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February 3, 2023

Looking At Biblical Prophecy To See The Final Destructive Hours Of America: Disease Running Rampant And The Total Destruction Of Our Life Support Systems Bringing Death And Starvation

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

There is an old adage that one should never speak about politics or religion in polite society, and many include money and sex in that prohibition. Although those reading this most likely have had and enjoy sex there is still that prohibition on speaking of it in public or even with friends, and there seems to be a differential or inverse relationship link between those who speak a lot on money and those who actually have it so we can dispense with those two and focus on the first pair of terms; politics and religion. As Mark Twain is popularly claimed to have said, I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion andpoliticsa man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's. I shall now dive deeply into that morass of indignity head first, so please forgive me if I dishonor your traditions and beliefs or if I differ from you positions whether politically or religiously. If nothing else, look at this as just an attempt at something to get your head out of vapor lock.

There is a famous prophet, or so-called prophet, who is named Kim Clemente, who has made his great wealth on the backs of supporters that fall for his version of religion and as a TBN favorite; he is also accused of being a Wiccan. I will state up front that I do not believe he is a Prophet of God, but some of his prophecies do seem to have validation, he is just another preacher that uses theatrics and perhaps even occult means to enchant people into giving him money; not so different than most or all mega-church charlatans do. Many things of what they teach are based in scripture, and some of it may be true or close enough to fool people, but overall they are false teachers and false prophets out for making a buck and that is NOT the way Christs true followers behave. Allow me to illustrate that with the KJV version scripture, 1 Corinthians 9:18 What is my reward then?Verilythat, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel and Luke 6:24 But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. And on the goal of making yourself famous, Matthew 23:5 But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments and also Matthew 6:5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocritesare: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. As the Christian Truth Center puts it, Woe to you making the body of Christ a business, merchandising and advertisement centers. Woe to you making money with the gospel. Woe to you self-enriching yourselves with the gospel of Jesus Christ.. Many of your so-called churches are dens of thieves.

One nice article discussing the ways of His preachers is the instructions given to His Apostles as they went out to teach discussed in Jesus Walk website. "So they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere." (Luke 9:6)

Enough of that, so just who is he? Tuko says of his background that he was born in South Africa in 1956, has three siblings, the son of Vivian Clement and Babette Clement, his father, and mother, respectively. His father worked as a superintendent in the South African Railways, while his mother was a small business owner and occasionally worked as a receptionist at a clinic. He has been a singer, songwriter, music director, pastor and founder along with his wife Jane Elizabeth of The Warriors of the New Millennium and the House of Destiny which is their moneymaking enterprise. My primary interest today is to compare his prophecies with those from Scripture to see what we can possibly learn that may coincide and teach us something we may like or need to know. I will leave the discussions of his being a false prophet and false teacher to others to go over as so many of the articles giving that opinion I read in preparing this column show huge jealousies, hatefulness, errors and lies enough so I will not cover them. Just be aware that some of what they say may be true, and much of it is patently false. I may keep the option open, however, to mention some of their opinions here and there.

I think next it would be helpful if we looked at the Second book of Ezra in the King James Bibles Apocrypha (Scriptures not canonized in the main collection of books that make up the Bible. Remember that the word bible means books or a collection of different books making one library). Also note that the Apocrypha was included in our Bibles until the Church of England took it out in the early 20th Century. There have been many stories written and videos filmed on just what chapters 11 and 12 in Second Ezra means, and my following commentary is more or less a composite of many of those published ideas that seem to make sense to me. Absolutely I may be wrong, but it gives a starting point to analyze a few things that should be understood to figure out our future. Ezra (Ezra in Latin, Esdras in Greek) was a Real Prophet that brought the Torah back to the people in Jerusalem, not just some wanker pretending to be one. He was among those that returned after the Babylonian captivity, was a close relative of Joshua and the second of three Israelite leaders that left Babylon returning them to Jerusalem (city or people of Peace) and ran the government and church of Israel. By then the only tribes really left were those of Judah and Benjamin with the other ten skipping off other directions. History says North past the Black Sea and South towards India, so consider that in context with current events.

