought, and then I saw the host's reasoning: "We can look at what has happened just in the past week alone since all this has happened. Weve had two people try to declare war with FBI field offices."
Well, who knew that years of burning down towns, looting minority-owned businesses, rioting, vandalizing federal and personal property, and attacking law enforcement officers across the country meant far less that "two people" taking the fight to what they believe is a corrupt FBI.
That ladies and gentlemen is the mindset of radical liberal extremists.
Moving along from the radical liberals at MSNBC we note an article from late July from the similarly radical CNN, whining about how "red states" are building a nation within a nation, calling it an "offensive" against America.
The case was just the latest example of how red states, supported by Republican-appointed judges, are engaging in a multi-front offensive to seize control of national policy even while Democrats hold the White House and nominally control both the House and Senate. The red states are moving social policy sharply to the right within their borders on issues from abortion to LGBTQ rights and classroom censorship, while simultaneously working to hobble the ability of either the federal government or their own largest metro areas to set a different course.
Amazing how the writer of that doesn't even see that this is what liberal state leaders have been doing for decades.
Just one example out of dozens because we do have more to cover, is Sanctuary Cities, where liberal state leaders welcome illegal immigrants/aliens into their states and violate federal law by refusing to allow their law enforcement top work with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), by supporting and abetting criminals that cross the U.S. border illegally.
Once again the "rules for thee but not for me" mentality at play.
Brandon Smith over at Alt-Market has a piece out about this topic where at the end he concludes the following:
Red states should enforce a moratorium on federal agency operations until the threats of political abuse are addressed. It is not possible to reach an understanding with leftists at this time because they operate through a prism of zealotry. They cannot be reasoned with because they believe that everything they are doing is righteous and no violation of individual rights is off the table, so it is better to separate and prevent them from implementing malicious policies within our state borders until the conflict is resolved. Otherwise, a lot of people could get hurt.
What is good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?
My only disagreement is I do not believe the "conflict" can be "resolved."
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Right now there are leftists living in states run by Republicans and conservatives living in states run by liberals, many not by choice but by necessity. Those that cannot afford to leave a state run by those that they cannot agree with, are stuck......this applies to people on the right and the left.
In a perfect world (at least to many conservatives) we would take the billions upon billions that we send to other nations, and offer to move those people to whatever state they care to live in... but frankly I doubt that would ever happen, but a girl can dream!
'Related:Biden authorizes largest yet weapons package for Ukraine, bringing U.S. commitment to $9.8 billion
That would help a lot of people relocate, wouldn't it?
The fact is we are already the "separate states of America."
Liberal priorities: Abortion, "gender affirming care" for children which in English means allowing the mutilation of minors, communist indoctrination in public schools, gun control, censorship, "climate change" regulations, "taxing the rich" to give what someone else earns to those that didn't earn it, the LGBT agenda, big government, etc... all things Democrats fight for, publicly so it isn't just an opinion.
Conservative priorities: Saving the unborn, banning life-altering drugs and preventing surgeries from being performed on minors that can never be undone all in the name of "gender identity," School choice and parental rights in regards to their children's education, limiting business-killing regulations, small government, low taxes, etc... again, all publicly stated positions.
Anyone that looks at the vast differences, literally the opposite goals of the two parties, and still thinks we can "unite" the States of America again, should contact me, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.
What we do see more and more of are states within states within the country.
What I mean by that is whole areas within some states are ideologically different than the "state" as a whole.
Example: Where I live, the entire community is conservative, yet we live in Maryland, one of the most liberal of states.
All over the country many that cannot afford to relocate to new states, are finding ways to move closer to communities more in line with their political and ideological preferences.
This has led to all types of "ideas", such as partitioning not just states from other states, but creating states within states, such as the map above credited toDicken Schrader
Over at Big Think, they claim that is America were partitioned into Red and Blue, that "Progressive America would be half as big, but twice as populated as its conservative twin."
Sounds about right.
Unfortunately, and this is my belief, I would answer that question with a big, fat, NO.
Go back to the liberal versus conservative priority list, Democrats want big government control over every aspect of Americans' lives. How long would it take before they decided they wanted to force the conservatives "states" to comply with their rules, regulations and policies?
Civil war is here. It is about the only statement made by a host on the very liberal MSNBC channel that I agree with, albeit for different reasons.
Civil war is here because one party thinks they have the right to demand the other accept the murder of the unborn, massive tax hikes, the LGBT agenda, to be totally controlled, etc, etc, etc...... and the other party is sick and damned tired of it.
We cannot live side-by-side with those that wish to subjugate you and if they can't control you they want you dead.
Memo to Democrats: Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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