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April 27, 2023

How Inter-generational Organized Crime Operates In 'Lockstep' With The CIA, Global Govt, World Economic Forum And The CFR To Create The Bioweapons To 'Cull' And Control The World

By ETIENNE DE LA BOETIE2 of the Art of Liberty Foundation for All News Pipeline

The World Economic Forum (WEF) was founded on January 24th, 1971, as the European Management Forum (EMF) by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab. Evidence points to Schwab being recruited by former Secretary of State, Rockefeller advisor, and head of the National Security Council Henry Kissinger during a seminar series at Harvard funded by the CIA in 1967. Herman Kahn and John Kenneth Galbraith would help get the EMF off the ground by traveling to Europe to help with Schwabs recruitment efforts.

When I mention our names like Mrs. [Angela] Merkel, and even Vladimir Putin and so on, they have all been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now is the young generation: Prime Minister [Justin) Trudeau, president of Argentina [Alberto Fernndez], and so on that we penetrate the cabinets. So, yesterday, I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet or even more than half of his cabinet are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Form.

Klaus Schwab, WEF founder and Executive Chairman

All three were members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the US branch of Cecil Rhodess Anglo-American imperialist Round Table network that had established outposts in most Anglo countries and penetrated the cabinets and media in the US and Europe in previous decades (and currently) the exact same way that Schwabs WEF has done in this decade.

The WEF appears to be a front for this network and the intelligence agencies. The WEF sits at the intersection of government, central banking, fractional reserve banking, and what appear to be companies that have been acquired and monopolized using money stolen through fractional reserve banking.

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Monopoly - Who Owns the World? Covers the monopolization of everything and control through Blackrock and Vanguard.

We speculate that certain asset managers such as Blackrock/ Barclays, Vanguard, and State Street have also been managing the fortunes and foundation assets of the inter-generational organized crime network as they appear to be operating in lockstep. The WEF is the newest front organization that provides organized crime interests the reason for large-scale meetings in secure facilities and provides a framework for organizing 1,000+ companies, NGOs, and media organizations.

At the 2018 Davos annual meeting, more than 3,000 participants from nearly 110 countries included more than 340 public figures, including 70+ heads of state and governments, 45 heads of international organizations; 230 media representatives and almost 40 cultural leaders, and 500 journalists from online, print, radio, and television.

The WEF is essentially running the same playbook, essentially uncloaked during The Covid. The WEFs Young Global Leaders Program is a talent identification program for identifying, developing and integrating the next generation of political puppets, media propagandists, and corporate apparatchiks into key positions in the inter-generational organized crime system.

Other feeder programs include John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (middle school/high school age children), which feeds the Rhodes Scholar program (college students + grad students) + Secret Societies (Skull and Bones, Scroll & Key, Manuscript, etc.), which feeds the WEF Young Global Leaders Program.

Covid Key WEF Players

Bill Gates Primary funder of WHO, pandemic modelers (N. Ferguson & C. Murray), built 7 vaccine factories

George Soros Partnered with Bill Gates to buy Mologic213- Maker of Covid Test Kits.

Klaus Schwab- Organized 1000+ companies, non-profits and media organizations bought up with fractional reserve currencies.

Vladimir Putin President of Russia, distracting from Covid with engineered war, connected to Schwab and Kissinger.

Jeff Bezos - #1 beneficiary of lockdowns, control-of-perception media: Amazon (books/reviews), Prime Video, Wash. Post

Central Bankers, Bankers and Global Asset Managers

Central banks backstop the money center banks to engage in fractional reserve banking even though it is inflationary and stealing the value from everyone elses money. They have essentially given themselves unlimited capital and are buying up the world with their little paper tickets and digital money. Asset managers like Blackrock, Vanguard and Brookfield manage companies bought up and monopolized by fractional reserve banking.

Laurence D. Fink Chair/CEO of BlackRock, now managing US Fed Special Purpose Vehicles.

Mark Carney Former head of Bank of Canada, Bank of England, ex-Goldman Sachs, current vice chair of Brookfield (Canadian BlackRock)

Christine Lagarde President of the European Central Bank

Media - Censorship & Control-of-Perception

Control of perception is the most powerful weapon in the world. Can inter-generational organized crime control the information the population receives to distract and deceive them about the reality of government, 9-11 or The Covid? Done through monopolization of the media and algorithmic censorship of the dominant internet search, social media, video sharing, fact-checking, and comment platforms.

Marc Zuckerberg CEO and chair of Facebook, was caught censoring truthful information on the scam of The Covid.

Sergey Brin Co-founder of Google Google was caught censoring truthful information on the scam of The Covid.

Souad Mekhennet - Staff Reporter, The Washington Post

Justin Fox - Journalist, Bloomberg, USA

Alessandra Galloni - Editor-in-Chief, Thomson Reuters, UK

Maria Bartiromo - Anchor and Global Markets Editor, Fox Business Network, USA

About the Author

Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, the author of Government The Biggest Scam in History Exposed! and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media. All his important links can be found at

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