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March 31, 2024

Resurrection Day 2024 - As Supposed 'Catholic' Joe Biden Makes A Mockery Of Easter Sunday, True Believers Celebrate The Day The Lord Rose

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

Once again Joe Biden has caused countless Americans to cringe as Biden, a supposed "Catholic" makes a mockery out of one of the most Holy days of the year.

Resurrection Day, dubbed Easter, is a day where those of religion celebrate the rising of Jesus Christ after he was crucified.

Joe Biden, the man that occupies the U.S. White House, does two things that show all of America, and the entire world, just how much of a Catholic he is not!

First, he has decreed that any egg decorations made byNational Guard children at an event headlined as "Celebrating National Guard Families," may not have any religious symbols.

Yes, one of the most holy days for those of faith, yet religion is banned at the White House. Not only are religious themes banned, but to add insult to injury, it is part of the restrictions that include obscene & hateful content, bigotry, racism, hatred, and other hateful content.

As if religious imagery is categorized as something hateful.

Directly from the flyer of the event:


The Submission must not contain material that violates or infringes any rights of any other party, including but not

limited to copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or any other intellectual property rights;

The Submission must not in any way disparage Sponsor or any other person or party;

The Submission must not contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene hateful, tortious,

defamatory, slanderous or libelous;

The Submission must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;

The Submission must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of or contrary to the laws or regulations of the United States or of any jurisdiction where Submission is created.

The Submission must not promote illegal drugs or firearms (or the use of any of the foregoing), or any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous;

The Submission must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements; and

The Submission must be consistent with the image and values of Sponsor and be consistent with and satisfy the purpose of the submission.

Emphasis mine. Not only does the White House associated religious symbols with the things we mentioned above, but in that direct bullet point, they associate them with "questionable content" and partisan political statements."

The second highly egregious insult Biden hit Americans with was declaring Resurrection Sunday/Easter as "Transgender Day of Visibility."

The date itself was already listed as the "Transgender Day of Visibility" by the Biden regime, gay groups such as GLAAD, and others, but to set up a specific announcement for that, listing one of the most holy days, is a deliberate insult to every single person of faith.

Sara Gonzales, host of a show on Blaze Media, posted to X: "Joe Biden proclaims Easter Sunday as 'Transgender Day of Visibility.' As I have said, this is no longer left versus right. This is good versus evil. It has never been more clear."


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