Speaking of the Eagle in Ezra, it is described as having specific feathers on its wings, and three heads. It is generally agreed that those feathers of different lengths on the Eagles left wing cover the administrations of Hoover through Obama nicely while those on the Right wing starts with Trump and continues from there. I will not go into details of why that is the understanding here as there are many other stories on just that, including one I did over a year ago. But we can now look at that right wing and make some guesses or projections of what might be based on what we know now. Basically we can say that the first short feather on the right wing is President Trump as Ezra describes it as a short one, meaning that he did not serve his full time in office. This is a Prophet of God saying that he was elected to a second term but since he did not serve in office for his second term, he is labeled as a short feather. Ezra also said that the second feather will reign for an even shorter period of time, shorter than the first (on the Right wing). Consider the current events that seem to be pushing for Biden to be evicted from the White House because of his massive corruptions and it is easy to see this becoming a fact soon, securing him the shorter than Trump designation. Many claim that Kim in his shows mumbled something along those lines.

Ezra then mentions that the third and fourth feathers will also serve short terms like the second one did. Please allow for the historical filling in of those feathers and consider it may be because of death in office (natural or otherwise) or not serving a second term even though voted into one, or displaced by removal after impeachment among some of the options. The interesting part of that is that he also says that like the first feather (Trump) that they (the third and fourth) will take rule unto themselves. Trump can be seen as taking rule unto himself because he was not ruled by the various secret societies that rule not only Washington DC but the whole world at large. We can assume, based on my column regarding it, that the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) may be the Central of the three heads as it was founded in 1921 so was in power from Hoover (who was in office from 1929 to 1933) onward. Just who are the other two are up for debate. I have my suspicions, but unlike the Central Head who seems to be the more powerful of the three, no kind of evidence to support the ideas whether mine or the opinions of others can I find. Portions of the three Constitutional branches of government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial)? Maybe Military and Intelligence (consider the power of the Pentagon including NATO and the CIA and related groups)? Perhaps Central Bankers who allow any funding for power and the Military/Intelligence combo? Or would they be specific people with that kind of power as most writers have claimed? Perhaps groups that are not directly in the USA that still have that kind of power like the Rothschilds and City of London or the Vatican or combination of them that make up the UNs NWO structure. It will surely become obvious fairly quick as things progress, and that progression is where we need to go next.

Then the First Eagle Head wakes up and the other two heads with them and they eat up the number three and four short feathers, meaning that they control and have them remove by whatever means they desire to install someone more to their liking. Consider this; the second feather (Biden) is removed from office, then who comes in after him? I cannot imagine Harris filling in as she has not even the limited brains that the near idiot Biden has; but may be considered as stupid enough (note her speaking to adults as if she were speaking to 3 and 4 year olds) for them to manipulate by the powers in charge (think Susan Rice and the Kenyan bastard I call him that not in a derogatory manner but because he is the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis). Then again, who is in line after her? Why, none other than Kevin McCarthy who is considered a super-NeoCon and close friends with Frank Lutz (actually queer friends that live together) making him a RINO to (anti)Trump them all along with being an outstanding member of the War Party. Whether Harris is dismissed outright and it goes right to McCarthy or one follows right after the other is perhaps a moot point. The number three and number four Presidents are both short feathers and whomever would follow McCarthy if Harris is not involved is up for grabs at this time. Being anti-Trump is the key ingredient here, as the Powers That Be do not want him (Trump) in power under any circumstance and they will consider Kevin as a workable solution to continue with their plans for world war, starting with Russia and continuing on to China and others (consider Iran as one major probability).

Now consider this; it all could happen within a very short period of time, or it may drag out for another couple handfuls of years. With the War Mongers saying that we will be in a war with China by 2024, and war with Russia is already underway, unless things change rapidly we are going for the shorter option before Feather President number four is in power. Whoever he (she?) might be, it is what is next up that really concerns me the most as the next feather is Eagle Head number One; the Central Power.

