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May 1, 2024
Scene Is Set For Martial Law Following Mass Civil Unrest Ahead Of The November 2024 Presidential Election With The Biden Regime Targeting Christians & Republicans
According to Mayor Adams, "outside agitators" hijacked the peaceful protests and influenced "students to escalate," which is happening at colleges throughout the U.S.
Now we see the Biden regime "contemplating" bringing pro-Hamas "refugees" into America, along with the millions of foreigners they have already allowed to cross the border illegally.
The Biden administration is reportedly considering bringing certain Gazan refugees into the United States.
According to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News, senior officials from federal agencies have considered plans to resettle some Palestinian refugees in the U.S. as the war between Israel and Hamas nears seven months. The plans discussed would only allow Palestinians with immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. to settle there.
We are already witnessing terrorist sympathizers recruiting American students and University leaders have allowed it, and only when the consequences of allowing this to happen in a places meant to be educational institutions hit them in the face, do they decide to call in authorities.
Too little, too late.
Top that off with faculty members of said colleges are encouraging students to commit criminal acts, and going so far as to block the entrance of the tent encampments to prevent students from being dispersed by officials.
The point here is this is not a higher education issue.
This is radical Democrat congressional members, college faculty members, university officials that allowed things to come to a head, and outside agitators, going all the way to the head of the Democrat party, the Biden regime, planning to let "refugees" from Gaza, into America, and having no way to know if they are actual Hamas members or not.
As stated up above the campus protests we are witnessing is just a symptom of a much larger problem.
From the White House down, the Democrat party is now openly supporting terrorism, and the manifestation of said support is simply being seen at college universities across the nation, for now.
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Has anyone reading this wondered if this increase in terrorist support, happening in an election year, as the party in the White House is losing in swing state and national polls, with the Senate map overly brutal for Democrats heading into the November, is all by design?
Wonder no more...it is. The odds of this all being coincidental are statistically impossible.
With only one case against Donald Trump, the weakest we should mention, playing out in the courts, and Trump ahead of Biden in the majority of polls, the scene is set for the powder keg that is the Middle East, to blow up right here in America.
Think about it. The October 7th attack against Israel by Hamas, only happened after the Biden regime released billions in funds to Iran, who backs multiple terror groups, including Hamas and Hezbollah, both attacking Israel from different sides.
Since the majority of court cases against Trump are likely not to move forward before the election, the timing of the release of funds, the attack against Israel, and the war in Gaza to root out Hamas, is suspicious as can be.
"What happens when you end up releasing that money is that it goes into the general funds, which can then be used in lots of different ways," Jonathan Schanzer, senior vice president for research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), explained.
"If they are using the sanctions relief to fund their general budget, then ultimately [they] are to the benefit of the IRGC because the IRGC partakes in that regular budget," Schanzer said, noting the Biden administration has often argued that any waivers do not ultimately and directly benefit the Iranian military and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
"Let me put it this way: There is no way to do it without ultimately benefiting the regime and its ultimate objective, which is to fund its malign activities abroad," Schanzer, a former terrorism finance analyst at the U.S. Department of the Treasury noted.
The longer the war goes on, the more protests here in America escalate, and we are looking at a scenario where these protests on college campus, starting bleeding into protests across the nation, not just at universities.
Civil unrest would give the Biden regime the perfect excuse to claim the need for martial law.
After seeing what they have done to the J6 protesters, holding them without bond, for months on end without a trial, making them political prisoners, and we know exactly who the Biden regime would be coming after if martial law is declared.
The Biden regime has been laying the foundation for the scenario above for more than a year, as just a sample of the first page search results, using Bing, shows us.
With pro-Hamas protesters having moved from college campuses to blocking roads to major airports, and the golden Gate Bridge, we are already witnessing the second stage of escalation, and with no end in sight to Israel rooting out Hamas from Gaza, we fully expect to see the civil unrest we have been witnessing to spread, especially if the hundreds of students already arrested and released are expelled from said colleges, leaving them free to protest in places other than on campus.
Mass civil unrest, which is being supported and encourage by Democrats, will be the key to Biden declaring martial law. Rather than going after those committing the crimes, the Biden regimes FBI and other federal enforcement will be targeting Republicans, and Christian Americans.
As a nation we have multiple issues facing us, from the potential for nuclear war with Russia and China, to the over-the-top "next pandemic will kill millions" crowd, to the escalation of civil unrest, and the speed said unrest is spreading, it could very well be the issue that gives the Biden regime the excuse to lock down the nation by declaring martial law.
When it happens, be sure that it won't be local law enforcement Biden sends after Christians and Republicans, it will be the FBI.
Once that happens, it will be too late to prepare for it, so for those that need to restock, cap off their stores or have been waiting, now is the time to get ready.
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