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June 3, 2023

LBJ's Unconditional War On Poverty Resulted In Poverty Winning - Welfare Has Now Become A 'Lifestyle' Passed From 'Generation To Generation Like A Legacy'

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

Sometimes stories almost write themselves as they just seem to flow from my fingertips, and other times it is just the opposite; try as I might, I just cannot get it done the way I envision. Stumbling over words, finding the right quotes, arranging things so they make sense and trying to keep from being the target of dangerous people, it all seems difficult on some of those stories. Those stories? I meant on this one specifically as it is a difficult one to get out without sounding like something I do not wish to sound like. Like racist or arrogant or prideful, which is not my intent so if I miss, this is my apology (and excuse?).

There has been a war going on against blacks since America was born as we have covered on ANP before. And against Native Americans, against the Irish, against the Dutch, against the Mexicans, against just about every race and nationality here, including the current one being waged against the generic white race. I say generic whites because it is not just European stock, it also includes North African (Egyptian, etc), Mid-Easterners (Arab, Aryans/Iranians), other western Asians to include many Russians, and so forth. The point is, those that control opinions and those that are being pushed around vary a lot and it changes often. Except the blacks, they have always been at the point of contention. Well, and Jews; another term that is misused heavily.

From the black Muslim slave trappers that captured those non-Muslim tribes in the first place and sold them to the slave traders that shipped them all over the world to resell including those that ended up here, to the other black slaves that ended up in plantations all over the central and southern Americas, the cry is the same, blacks make great slaves. We liberated them about a century and a half ago, but that does not mean they are not still slaves of one sort or another. Many went from working the land as slaves to working the same land as bond farmers, enslaved to the land via agreements with the land owners. Later on some became land owners while others moved north to work in the new industrial revolutions factories. Free in a sense, but still virtual if not outright slaves to the rich men. After WWII things changed a lot as military black men returned as men of abilities and an outlook on how they should live as black men, not as bond servants. And the democrats noticed this and took actions to change that sense of Liberty they had.

The democrats have always had some means of keeping the blacks under control, from the KKK ghost of the confederacy to the new mass slavery afforded by chain gangs (just about anything got blacks sentenced for long periods) and along with massive discrimination including Red Shirts (democrat terrorists against blacks) to black codes and pig laws to keep them in prisons to work. And in prison they were again just slaves so not a whole heck of a lot changed. Sundown Laws kept them out of most cities until the industrialists could get them working for minimal wages in their factories, and Woodrow Wilsons racism got institutional anti-black laws around the federal government systems imbedded deeply. It was in the 1950s that they finally got some real freedoms and the opportunity to succeed as race segregations were slowly being scrapped including the segregation they had in the military during WWII.

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LBJ would have none of that.

To stop blacks from getting anywhere in life, LBJ declared a war on poverty. About 60 years ago he said an unconditional war on poverty in America was to be waged, and if anything the percent of blacks in poverty has increased dramatically from that initial 19% and I would suggest the same with whites. The disastrous effects of that war has resulted in effectively dissolving the black family as Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, food stamps, enhanced social security benefits, and so much more resulted in Ronald Reagan in his 1988 State of the Union Address saying that we waged a war on poverty, and poverty won. The old CIA agent George H.W. Bush, in his own 1992 State of the Union Address noted Welfare was never meant to be a lifestyle; it was never meant to be a habit; it was never supposed to be passed on from generation to generation like a legacy. Or so he says, but I disagree as I believe that is just exactly the plan hidden under the fake wraps of helping them. So they doubled down on it all and increased welfare in what FDR said was a Narcotic for them. That has effectively kept the blacks mostly out of the higher paying jobs, kept their families broken and with no father in the home crime is so rampant that huge numbers of black kids think it is the normal way to live. Black crime, especially violent crime like murder, against other races is a huge percentage of murders, while black on black is many times even that number. By far the largest category of murder is black on black even dwarfing all of the others put together so it would seem the democrat war against blacks is succeeding nicely. And it just keeps getting worse.

Roughly 75 percent of black children were born to a married two-parent family when the war began in 1964. By 2008, the percentage of black babies born out of wedlock numbered over 72 percent. And with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1964 supposedly was to close in the achievement gap in public education and along with so many other laws like the No Child Left Behind on has dramatically ruined any chance of a decent public education, thereby killing any chance of improvements in the black communities. The Great Society was planned at the outset to curtail any increases in Black (or other lesser races or classes of people) achievements and it succeeded immensely. The out of wedlock birth rate among blacks is now over 80%.

The black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and discrimination, began rapidly disintegrating in the liberal welfare state that subsidized unwed pregnancy and changed welfare from an emergency rescue to a way of life.

Thomas Sowell

The undeniable truth is that neither slavery nor Jim Crow nor the harshest racism has decimated the black family the way the welfare state has. The Daily Signal. The US Census compared the population of whites, including Hispanics, as 78.3% in 2010 and blacks at 13%. Then in 2021 the numbers were 75.8% to 13.6% and of those numbers the Hispanic portion went from 16.4% to 18.9% reflecting the change in criminal invasion from the border areas. They also have an interesting map that shows the prevalence of race per county, and then another in the second most prevalent race. In those graphics, please note the locations of most of the highest density black populations inserted just below. Blue is black, orange is white, and green is Hispanic

This map will become more relevant as we go on, so just keep it in mind. Then LBJ had his war on crime beginning in 1965 and things went a lot hotter when he said No right is more elemental to our society than the right to personal security and no right needs more urgent protection . Crime will not wait while we pull it up by the roots . We must arrest and reverse the trend toward lawlessness. And of course crime skyrocketed so he formed the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration and the Safe Streets Act of 1968 and things kept getting worse so other presidents formed similar laws and task forces that did nothing except the opposite of what they were supposedly designed to do. And everything kept getting worse and worse as if somehow it was designed to do just that. And at the same time black participation in the labor market kept shrinking and more young blacks ended up in prison and more black babies born out of wedlock. And we now see black business ownership is in a state of collapse and black home owners keeps on decreasing. I think back in 2016 the Boston Review had it right when they said we went from a war on crime to a war on the black community. That is enough of retelling what you should already know, but I thought a quick overview is nice before we move on.