This may be a great time for us to remember that Ezra was a contemporary of Daniel the Prophet who wrote some very disturbing visions he had concerning the Last days. In 2 Ezra chapter 12 we see in verse 12 that The eagle, whom thou sawest come up from the sea, is the kingdom which was seen in the vision of thy brother Daniel. This is of great importance because they are talking about the same thing, the future to them but contemporary history and very near future as we see it. In speaking of Trumps administration, 2 Ezra 11:26 says And I beheld, and, lo, there was one set up, but shortly it appeared no more so it appears as if Trump will NOT rule again. It also addresses the problem of what is Daniels Eagle as it must be the same eagle as Ezras, so Daniel is also speaking of the United States and we can then read from there to assist in understanding things. In the interests of column length I will not go into that now, but please do so on your own remembering that they speak of the same things.

In Ezra 11 verse 28 then says that the two remaining (those after Trump and Biden) thought also in themselves to rule, meaning they are most definitely not working for the American People and most likely that they are also in opposition to the Three Eagle Heads that rule the office of President. Verse 29 continues And when they so thought, behold, there awaked one of the heads that were at rest, namely, it that was in the midst; for that was greater than the two other heads. And the other two heads were joined with the first and then the first head did eat up the two feathers under the wing that would have reigned. This could mean that the powers that be will remove those presidents that follow Biden and if you consider that the Kim Clemente idea saying we will have two presidents ruling together (not my interpretation) it may be these two or possibly, according to a few, meaning Trump and Biden or Obama and Biden, which may shorten the timeline even further. Whatever the case, the next party to rule will be the first eagle head who will be swiftly removed by the other two heads 32But this head put the whole earth in fear, and bare rule in it over all those that dwelt upon the earth with much oppression; and it had the governance of the world more than all the wings that had been.

Allow me to interject here that in essence we have ruled the world since World War Two and this rule is soon to end after the immanent ownership of that rule.

33And after this I beheld, and, lo, the head that was in the midst suddenly appeared no more, like as the wings.

That to me sounds more like the New World Order in some fashion takes control, whether it be the US military with the CIA and its controlled functions like NATO, or possibly some form of One World Order under satanic controls or whatever; it is very rapidly approaching. It should be obvious that all of this cannot happen without some major catastrophes happing to the status quo in this world, and I suggest it may be along the lines of the afore mentioned world war, or massive upheaval in life support systems (think mass starvation that is looming) or diseases that are dispensed along with the destruction of our immune systems (also a given as far as can be seen) or more likely, a combination of all of these plus other factors to be imagined including those natural disasters that John and other Prophets have discussed in Scripture including earthquakes, flood, fire, whirlwinds and so forth. At this point the USA will not exist as it has been, but will be much reduced in size and population along with power. To understand this please read Chapter 11 from verse 39 to the end. I will not insert it directly, but here is the link to do your own reading of it: . Click the Next button to see Chapter 12.

The Beast in Daniels narrative as seen in Daniel 8:10-16, 23-25 is also well worth the time to read and ponder, as it will fill in many more details and likely add to the confusion as well as enlightening your mind on how things are progressing along the timeline that our Creator has designated for his Earths existence. The next few years will see the elimination of the US as a world power, the setting up for the timeline that John in his Revelation speaks of about the scenes witnessed in Israel, and allow for the fact that many of these may be occurring concurrently. I am not going to continue on with those things prophesied to happen other than that already covered, but that is enough to grease your nightmares and stir you to prayer and repentance as well as preparing for the coming nightmares we will witness. And although Kim may have gotten some things correct, I will trust the Lord and his real emissaries more than some money monger giving a grand show for pay pretending to be a prophet.

I am not saying that the final end is that near, just the end of the USA. The Second Coming I feel is still a ways off and it appears that there will be more than one appearance of our Lord before the final chapter is written before the millennium of Peace is here. His coming to the still be built new temple in Jerusalem is not the same appearance as the return in power and glory to the Mount of Olives. Depending on your own viewpoints, there are other appearances as well prior to that (have any already occurred?), and things will take some time to complete. Stay tuned to the Spirit for guidance.

And as always, may God Bless

Of all the various videos I have watched on this subject, this one is perhaps my favorite as it more closely aligns with my own understanding for one reason, and it may be the most current in listing events. Please note the linkage between the Stout Horn and the anti-Christ and his relationship with the Eagle heads. I do not agree with everything here, but it is well worth the time to watch.

(Also, it is easier to listen to at the 1.25 times speed available on YouTube)

Ezras Eagle Prophecy Deep Dive Analysis

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