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October 1, 2023

Russia's First Nationwide Nuclear Attack Drill Occurs Just One Day Before FEMA Nationwide Emergency Alert Here In America - Noteworthy That Russia Has Spent The Last Year Updating Soviet Era Nuclear Bomb Shelters For Its Populace

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

At this point most everyone has heard about the Emergency Alert slated to go out on October 4, 2023. This alert is supposed to be to begin at approximately 2:20 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday, Oct. 4th, and last for one minute, and to include cell phones, television, and radio stationsaccording to FEMA.

Before moving along, ANP has been asked, via email, to offer options for opting out of the emergency alert, and while some alerts can be opted out of, others, such as presidential alerts, cannot.

To opt out, refer to instructions from your wireless carrier or visit for more information.

It is reported that if a phone, television and radio are turned off, you will not hear the alert, but we have seen concerns across the internet, dubbed as "conspiracies," yet if it is a concern for anyone, there are options to alleviate some of those concerns.

Keep you television and radio shot off at the time of the alert, and for phones, one could just shove their cell phone into a Faraday bag, but delivery options for those that do not want to hunt for them at physical stores, are limited.

At this link we see one that can be delivered by October 3.

Most household also have a microwave, so without a Faraday bag, turn your phone off and shove it into your microwave, and please make sure to remove it before turning the microwave on. I feel the need to offer that warning because it is the type of thing I might do accidentally, completely forgetting it was there.So a just in case warning.

We have also seen the claim that wrapping it in tinfoil after turning the phone off, will work.

Via My Patriot Supply, we see the following point made:

The purpose of the Oct. 4 test is to ensure that the systems continue to be effective means of warning the public about emergencies, particularly those on the national level. In case the Oct. 4 test is postponed due to widespread severe weather or other significant events, the back-up testing date is Oct. 11.

So, the test is supposed to warn about emergencies, but it will be postponed if there is widespread bad weatherwhich normally receives an emergency alert.


While I would love to delve into some of the so-called conspiracies already out there, because they highlight the lack of trust many Americans have for the Biden regime and FEMA, or federal agencies collectively, there is something happening in early October, the day before the scheduled emergency alert system test, bringing up a "conspiracy" not yet delved into properly, based on an actual event.


Russia has just scheduled a full, nationwide, nuclear attack drill for October 3, 2023. Previously their nuclear attack drills have been regional, but this one is to occur across 11 time zones.

According to multiple reports "Leaders and officials from across Russian society, "from civil defense leaders to heads of state corporations," will take part in the drills."

More from Newsweek:

Russian authorities will hold large-scale drills across the country on October 3 because of the "growing danger of armed conflicts including [with] nuclear-capable powers near Russia's borders," the Baza Telegram channel, which is linked to Russia's security services, reported on Thursday, citing the head of Russia's Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, or Rospotrebnadzor.

This will be the first time that Moscow has held such drills, which will imagine that Russia is at least partially under martial law and that up to 70 percent of the country's housing facilities have been destroyed, the outlet reported. The exercises will also suppose that general mobilization has ended, and there is the possibility of radioactive contamination, Baza reported.

The Metro, citing the scenario text for the drills, states "The Putin regime had taken a decision to develop measures aimed at increasing the readiness of civil defence forces and means to take measures to protect the population, material and cultural property on the territory of the Russian Federation, including general evacuation from danger zones."

Putin is known to have several bunkers in his palaces in preparation for nuclear armageddon as well as a fleet of Doomsday Il-80 Maxdome aircraft.

Unlike here in America, where underground bunkers, known as DUMBs(Deep Underground Military Bases) , are set up for nation and state leaders and their families, as well as military leaders and families, Russia has nuclear bunkers set up for their populace.

In February 2023, it was reported that Russia President Vladimir Putin spent the last year upgrading "thousands of Soviet-era bomb shelters."

Work on the shelters has been happening quietly, without any public announcements. Authorities appear to be spending hundreds of millions of rubles the equivalent of millions of dollars The Moscow Times reported.

Thousands of shelters which have not been used for decades are being made fit for use.

The outlet also pointed to other media reports that showed authorities spending large sums on shelters across the country.

The Metro report regarding the nationwide nuclear drills in Russia on October 3, while citing from scenario text, doesn't offer a date the document was written and released, although The Daily Star says the document was leaked.

Was the Russian documented leaked before the August 2023 FEMA announcement of the Emergency Alert System test, or after. If the U.S. knew of the drill, it seems quite concerning FEMA nd the FCC would would set up a test just one day later.

One day this will be the emergency alert


The point here is we do not know how long the planning for this nuclear attack test has been in the works. So while we are not putting our tinfoil hats on quite yet, we do feel it is reasonable to wonder whether the U.S. government became aware of Russia's planned nuclear attack drill when they issued the August 2023 FEMA press release announcing the emergency alert "test" for October 4? Just one day after Russia's drill.

Questioning "coincidences" used to be the job of the national media, but we aren't seeing them do so in this case, so we have to ask if the timing of Russia upgrading the bomb shelters, along with the "leaked" document regarding their first nationwide nuclear attack drills, on top of America then announcing a nationwide emergency alert test, is all somehow connected, and whether the alert shown in the image above will be on our screens someday soon.

Ok, maybe I will put that tinfoil hat on now.

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