April 1, 2022
Prepping For A Time When Stores Will NEVER Be Replenished With Even More Photos Showing Grocery Stores Looking Like Venezuela And The Globalists 'Extinction Protocols' In Place

By Susan Duclos & Stefan Stanford - All News PipeLine
With recent reports showing the "sharpest price jumps in four decades," in key areas such as food and energy/gas prices, on top of already depleted grocery shelves, Americans have slowly been programmed to expect to: 1) Pay more to feed themselves and their families, and; 2) Become accustomed to eating less and less each month.
According to Bloomberg, and reported by Breitbart, we see the inflations costs, dubbed "Bidenflation" in 2022 are expected to cost Americans an additional $430.00-plus a month, averaging a whopping $5,200 a year above and beyond what they have already been paying, which is also an increase over the last two years.
Recently we reported on the expected severe shortages of chicken, eggs and other dairy products, while detailing how the foods we are seeing on the shelves today are mostly from past, overdue orders, and replenishment of any given item is not guaranteed.
And with empty store shelves more deadly over a long term than a nuclear explosion, with every human being on this planet ABSOLUTELY NEEDING food and water/fluids to survive, the globalists who've initiated this 'culling' of America fully understand the monster that they've unleashed upon us.
With the desired results of the globalists using 'food as a weapon' as globalist stooge Henry Kissinger once warned, claiming the globalists can control nations by controlling the oil while controlling people by controlling the food, we also see the globalists long term goals carved into granite on the Georgia Guidestones and warned of for many years on the website Deagel, which was forecasting grand depopulation for the US and most of the Western world as we've reported on ANP time and again.
With Deagel forecasting America's population by the year 2025 to be less than 100 million before they finally removed it, a whopping drop of more than 227 million, all of these grocery stores across America looking like Venezuela's grocery stores during their freefall collapse that led to people eating their own pets should be a dire warning to Americans to get ready for the total madness ahead while we still can.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
We often encourage our prepping community here at ANP to prepare for the worst, and hope for the best, and the worst that could happen, full of a nation of non-preppers that think the ability of jumping in the car and heading to the store multiple times a week is guaranteed to never change, but imagine if it did change.
That would be the worst case scenario and with the attacks on our food supply coming from every direction, from inflation on basic necessities and consumables, to the supply chain issues, on top of the food shortages from 2020 and 2021, farmers paid more to not grow than to produce, it is a scenario we would be remiss to not address.
Ask yourself this: If your local grocers, and those in surrounding areas said to you on your next visit...that there will be no more deliveries coming for the foreseeable future, are you and your family ready to survive?
We have multiple pieces with online links to foods in the news that experts say will see more severe shortages, as well as the inflationary cost for family, but eventually store bought, emergency survival foods will run out as well.
Whether you have enough for weeks, months or even years, eventually it will get eaten.
Our pioneer ancestors did not have a local grocery store which received weekly deliveries, but they did have trading posts, mills, blacksmiths. Farmers traded their produce for other items, ranchers did the same with meats.
To this day there are still trading posts, mills and blacksmiths.....do you know where the closest is to you?
The point here is these are practices where locals can get what they need without chain brand grocers.
Even little individual stores in smaller towns can be used when and if the time comes to create local trading posts, or markets, with locals providing items for sale or to trade.
Then we have farmers markets which most states do have (find the closest to you here), but the majority of residents in any given US state, city or town, most likely do not even know where their local farmers markets are.
We have created a nation where most do not even know where their store-bought meats come from, never mind knowing their local rancher. The same goes for farmers and their produce.
Not only is it well past time that all changed, it is also time for likeminded individuals to gather and plan.
Where to meet if the stores all close or have nothing suitable to feed your family.
Learn what you can offer to those trading posts....growing food to sell or trade, learning a trade to barter services for basic necessities and food.
Do not assume the "dollar" is going to be worth anything by that time, so the rich and wealthy "elite" will likely be the first to falter given their mindset that money can buy anything.
Learn to grow and can your own food for personal use. Those in cold weather climates would produce and can enough food to last through a brutal Winter, as well as learning to grow indoors when weather is not favorable to outdoor growing.
As always, we start with books. Recommendation: Get physical books, paperback or hard cover, just in case of a grid down events.
