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January 19, 2024
The Indoctrination Of Our Children Into Satanism And The LGBT Agenda By Disney And 'Hellywood' Reaches Abhorrent New Depths As They Launch Slew Of New Movies Demonizing God
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" -Isaiah 5:20
It was bad enough when the TV series 'Lucifer' turned the Devil into a crime fighting agent of good, who had tired of Hell and decides to open a night club in LA, and subsequently working as a police consultant, but Disney and Hollywood are taking things a step further.
Disney had already been on our radar with more "children's" shows pushing the LGBT issues, with one Executive Producer admitting to a "gay agenda," stating that she was "adding queerness" whenever she could.
In my little pocket of Proud Family Disney TVA, the showrunners were super welcoming . . . to my not-at-all-secret gay agenda, she said. Maybe it was that way in the past, but I guess something must have happened . . . and then like all that momentum that I felt, that sense of I dont have to be afraid to have these two characters kiss in the background. I was just, wherever I could, adding queerness. . . . No one would stop me, and no one was trying to stop me.
A couple of other headlines that show who and what Disney has become in relation to the LGBT agenda.
Representing their audience? Their audience mostly consists of children. While Democrats do have children, they're also the party of unborn baby killers, so the majority of Disney's audience are children of conservative parents, so they are not representing their audience, they are trying to groom children into becoming part of the LGBT community.
More about Disney pushing gender theory onto children from the link above:
Rufo said a number of Disney employees told him the company has totally gone off the rails. From critical race theory to gender ideology, executives are pushing extreme left-wing activism in every facet of the company, from erasing the words boys and girlsfrom its theme parks to tracking canonical trans characters in its childrens programs.
Hollywood too has been pushing the "woke" agenda for quite some time now, but there is a new darker theme both Disney and Hollywood are pushing these days.
Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, whatever name one wants to call him...is no longer being represented as evil.
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U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La. took to Facebook to share concerns after seeing atrailer for the new FXX animated comedy series "Little Demon", calling it "disturbing.
The claim:"Little Demon" is an animated comedy series about Satan and the Antichrist and was created by a company that's owned by Disney.
The rating: True.
Long story short: The mother had sex with Satan and the daughter is an antichrist. Now Snopes also made the claim that this is an "adult" cartoon, yet a look at the trailer shows the main character as a teenager. see for yourself and let us know in the comment section whether or not you feel this was made for adults or children.
Either way, made for adults or children, minimizing the evil of Satan is nothing short of evil itself.
Moving on to another Disney movie called "Pauline" and we start to see a new pattern from Disney expanding their woke policies of gender theory, queerness, and the LGBT agenda, to now include the minimization of the evil that is Satan.
...In April 2023, Disney announced a new German-language movie, Pauline, which follows the story of a young teenager who has a one-night stand with a boy named Lukas and gets pregnant with his child. Spoiler alert: her one-night stand, Lukas, turns out to be the devil himself.
There is now a petition titled "Stop Disney from releasing Pauline," with over 2,000 signatures, but the only entity that can stop this, is Disney, and they do not seemed inclined to do so.
Disney has now gone silent, not offering further details or an anticipated release date for the Disney+ Pauline film, but IMBD still lists directors and cast.
Another point made by DisneyFanatic, is how this is becoming a trend for Disney, after Freeform, owned by Disney, previously released a show called "Praise Petey", stating that it "features ritualistic killing and a blood-drinking cult."
The trailer below:
Once again, even stating the girl wants to change what her father's cult is about, it still features ritualistic killing and a blood-drinking cult.
Not only is Disney now grooming children, they are putting ideas and images into children's minds. Teen sex and pregnancy, sex with the Devil, and antichrist teenager and sacrificial blood drinking cults.
This is not the Disney that most of us grew up with.
Hollywood has a long history of movies featuring Satanic themes. From the Exorcist to the Omen, to Rosemary's baby, but historical they generally presented the Devil and hell as evil, but a new project will be using Satan as a comical character.
Director Terry Gilliam described the film "Carnival at the End of Days," to Variety in the following manner.
This is a simple tale of God wiping out humanity for f*****g up his beautiful garden Earth. Theres only one character whos trying to save humanity and thats Satan, because without humanity hes lost his job and hes an eternal character and so to live without a job is terrible. So he finds some young people and he tries to convince God that these young people are the new Adam and Eve. God still gets to wipe out humanity. Its a comedy. God wipes out humanity and the only character who wants to save them is Satan, and Johnny Depp plays Satan.
We starting to see a theme here?
The only saving grace about the satanic push by Hollywood is that parents choose what movies to allow their children to see, but with Disney, most grew up with it, so they assume it is safe to sit their son or daughter in front of the TV with Disney on while they complete their chores or errands.
It isn't and parents need to be warned.
Mocking God and romanticizing the Devil has become a trend, and now it is targeting children. This is a blatant attack on religious beliefs and, in my opinion, is deliberately being used to program children to accept the Devil and to reject God.
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