Back in 2020 the American Thinker said that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is training blacks to be anti-white and that that white males must work hard to understand their white privilege, male privilege, and heterosexual privilege. Of course, such privilege exists like unicorns do. Those that try to achieve anything are accused of acting white and This does violence to an already struggling black underclass. Its mans nature to glom on to convenient excuses, and American blacks have long been fed a diet of low expectations for performance and high expectations for copping out. Now pseudo-intellectual social engineers are exacerbating the problem. And as Louis Farrakhanput it, A White Mans Heaven Is a Black Mans Hell. Of course, a moral upbringing negates all of that and that is the whole point, they are purposefully DESTROYING any morals in not just the black communities, but all of the others as well with their war on Christians. The Heritage Foundation put it succinctly when they quoted Patrick Moynihan, The fundamental problemis that of family structure. The evidenceis that the Negro family in the urban ghettos is crumbling. for vast numbers of the unskilled, poorly educated, city working class the fabric of conventional social relationships has all but disintegrated.

Some may argue that the black race is much less intelligent than the white, or perhaps compared to any other race and therefore are better suited to slavery as a way of life. In an abstract from an article in Nature, we read that Individual differences in human intelligence, as assessed using cognitive test scores, have a well-replicated, hierarchical phenotypic covariance structure. They are substantially stable across the life course, and are predictive of educational, social, and health outcomes. From this solid phenotypic foundation and importance for life, comes an interest in the environmental, social, and genetic aetiologies of intelligence, and in the foundations of intelligence differences in brain structure and functioning. Although a long but still interesting article, the end result is as is expected with prediction of the intelligence of an individual from genetic or neuroimaging variables is not a practical and is the standardized refusal to acknowledge any differences in intelligence between races. Although I do concur at least in theory, we must also recognize the CULTERAL impacts on intelligence.

On the other hand, the American Renaissance magazine said that There is probably no greater intellectual crime than to point out that the average intelligence of blacks is significantly lower than that of other races. American society punishes those who publicly state this view almost as vigorously as Islamic republics punish anyone who defames the Prophet and that is absolutely correct. They then go on to explain that By whatever standard one chooses, blacks demonstrate at every opportunity that they are not equal to other races. The history of Africa and the status of blacks in the United States are roughly what we would expect if the races have different capacities. But if the races are equally intelligent, disciplined, and hard-working, then nothing aboutAfricaorAfrican-Americansmakes sense. Every disparity, every failure, every moment in history must be painstakingly explained. Wellll maybe and maybe not. I still see it as more CULTERAL rather than race genetics as produced by the aforementioned Nature article. But even cultural differences can make a large difference in measured intelligence.

They then go on to quote IQs of blacks in other cultures and they think they perform as poorly in all nations. But I still like the thoughts as printed in Psychology Today when they said IQ isn't a perfect measure ofintelligence. IQ is often misunderstood, misinterpreted, over interpreted, and over hyped by a number of test administrators, journalists, scientists, and laypeople. They go on to try to explain the Flynn Effect that shows that IQs tend to increase as society goes on which would seem to negate any DNA relationships. That, I suspect, is more along my line that it is cultural and not genetics to a larger degree, but I will not rule out some genetic relationship with IQ, or at least what is defined as intelligence by any given society which does vary a lot. But then, the above graph also follows linearly with the cranial capacity of the various races.

All of the above is meant to give some relationship to what we see and what we might assume as we consider many aspects of race and the almost universal rejection of the black race. I am not disparaging that race, nor am I saying you should. Rather, I am setting up a hypothesis that you might consider or at least to keep in mind as things go further awry in our very near future. If you recall my last column on the extermination of Humanity and the already obvious loss of population, please keep in mind the May 21st column on what reparations and the like are doing to us. I said in that one that thereal plan is to destroy most of the population of our people. thatthis is the actual plan; race war to destroy the United States and get its population down to the Agenda 2030 numbersmuch faster than it would otherwise while at the same timedrastically reducing the blacks percentage of that population. I meant it and I strongly suspect that this phony war on whites, although it has many different aspects, is primarily to get whites so upset and angry that we make war on the far less numerous blacks. Remember the basic battle plan of the Marxist is Top Down, Bottom Up to squeeze the center into compliance. We are being squeezed from every possible angle right now. The foreign Hispanic invaders are just as mad about the super special treatments of blacks by our government as we are, and as we also mentioned above that the percentages of whites versus blacks are insurmountable in a man on man battle in our cities for control. What I am suggesting is that this whole thing is a well laid out plan, a purposeful plan, to cause a race war that will all but wipe out the black race from our shores just as the democrats have been trying for so long to do.

This time they are using internal war to do what their previous attempts to do have failed and along with mass starvation of inner cities, the government brewed hatred of blacks, jealousies and theft of our funds to pay phony reparations, all out war with Russia and/or China with resulting total loss of infrastructure, food, medicine, and so much more, and the end result is mass death the likes of which we have never witnessed before. Am I wrong? Maybe, but not very far off of the truth even if I am wrong.

God Bless, we really need Him

Although 3 years old, this kind of hatred is what we can expect

The idiot left even know that race war is coming as this lib monkey shows, and the push against whites may trigger it.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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