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February 10, 2025

Our Self-Important, Self-Deluding, Self-Unaware Elites - Ladies And Gentlemen, There Is Chutzpah, And Then There Is Twenty-First-Century 'Ruling Class' Chutzpah

By J.B. Shurk (American Thinker) -All News Pipeline

Our self-appointed ruling class is insufferable.Two-plus weeks into the restored Trump administration, and the Democrat/media outrage template has become utterly banal:

(1) Trump delivers on a campaign promise.

(2) Democrats collapse onto fainting couches and wail, He cant do that!, and then

(3) those same sobbing sad sacks get back up, clutch their pearls, and collapse in anguish yet again.

It would be amusing if their funerary pantomime were not so exhausting.

Unindicted Russia collusion co-conspirator and former acting director of the FBI Andrew McCabe ran to the Communist News Network to complain that all his old friends at the Bureau are terrified of being fired.Hereportedto fellow Democrat traveler Anderson Cooper that FBI officials are worried about how theyre going to pay their bills and take care of their families. If you get fired, McCabe explained energetically, like one toddler telling another toddler about the world, youre done.Thats the end of your reputation, your ability to get any job. You lose your pay, you lose your chance at a pension, you lose your health insurance.Baby Cooper agreed with Baby McCabe that those consequences sound scary.

Yet neither had the requisite self-awareness to ponder, Is this what J6 protesters felt like when theGestapo FBIhunted down alleged trespassers as if they were Americas Most Wanted criminals?Watching the two Democrat babies cry about FBI agents losing their jobs and reputations after we have seen the Bureau do theexact same thingto law-abiding Americans for years is absolutely surreal!

Did Cooper and McCabe ever shed a tear for military veterans who were treated like domestic terrorists for merely showing up in D.C. on January 6, 2021?Did they call out the federal governments atrocious actions when patriotic Americans with no prior criminal records were forced to choose between egregious plea deals and spending years in pre-trial confinement away from their families?Did they ever stop to wonder how ordinary citizens who dont have the elite privilege of avoiding prosecution (as McCabedid) or the luxury of a side hustle on CNN (because the most trusted name in news regards liars and lawbreakers as reliable sources) were ever going to paytheirbillsor provide fortheirfamilies?

Of course not.As the tired but true saying goes, if it werent for double-standards, Democrats would have no standards at all!Well, heres some valuable advice for all the propagandists posing as journalists at CNN and all the unethical, just-following-orders agents posing as law enforcement professionals at the FBI:learn to code.I hear Elon Musk is hiring.

Ladies and gentlemen, there ischutzpah, and then there is twenty-first-century ruling classchutzpah.If we really are stuck in some kind of twisted computer simulation right now (as so many atheistic tech bros desperate for personal meaning would have us believe), would the A.I. moderators for this timeline please dispatch posthaste all the self-important, self-deluding, self-unaware, overpaid, useless elites?Nobody believes the programming language coming out of their mouths anymore.As Jack NicholsonadvisesinAs Good As It Gets, Sell crazy someplace else.Were all stocked up here.

Speaking of losers, Senator (up)Chuck Schumer ran to the Senate floor to complain about President Trumps decision to dismantle the U.S. Agency for International Development (which has always been a CIA front forfomenting revolutionsand may have fundedgain-of-function researchon coronaviruses in Wuhan, China), theDepartment of Education, and other nefarious limbs of the Executive Branch that essentially launder taxpayer dollars into the bank accounts of bad people.Ol (up)Chuckfumed, This is just the beginning. ...Who knows? Next might be the IRS.And the people of America rejoiced!

It was obvious even before Democrats started openlygrooming childrenwith drag queen story hours and encouraging them to havesex change operationsin the fourth grade that the Jackass Party is totally delusional.But consider just howincurably delusionalthe Dim Dems must really be for their highest-ranking leaders in government to run to the cameras and cry about the possible elimination of the dreaded, politicized, corrupt, and well armed IRS.

I think the Senates in-house physician should find Schumer, gently knock on his head, andinquire, Hello?Hello?Anybody home?Therescuckoo; theres Democrat rank-and-filecuckoo; and then theres (up)Chuck Schumer chivalrously-defending-the-sacred-honor-of-the-IRS, bat-crazy kind ofcuckoo.If the IRS disappears tomorrow, Americans all over the country will dance in the streets!

From time to time, a Republican politician suggests that we add President Trumps visage to Mount Rushmore the Shrine of Democracy that towers over the Black Hills in South Dakota.Democrats expectedlyfreak outat the thought, and apoplectic group therapy sessions eat up hours of commentary on cable news.Nothing gets Democrats communal goat faster than the suggestion that not only is President Trumpwinning, but also his winning is becomingso legendaryas to deserve chiseled commemoration on sacred rocks once belonging to tribes of Native Americans (who, we are told, were peaceful environmentalists of the highest Greta Thunberg order).

If Donald J. Trump accomplished nothing else during his presidency other than eliminating the federal income tax that immorally deprives Americans of the fruits of their own labor, he would be hailed as one of the greatest presidents in American history.Common Americans would gladly dedicate their time, labor, and tax-free savings to add Trumps face alongside Mount Rushmores other greats.Making Mount Rushmore even greater would be a fitting tribute for the man who finally ends Uncle Sams century-long crime spree of stealing hard earned money from Americans back pockets. And hyper-delusional Democrats such as (up)Chuck Schumer would no doubt cry about the death of the IRS and blame its murder on poor Americans unwilling to pay their fair share.If legalized theft disappears, how will the federal government finance its other criminal operations?Some crooks in the Deep State Blob might actually have to get legitimate jobs andearn an honest living.Boo-freakn-hoo.

Taxing Americans for their labor means that Americans work for the government.If government administrators siphon somewhere between one third to one half of their incomes, that means the government owns them for four to six months each year.Income taxes are nothing more than politically correct permutations of financial servitude.Just because Americans submit to this organized theft doesnt make it any less dehumanizing.It lacks the violent oppression synonymous with the worst forms of human bondage, but it is nonetheless a peculiar institution.

If the U.S. Agency for International Development loses the privilege to fill its slush funds with Americans taxes, thats agood start.USAID has always been a CIA front used to bribe foreign officials, instigate civil wars, and push destructive propaganda.USAID helped to incite theUkraine Civil Warback when Barack Obama was president and has orchestrated similarcolor revolutionsinGeorgia,Hungary,Romania,Poland, andelsewhere.This has never been much of a secret, and thanks to salt-dog patriots such as Sundance over atThe Conservative Treehouse, many Americans now recognize an uncomfortable truth: America, the country that preaches democracy to the world, loves to overturn democratic elections and install puppet presidents inside vassal regimes.

Still, Ivy League magazines regularly featureglowing storiesabout USAIDs humanitarian missions, effectively feeding disinformation to the next generations self-styled elites.Thats just one way our execrable ruling class deludes itself.Defund them all.

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