January 5, 2025
The Pandemic Planners Come For Hoof And HenAnd Us Again - 'Pandemic Preparedness' Is A Gigantic, Deadly Protection Racket, It Is Like Arsonists Running The Fire Department
By Clayton J. Baker, MD via Brownstone Institute and All News Pipeline
On December 31, 2024, the world received a year-end parting gift from the good folks at NIAID, Anthony Faucis old fiefdom at the National Institutes of Health. NIAID the same unaccountable and secretive agency that Fauci used to fund the gain-of-function research of Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill and the Bat Lady in Wuhan that resulted in Covid has a new director, one Dr. JeanneMarrazzo.
Marrazzo and another NIAID colleague, Dr. Michael G. Ison, wrote a year-endeditorialin theNew England Journal of Medicinethat accompanies aresearch paperon recent H5N1 Bird flu cases in the United States, as well as acase reportof a lone case of severe illness associated with Bird flu in British Columbia.
Marrazzo and Ison summarize the findings of the research paper and case report as follows:
Investigators now report in theJournala series of human cases from the United States and Canada.The former series involves 46 case patients with generally mild, self-limited infection with [Influenza type] A(H5N1): 20 with exposure to poultry, 25 with exposure to dairy cows, and 1 with undefined exposure.Most case patients presented with conjunctivitis, almost half with fever, and a minority with mild respiratory symptoms, and all recovered. The only hospitalization occurred in the case patient with undefined exposure, although hospitalization was not for respiratory illness.
They elaborate on the single case of serious illness:
In Canada, a 13-year-old girl with mild asthma and obesity presented with conjunctivitis and fever and had progression to respiratory failureAfter treatment that included oseltamivir, amantadine, and baloxavir, she recovered.
In other words:
- Over an eight-month period, from March to October 2024, 46 cases of human bird flu occurred in the United States, a country of 336 million people.
- There were zero deaths.
- 45 out of 46 infected persons had known exposure to animals.
- The majority of the cases consisted of conjunctivitis (commonly known as pink eye).
- Only one US patient was hospitalized, but this was not due to pneumonia the principal life-threatening complication of influenza and the patient recovered.
- One severe case was identified in Canada, a country of 40 million people, in an asthmatic, morbidly obese girl. She was treated successfully with respiratory support and existing antiviral medications, and she recovered.
Does this sound to you like a public health emergency worthy of the legacy medias recent exhumation of discredited Covid-era fear-mongers like Dr. Leana Wen and Dr. Deborah Scarf Lady Birx? Does it justify their hair-on-fire pronouncements on cable news shows everywhere, pushing for indiscriminate PCR testing of animals and emergency authorization of more mRNA vaccines for humans?
Does this sound to you like justification to continue to kill and destroy (pro tip: cull means kill and destroy) millions upon millions of farm animals, when most animals who contract Bird flu survive, recover, and develop immunity?
Does this sound to you like justification for another Emergency Use Authorization of another mRNA vaccine?
No? Me neither.
But wait, theres more.
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In their editorial, NIAID experts Marrazzo and Ison fail to mention the following:
- There have been zero cases of human-to-human transmission of this virus.
- The current circulating clade of the virus hasbeen determinedby independent researchers to very likely have originated at a US Government gain-of-function laboratory, namely the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, GA.
- Multiple bioweapons laboratories, including theYoshihiro Kawaokalab at the University of Wisconsin, and theRon Fouchier labin the Netherlands (both of which have been affiliated with NIAID and with work done at SEPRL) have been doing gain-of-function research on Bird flu for many years, including experiments so outrageously dangerous that their work prompted President Obamas ultimately unsuccessful ban of gain-of-function research in 2014.
- In 2019,NIAID reapproved and resumed fundingKawaoka and Fouchiers dangerous work at increasing human transmissibility of Bird flu the very same gain-of-function research that had prompted Obamas ban.
- According to its package insert, Audenz, the current Bird flu vaccine, was associated withdeath in 1 out of every 200 recipients, compared to 1 in 1,000 placebo recipients.
- According toopenthebooks.com, and as reported in theNew York Post, NIH scientistsreceived royaltiestotaling $325 million from pharmaceutical companies and foreign entities over more than a decade.
So, what are our friends at NIAIDs recommendations?
For one, they stress the urgent need for vigilant surveillance of emerging mutations and assessment of the threat of human-to-human transmission.
Are they advocating for the willy-nilly testing of entire livestock herds, as promoted by Birx, which is sure to create a preponderance of false positives?
Are they calling for the continued mass killing and destruction of millions upon millions of farm animals, whenever a fraction of the animals test positive for the virus?
Instead of PCR-swabbing every cow, chicken, and farm worker on Earth, how about we stop creating new mutant variants of H5N1 in the labs, since thats where the current problem originated? How about we stop funding such utter madness with our tax dollars, funneled through corrupt government agencies like NIAID?
After all, you dont save Tokyo by creating Godzilla.
But Marrazzo and Ison make no mention of this common-sense, sane approach. Instead, they also stress the need for more you guessed it vaccines. They write:
we must continue to pursue development and testing of medical countermeasuresStudies have shown the safety and immunogenicity of A(H5N1) vaccinesstudies are ongoing to develop messenger RNAbased A(H5N1) vaccines and other novel vaccines that can provide protection against a broad range of influenza viruses, including A(H5N1).
Aside from attesting to the safety of a product where 1 in 200 users die, the use of the word countermeasures is extremely telling. It is a military term, not a medical one. We have already seen this game played with Covid. The gain-of-function lab research is done to produce a lab-manipulated, weaponized version of a virus, a version that is transmissible among and toxic to humans in other words, a bioweapon. The vaccine is the countermeasure to the bioweapon. The vaccine is the intellectual property of those who created the bioweapon, and it is worth a fortune once the weapon has been unleashed. It is as simple as that.
Pandemic preparedness is a gigantic, deadly protection racket. I have described it in the past asarsonists running the fire department. That is precisely what happened with Covid, and that is what is being attempted with H5N1 Bird flu.
Moving forward to a new administration that has expressed a commitment to rooting out corruption in the pharmaceutical/medical/public health realm, improving the health of citizens, and restoring trustworthiness in medicine, I recommend the following steps to combat the H5N1 Bird flu, and to end the pandemic preparedness racket that threatens to hold the world hostage again and again, as it did during Covid.
- Immediately end and outlaw all gain-of-function and other bioweapons research in and funded by the United States, and apply all possible diplomatic pressure to eradicate it from the Earth.
- Eliminate all special protections from liability for vaccines, including the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and the PREP Act.
- Refocus Infectious Disease research on new therapeutics, rather than power-seeking and profit-driven vaccine development.
- Completely reform the National Institutes of Health, and close the incorrigibly corrupt NIAID altogether.
The fear pornographers must be discredited. We must make realistic and sensible decisions about our food supply.
We must learn the lessons of Covid, and live in knowledge rather than in fear.
We must end the protection rackets, confidence games, and shakedowns that government insiders impose on us like mafiosi.
Happy New Year!
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