December 19, 2022
Pandora's Box Has Been Opened: The 'Deep State' Exposed As 100-Plus Former Intel Community Members Positioned And Targeting Conservatives To Be 'Silenced'
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
Say what you will about Elon Musk, and believe me the media and liberals across the Internet are hating on him daily, but he has exposed the inner workings of a large social media company, to show how half the nation is being targeted to be silenced by what has been called the "Deep State."
Long story short: The 'Deep State" are individuals, in and outside of the government, that work behind the scenes to control America.
In 2020 they worked tirelessly to prevent President Trump from serving a second term, and what we have learned from Elon Musk allowing internal documentation to be released to Independent journalists to disseminate on Twitter, is that the Deep State did far more than just target conservatives for censorship.
Most conservatives already knew much of this, but without the internal communications being released, there was no proof that saw the light of day.
That has changed in a big way, and has also led to some other very disturbing revelations.
The initial four releases covered a lot of ground from the coordinated efforts of Twitter leaders to ban Donald Trump, while he was a sitting President, and to leave that ban in place even after acknowledging amongst themselves there was no legitimate reasoning or violations to justify the ban, to the deliberate suppression of a true news story about Hunter Biden's laptop "from hell."
Key quotes from a Washington Examiner story to catch us up before delving into the "Twitter supplemental files" released on Sunday, December 18, 2022:
The information Musk released essentially confirmed what we already knew: that Twitter suppressed the New York Post story without having a legitimate reason to do so. Twitter executives embraced the false notion that the story was "Russian disinformation" as a rationale to kill the story as far as Twitter was concerned.
Why did they do that? Twitter head of site integrity, Yoel Roth said in a declaration to the FEC:
In that declaration, Roth said that since 2018, he had had "regular meetings with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and industry peers regarding election security." Roth revealed that in those meetings, the federal government officials said they were expecting some sort of 2016-style foreign election interference in the lead-up to the 2020 election. Here is what Roth said, in its entirety:
During these weekly meetings, the federal law enforcement agencies communicated that they expected "hack and leak" operations by state actors might occur in the period shortly before the 2020 presidential election, likely in October. I was told in these meetings that the intelligence community expected that individuals associated with political campaigns would be subject to hacking attacks and that material obtained through those hacking attacks would likely be disseminated over social media platforms, including Twitter. These expectations of hack-and-leak operations were discussed throughout 2020. I also learned in these meetings that there were rumors that a hack-and-leak operation would involve Hunter Biden.
As a side note because it is extremely relevant to the claims that the intel community, specifically in this case, the FBI, were deliberately working to interfere with a presidential election, we see what Americans think would have happened if the FBI had not used social media to interfere.
79% say truthful coverage of Hunter Bidens laptop would have changed 2020 election
Key points:
On the subject of the 2020 election, 79% overall said it was very or somewhat likely that a truthful interpretation of the laptop would have resulted in the reelection of former President Donald Trump instead of the election of President Biden.
Among Republicans, 57% were strongly convinced Trump would have won, compared to 48% of independents and just 44% of Democrats.
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If that isn't enough we now have more bombshells by way of another Twitter Files dump, referenced as a supplemental, and information on how the FBI, NSA, CIA, and DHS, have also infiltrated the ranks of Facebook employees.
A Twitter user did some deep digging after finding out about the FBI and Twitter, and found that Facebook currently employ 17 former CIA agents, 37 FBI, 23 NSA and 38 DHS employees.
115 Facebook employees were part of the intel community, and as we will discuss after this segment, those same agencies were involved in "silencing" any type of news that didn't fit the "official narrative," they wanted pushed.
The Facebook employee claims are not just a random claim as the Twitter user also provides a large list of those Facebook employees, along with their LinkedIn profiles showing they did indeed work for the U.S. intelligence community previously.
The following is a list (obtained through PUBLICLY available LinkedIn profiles) of former CIA/FBI/NSA/DHS that are currently working at Facebook, at least 10 work in the Trust & Safety (Misinfo) department. Many of the LinkedIn profiles are private so those will not be posted.
It is a very long list even with the private accounts excluded, and we have more to cover, so head on over the Thread Reader at this link with everything listed on one web page, to see the positions these people hold.
