May 29, 2024
These Madmen Fully Believe In Their Minds That They Can Get Away With Full-Scale Genocide Because 'They Got Away With Mass Murder Once, They Can Get Away With It Again'
- Our Message Is Loud And Clear: We Will Not Comply
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
With it now officially on record through the hard work of Missouri Senator Josh Hawley that the CIA had it's hand in the creation of COVID-19 and the 'deep state' was deeply involved in the 'pandemic,' (though certainly none of that being a surprise to ANP readers,) and more Americans 'awakening' every day to this 'crime of the millennium' that is still being waged upon not only the American people but people living all across the planet, it's time the American people DEMAND that those involved with this crime are prosecuted and held fully accountable for what they've unleashed upon the planet, especially withJapans most senior cancer doctor, Dr. Masanori Fukushima, claiming COVID shots are essentially murder.
With still NOBODY being held accountable for the literal genocide that they've unleashed upon humanity and it being YEARS already after the 'start' of 'the event' showing us why these madmen believe fully in their minds that they're in a position to get away with mass murder, and showing us why they most certainly believe that 'if they can get away with it once, they can get away with it again,' and as we'll explore in this story, attacking us again with a new bio-weapon is certainly high on their list.
And while most brainwashed Americans STILL can't see that agencies of the US government were deeply involved in this bioweapon attack upon the world, just as they couldn't see that the US government itself was instrumental in planning and carrying out the attacks back on 9/11/2001 as pointed out in this must-read new story over at Natural News, if those of us remaining who see 'the crime' for 'the crime' that it was ALLOW them to, we'll soon be going through that madness all over again, with nobody to blame but ourselves for failing to put a final stop to them when we could.
Because while the 'Biden crime cabal' has gotten millions of dumbed down Americans to be more concerned about 'protecting' their 'gender identity' than they're concerned about exactly which US government agencies may be poisoning them with the latest deadly bioweapons they've concocted and released upon the masses, and most of them having no idea what-so-ever that Bill Gates has been busy funding just how they can make the latest brand of 'bird flu' more dangerous and deadlywith 'gain of function research' so that it can wipe out even more of humanity, millions and millions continue to die from the 'turbo cancers' which the vaxxes have unleashed to do their 'dirty work,' and this 'bird flu concoction' is being unleashed just in time to coincide with the next US election.
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And as Michael Snyder points out in this important story over at End of the American Dream, it's MUCH MORE than 'just a coincidence' thatthe WHOs 'Pandemic Treaty' and a so-called 'bird flu crisis' are both arriving at the same time. Throwing in the fact that they're arriving in the middle of another election year, the globalists are getting a 'three for the money,' and we can expect them to maximize the 'fear factor' so that they can maximize the damage.
And with both the United States and Europe already taking steps to acquire or manufacture H5N1 bird flu vaccinesfor poultry and dairy farm workers, veterinarians and lab technicians according to this new story over at Reuters, we expect it won't be long until the general public is also in the 'vaccine line of fire'.
And just in time as we read in this new story over at Penn Medicine,Penn Researchers are working on developing an 'experimental mRNA Avian Flu Vaccine'. Can you say "Fooled me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."Because that will certainly be the 'line of the day' if we let them get away with this madness once again, and Americans start lining up once again, for another experimental mRNA 'death shot' that will surely only kill off more brainwashed Americans than 'it saves'.
Yet with U.S officials ALREADY saying last week that they are moving bulk vaccine from CSL Seqirus (CSL.AX) new lab that closely matches the current virus into finished shots that could provide 4.8 million doses of vaccine, we see that the globalists devious new plan has already been set in motion under the guise of 'protecting' public health, though as we saw in COVID, it was no such thing.

With the Associated Press putting out the tweet seen above just yesterdayclaiming that Iowa farmers must now kill off 4.2 million chickens after 'bird flu' had allegedly hit an Iowa egg farm proving that the globalists next devious plan to cull a rather large portion of humanity has already been set into motion, and warnings coming from the CDC that quite often, there are no symptoms of the disease in human beings (so everybody better go out and get the new vax anyways, just in case you're one of the ones who might get the 'ebola-like symptoms of bleeding from the eyeballs) clearly meant to confound and confuse those who still believe a word the government tell them, until the devils in the CIA are held accountable for the last round of genocide they unleashed upon America and the planet, just expect more of the same.
And with another election just around the corner telling us they'll be rolling out the 'get your mail in ballots' scam that they used to steal the last election once again, especially if 'brain dead Joe' continues to look like the washed up old man that he is in the eyes of the majority of the American people, it's become easier every day to see the direction this is headed.
As this previously mentioned story over at Natural News had bluntly warned us about 'what was to come' unless the America people put a final stop to this madness, the globalists have their minds set on genocide, and they got away with mass murder the first time around, so we should all be prepared for them to kick up the insanity this time around.
The eugenicist billionaires are currently working on exterminating at least half the worlds population, and though Fauci and his Wuhan cohorts have all but admitted to planning the whole pandemic, the ever-increasing hard evidence, their backpedaling of narratives and recent confessions lead straight to their mass-murdering culpability.
So will the brainwashed Americans who watch fake TV news and read the contrived-news newspapers daily ever follow the bouncing ball of guilt and evidence so far that they see the whole pandemic was actually a planned scamdemic, including creating billions of DIRTY mRNA VACCINES that were all but administered at gunpoint? Probably not.
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