Ball Book Of Canning And Preserving: Over 350 of the Best Canned, Jammed, Pickled, and Preserved Recipes
The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning: Everything You Need to Know to Can Meats, Vegetables, Meals in a Jar, and More
Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving
Canning Sets:
CONCORD 20 Quart Stainless Steel Canning Pot Set. Includes Canning Rack, Tongs, Jar Lifter, Funnel, Wrench, Lid Lifter, Mixer/Measurer (Induction Compatible)
Granite Ware 9-Piece Canner Kit, Includes Enamel on Steel 21.5-Quart Water Bath Canner with lid, Colander, Jar Rack & 5-Piece Canning Tool Set
Canning Kit, Canning Supplies Kit, 7-Piece Professional Canning Set, Canning Kits Complete And Multifunctional, Canning Supplies Dishwasher Safe, Canning Tools BPA free
Another handy thing to learn is how freeze dry or dehydrate food. While there are appliances that make this process much easier these days, again we need to learn how to do so without electricity as well.
KITIDEA Food Dehydrator, 9 Stainless Steel Trays Dehydrator for Food and Jerky, Herbs, Veggies, Fruits, 1000W Electric Food Dryer Machine with Digital Temperature and Timer, Recipe Book Included
OSTBA Food Dehydrator, Dehydrator for Food and Jerky, Fruits, Herbs, Veggies, Temperature Control Electric Food Dryer Machine, 5 BPA-Free Trays Dishwasher Safe, 240W, Recipe Book Included
Elite Gourmet EFD319 Food Dehydrator, Adjustable Temperature Controls, Jerky Herbs Fruit Veggies Snacks, BPA-Free, Black 5 Trays
There are also methods of dehydrating foods without a machine. With electricity, you can use a microwave, a toaster over, a regular oven.
Without electricity, foods can be dehydrated with fire drying, hanging them and letting open air dehydrate, and your can even use your car in the hot sun.
More ideas at Dehydrator Lab.
Food also has to be stored:
100 Pack Mylar Bags for Food Strorage Extra Thick 9.4mil 10''x14'' 7''x10'' 4''x6'' With 400cc Oxygen Absorbers Standable Resealable Ziplock Food Grade Sealable Bags
Premount 8 Mil Thick 100 Mylar Bags for Food Storage With Oxygen Absorbers 300cc - Large Mylar Bags 1 Gallon 10x14, 6x9, 4x6 - Mylar Bags Stand Up & Mylar Bags With Oxygen Absorbers (100pcs) + Labels
50 x FirstDRY 1 Gallon Mylar Bags - Extra Thick 10 Mil (5 Mil each side), 55 x Oxygen Absorbers (800ml Oxygen Intake), 50 x Labels - Airtight Vacuum Heat Sealable or Zipper Resealable, Food Safe, Reliable Long Term Food Storage Solution
Baking: One does have to be a farmer, a rancher, a blacksmith, but something as simple as learning grind you own wheat or other flours, and baking. Breads, pastries, pies, pastas or any type of baked goods will be popular in new markets or trading posts after SHTF.
These talents you learn, or for some already know, can guarantee you have what is needed to barter or trade with the community.
Just Baking: Homemade Yeast, No Yeast Quick Bread Recipes Cookbook for Beginners. Start Your Own Bakery with This Bread Making Bible
A Guide To Baking Bread: Yeast And No Yeast Bread Recipes To Make At Home: No Yeast Quick Bread Recipes Cookbook
No-Knead Bread Baking: Artisan Loaves, Sandwich Breads, and Rolls Made Easier
Wheat Berries
Grain Mill 150g High Speed Food Electric Stainless Steel Grinder Mill Seeds Flour Nut Pill Wheat Corn Herbs Spices & Seasonings Grinder Dry Grain Superfine Powder Machine(150g Stand Type)
KitchenAid KGM All Metal Grain Mill Attachment
As we see more and more "official" reports acknowledging what we and other Independent Media sites have been reporting on for years, it is definitely time to ask ourselves what happens when there are no more chain grocery stores.
Tens of millions of people will not survive, will not be able to function, and will starve.
Preppers, will be part of the segment of the population that survives the US extinction protocols that many believe are now in effect to "cull" the herd.
And as always, we open up our comment section below for your prepping ideas and suggestions, they could save lives.
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ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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McHenry, MD. 21541
