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July 20, 2022

Bidenville's Pop Up Across America Bringing Indescribable Poverty And Widespread Destitution - Remind Historian Of 'Hooverville's' Where Every Day Was Worse Than Previous Day

- The Plight And Suffering Was Widespread And It Lasted For Years

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Whether one loves him or hates him, there's no doubt that Joe Biden, like a dog, is leaving his mark upon America.

While Steve Watson over at Summit News reported Tuesdaythe place in Delaware where Biden recently face planted into concrete has been named 'Brandon Falls' on google maps, what Steve Quayle said in an SQnote while linking to that story was 'prophetic and beyond coincidence', as the Washington Times reported on Sunday, "Bidenvilles" are popping up all across America in 2022.

Reporting within that story that "a worrisome icon of decades past has resurfaced and is worsening", with unregulated shantytowns made up of tents, tiny houses, RVs or ramshackle built-on-the-spot shelters popping up here, there and everywhere, as that story reports, this growing and alarming trend could be identified with President Biden, with "it just a matter of time before signs start sprouting up in the homeless areas of America proclaiming the existence of Bidenville" according to presidential historian and author Craig Shirley.

With Shirley warning of the past that "We had widespread destitution under Herbert Hoover, just as we do today under Joe Biden. The poverty was indescribable. The world looked to be all black and white. No green. No sunlight. No hope. The dark humor at the time led newspaper writers to call them Hoovervilles. Utter destitution. Every day was worse than the previous, just as under President Biden.From that Washington Times story.:

Mr. Shirley tells Inside the Beltway. Shantytowns of grinding poverty were spread across America in the late 1920s and into the 1930s. John Steinbeck wrote about them as did other Depression-era authors. Millions of people huddled together, eking out a miserable existence. Sickness, homeless, disease and starvation spread, just as today. The plight and suffering was widespread and it lasted for years, Mr. Shirley continues.

Mark Twain was right. History may not repeat itself, but it does rhyme, he once said. Mindless liberalism has led to the new Bidenvilles, the historian advises.

(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

With it now impossible to deny the severity of the mess that Biden and Democrats have gotten America into as Susan Duclos had reported in this Tuesday ANP story, we remind you that Biden once had big plans to end the homeless crisis in America but even the far left is going after his ineptness now, with the NY Times recently shellacking the left in this story, warning things were only getting worse.

Warning that policy failures and the problem of 'supply and demand' would likely continue to exacerbate the crisis for years to come, notice that the left talked a big game on all of this prior to the election and now has nothing at all to offer, to the point that even the left media must point this out or lose credibility with their own readers. From that NY Times story.:

Americas homelessness problem has the makings of an acute crisis.

Shelters across the U.S. are reporting a surge in people looking for help, with wait lists doubling or tripling in recent months. The number of homeless people outside of shelters is also probably rising, experts say. Some of them live in encampments, which have popped up in parks and other public spaces in major cities from Washington, D.C., to Seattle since the pandemic began.

And inflation is compounding the problem: Rent has increased at its fastest rate since 1986, putting houses and apartments out of reach for more Americans.

The crisis means more people do not know where they will sleep tonight. Living in the streets, people are exposed to more crime, violence and bad weather, including extreme heat. They can lose their job in the chaos of homelessness, and they often struggle to find another one without access to the internet or a mailing address. Theres a certain posture that you take when you are homeless, Ivan Perez, who lived in a tent in Los Angeles, told The Times. You lose your dignity.

Homelessness has become a particularly bad political problem for the Democrats who govern big cities, where it is most visible. It has played a role in recent elections, like the recall of San Franciscos district attorney last month. More Americans now say they worry a great deal about homelessness compared with the years before the pandemic.

The origins of the current homelessness crisis go back decades to policies that stopped the U.S. from building enough housing, experts said. Seven million extremely low-income renters cannot get affordable homes, according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition.

Yet that NY Times story didn't directly lay the blame for scenes like the ones in the images above and below at the feet of Joe Biden and Democrats where it belongs like the Washington Times story did. Though anyone paying attention knows, this growing homeless crisis, like the food shortages, is a downhill steamroller out of control with no brakes and nothing in the way to stop it.

So with 'Bidenville's' popping up all across America under Biden and Democrats in 2022, none of us should be the least bit surprised by this July 13th story over at the Daily Mail reporting a former homeless camp in Hunter Biden's former neighborhood has returned with Hunter leaving, taking the Secret Service along with him and angering his former neighbors.

Showing us once again that the globalists truly believe they live in a different world than the rest of us do and under a different set of laws, as one angry neighbor said of the return of the homeless camps in their neighborhood, "The Biden's live a different life from the rest of us!"

With one of the tents seen in the image above at least having the courage to fly the American flag, reminding us that many US Veterans who sacrifice their time and their lives for us far too often have no homes to go to when they return from the Services, did anyone really think Biden and the left would help such Veterans, or homeless people in general, as he promised prior to being elected? Nope, we didn't either.

Each of the videos below take a look at the various aspects of the growing crisis looked at within this story, with the first video out of far-left Portland pointing out how families in a Portland residential neighborhood are having huge problems with the new homeless camps that have sprung up in their area, camps that are the direct result of Portland politics as reported in this new Epoch Times story.

And with the 2nd video taking a look at the enterprising moves made by one homeless Texas man who has built his new temporary home in a tree, the final video below from Infowars takes a look at the overall financial Armageddon that America and the world now face under Biden and the 'great reset' pushing us closer and closer to the 'desired effect' of Biden and the globalists policies, a financial and economic nightmare for Americans that is reminding historians of the 1920's and 1930's.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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