October 30, 2024
Its A 'Self Own' Mistake For The Democrats To Keep Yelling Fascist - One Party Controls Almost The Entire American Media And Entertainment Industry That Tells Americans What To Think
By Jim Davis -All News Pipeline
I was astonished the other night when Kamala Harris, the Democrat party candidate for president, called Donald Trump a fascist. Anyone who knows the history of fascism knows that the Democrat party's conduct both inside and outside of government more closely parallels that history.
One party controls the entire federal law enforcement and intelligence system (i.e., FBI/DOJ, NSA, DHS, every intelligence agency, even CDC & NIH). These organizations bend, break, and rewrite the law to persecute political opponents. Laws, regulations, and ethics are all expendable in pursuit of this goal. In thrall to this ideology, the Harris-Biden administration has prosecuted Trump, Trumps political allies, ordinary citizens who were too close to the Capitol on January 6 (including selfie-taking grandmas), and people who dared pray in front of abortion clinics.
One Party controls almost the entire American media (e.g., MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, The Washington Post, The New York Times, PBS, NPR, etc.). The same party also controls the entertainment industry, from Hollywood to Disney World, which has morphed into a Josef Goebbels-esque propaganda bureau. These institutions tell Americans what to think and believe. They actively suppress inconvenient facts and promote falsehoods:
1. Hunters laptop is Russian disinformation.
2. If you take the vaccine, you cant get sick and you cant spread the virus. Its safe & effective.
3. Wear your mask, its for everyones protection. And it really works.
We all know better now. But we always find out the truth when its too late.
One Party controls the elections because it controls all the big Blue cities in states that are otherwise Red. Here in Illinois, Cook County sits there and waits for all 101 Red counties to report their vote totals on election night. Then, the operatives know exactly how many D votes they need to fabricate or R votes they need to delete for the D to win the whole state.
This is what John Kass of the Chicago Tribune calls the Chicago Way. Other big-city Democratic Party machines have carefully studied the Chicago Way. The Chicago machine has stolen every Illinois election for president, with one exception, since Nixon v. JFK in 1960. So now we see the same thing in Atlanta, Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix, and every other swing state.
How do you think we got a vegetable in the Oval Office? How do you think they plan to replace him with another Muppet whos the right gender and just the right shade of Obama brown?
Do you think its a coincidence that all the swing states flipped from Trump to Biden in the zero dark thirty hours the morning after Election Day? You went to bed thinking Trump won, but when you woke up, Its official, Biden won. Im reminded of a line inV for Vendetta: There are no coincidences, my dear Delia. There is only the illusion of coincidence.
The Party, in turn, receives its non-governmental funds from Big Pharma, the military-industrial complex, WEF, WHO and all the big corporations, all of which share the Partys goal of total control. The corporate entities funding the party are also the biggest internet advertisers. Working with the Google and other organizations that control the internet, their money goes to leftist outlets while starving genuine alternative news outlets such as like Daily Wire, Daily Caller, Newsmax, and American Thinker, which publish information the Party and its funders want to suppress.
One Party had its Kristallnacht in 2020 through the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots, which terrorized anybody who stood in their way. In Minneapolis, they burned down a police station, which they tried to do with the police still in it. Across America, they burned hundreds of buildings and looted countless businesses. At least 25 people were murdered. Antifa engaged in a 90-day siege at the federal courthouse in Portland. One thousand police were injured across America, including 11 Secret Service agents when rioters stormed a fence at the White House. Rioters torched 750 cop cars. Damage was estimated at $2 billion Mostly peaceful protests? Bull. That was the real insurrection.
One Party had its Reichstag fire on January 6, 2021, with events at the Capitol (the missing extra police and National Guard, the mysteriously removed fences, etc.) providing an excuse for lawfare against anyone disagreeing with The Party. Insurrection? Bull. There were 25,000 unarmed people there. If it had been an insurrection, there would have been 25,000 AR-15s.
One person was murdered: an unarmed, peaceful protester. If it had been a BLM riot and if Ashli Babbitt had been black, her face would be part of a six-foot-tall mural visible from every housing project in America. There would be a statue of her in front of your building, right next to George Floyds.
One Party even has its own version of the Spanish Civil War, which was Hitlers proxy war against Russia. This time, the wars in Ukraine. Notice that the same people waving and wearing Ukrainian flags wouldneverwear an American flag (because theyre afraid it might offend somebody). This is true even though the Ukrainian Army has a Nazi SS battalion doing ethnic cleansing against the Russians.
One Party controls the entire education system, from kindergarten through grad school. Dissident thinking is eradicated and replaced by Party dogma. They teach impressionable young people that socialism is just another system, no worse than (or even superior to) capitalism.
They teach little boys that they can be little girls. Then they let them into the girls locker room and on girls sports teams. They teach everybody that coal-fired boilers, gas stoves, and gas-powered vehicles will destroy the planet.
I have multiple degrees. One of them is in statistical analysis, which is the underpinning of all science. I could fully explain why socialist nonsense, climate change nonsense, and transgender nonsense are all far, far worse than what you attempt to replace with thembut it would take about 10,000 words.
All the parts of this coalition work together like a finely tuned racing engine. Whenever a Republican is being investigated, the investigation leaks like a screen door in a submarine. Pete Strzok and Lisa Page were choreographing their leaks in text messages, which is how they got forced out. And people like Joy Reid are eager to spend the next 48 hours of the 24-hour news cycle talking all about it.
But whenever the investigation targets a Democrat, suddenly, there are no leaks. Its so airtight that its like the Space Shuttle. And the Joy Reids of the media wouldnt breathe one word about it on the air if there were. And again, notice how over 90% of the advertising dollars go to left-wing propaganda bureaus, while American Thinker has to beg for donations. The parts are all working together.
Theres your fascist coalition, America. Its here, right now. The Democrats have achieved a level of control, law-breaking law enforcement, and violence similar to Hitlers Nazi coalition in Germany around 1935. They even have a presidential nominee who never won a single primary. Even Hitler won a national election. Then, he got rid of Hindenburg and assumed total control. (Mike Johnson, watch your back if Kamala wins.)
Jim Davis is an IT specialist & paralegal, working for a well-connected Democratic Party law firm in Chicago. He lives far out in the suburbs, far enough to avoid being sucked into the whirling cesspool of corruption, but close enough to smell the stench when the wind blows in off Lake Michigan. You can find him as RealProfessor219 on Rumble.
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