The reason they went looking isn't just because the FBI was using Twitter as its own subsidiary, but that 15 former FBI agents had been employed by Twitter.
One of which was Jim Baker, which played his part in the Russian collusion hoax.
Baker was also terminated from Twitter when Elon Musk found out he was suppressing information that was to be released as part of the Twitter Files reports regarding the censorship of the Hunter Biden story before the 2020 presidential election.
Baker, a former top FBI lawyer, was discovered to be secretly vetting the internal Twitter documents before they could be reviewed by journalists, leading to a delay in the release of more material related to the companys censorship scandal.
On Friday, the first installment of the Twitter files was published here. We expected to publish more over the weekend. Many wondered why there was a delay, independent journalist Matt Taibbi tweeted on Tuesday.
We can now tell you part of the reason why. On Tuesday, Twitter Deputy General Counsel (and former FBI General Counsel) Jim Baker was fired. Among the reasons? Vetting the first batch of Twitter Files without knowledge of new management, Taibbi added.
The Twitter Files Supplemental: Once again left to Matt Taibbi to disseminate the supplemental files, we see even more concerning information as to how the FBI treated Twitter as if they owned it.
In July of 2020, San Francisco FBI agent Elvis Chan tells Twitter executive Yoel Roth to expect written questions from the Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), the inter-agency group that deals with cyber threats.
Tiabbi offered up the email as evidence, and then the actual questionnaire they sent:
The questionnaire authors seem displeased with Twitter for implying, in a July 20th DHS/ODNI/FBI/Industry briefing, that you indicated you had not observed much recent activity from official propaganda actors on your platform.
There is more and you can read it all over at Twitchy, but the point here is that the FBI was acting as a conduit for the Intel community, yet many in that community are forbidden from domestic operations. Using the FBI, they were bypassing the legalities.
THE DEEP STATE....................
The liberal website Wikipedia claims the Deep State is a "conspiracy theory," despite the fact that even the MSM has reported peripherally on it. Others call it a "Shadow government," which is an accurate description.
The Cambridge Dictionary describes it in the following manner:
"Organizations such as military, police, or political groups that are said to work secretly in order to protect particular interests and to rule a country without being elected."
Then they point out that some call it a conspiracy theory, which is a far better that Wiki's insistence that it is a conspiracy theory.
The Epoch Times highlights how the Deep State goes deeper than originally thought.
State governments also flagged content, Taibbi wrote, noting that Twitter also received reports via the Partner Support Portal, an entity established by a partner organization to the DHS called the Center for Internet Security (CIS).
In one case, Twitter executives received an alert from California officials via the Partner Support Portal regarding a tweet by former President Donald Trump that claimed California hired a pure Sleepy Joe Democrat firm to count and harvest votes, and that California is in big trouble.
Trumps tweet wasnt acted upon and a message from California officials demanded to know why no action was taken.
The files also show an instance where a video was flagged by the Election Integrity Project (EIP) at Stanford, apparently on the strength of information from the CIS.
If thats confusing, its because the CIS is a DHS contractor, describes itself as partners with the Cyber and [Infrastructure] Security Agency (CISA) at the DHS, Taibbi wrote, adding that the EIP is one of a series of government-affiliated think tanks that mass-review content, a list that also includes the Atlantic Councils Digital Forensics Research Laboratory, and the University of Washingtons Center for Informed Policy.
The takeaway: what most people think of as the deep state is really a tangled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors, and (sometimes state-funded) NGOs. The lines become so blurred as to be meaningless, he said.
Just as with the Greek Mythological Pandora's Box, Elon Musk has allowed the truth to escape the confines of social media giants, and the internal workings of the Deep State.
For those that do not read Independent Media, and trust the national media to keep them informed, what they everything they see online or are told by the MSM, is controlled by the U.S. intel community and other organizations, including some foreign state actors.
News, such as the Hunter Biden laptop, that a majority of Americans say would have flipped the 2020 presidential election, including more than 40% of democrats, was deliberately hidden by social media companies at the direct behest of the FBI, as a conduit for the rest of the intel community.
Many of us knew it but couldn't prove it, and love him or hate him, Elon Musk has just exposed it all.
Now we just wait for the Twitter Files dump on the controlling of information and silencing of debate on Covid.
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